ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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nt can't even band together lol

dudes acting like 800 is a good price, the brain wash is too strong

supply and demand tho, the price is what it is

so many better shoes you can get at $800. It baffles me seeing people drop 1 to 3k on yeezys when they can easily grab multiple sneakers that are higher quality, comfier, and much much more cheaper. And tbh, it doesn't take an expensive pair of shoes to get a female to compliment you :smh: But hey it aint my money these people are spending. I just want people to open their eyes and stop their impulse thoughts/purchases. The sneaker culture is saturated.
I think peoples value system in today's world in certain ways, right now, is heading in the complete wrong direction. To think that spending anywhere from $800-$1500 on a SHOE is a good deal is ridiculous. I understand wanting something really bad, especially a sneaker considering how much I appreciate sneaker design. If people had more patience and waited, those resell prices would certainly go down. With that patience, those thinking about paying that much for a shoe, can look back from the future and realize their lives aren't any better for having a shoe. In fact think of all the other awesome things you could do with $800-$1500!! You could go on an fantastic vacation, go to cedar point multiple times, go skydiving, learn to play an instrument, etc. The possibilities are endless. You buy a shoe, you got exactly that. A shoe. Some piece of leather that wont last a life time. A piece of rubber that will certainly breakdown. In the end, just some worthless material possession. Its human experiences that last a lifetime. If your someone who can wipe your *** with $800-$1500and you value that, then cool, good for you.  I don't think most people here can afford that. People should relax and realize they can't get EVERY shoe that comes out. You WILL miss out on certain shoe releases. That's the way the game is right now. Shoes aren't that important. .A $1500 shoe won't change your life. However, spending that $1500 on a life experience certainly could!! Take some deep breathes and move on...

Rep this man!
i think this is the funniest post i ve ever seen..the guy wants 2 pairs of the list..including yeezy 2 to trade you the yeezy boosts..not to mention that normally he is the one who has to offer 2 pairs of yeezy boosts to get one pair of the list..lmao 
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Kids buy what you want with your money ! If your broke and don't work or if you make less than 1500 a week DONT BUY RESELL

Most ignorant than ever said in this thread go tell that to warren Buffett
Paying resell is not a matter of ones Wealth

Trust me I can easily buy them (for my brother I can care less about them to be honest)

that's a what a good job and education affords u

But to be like that cornball Sami and basically try to put people in social economical catoigories based on their ablility to pay almost triple retail

Is by far the purest form of bigotry I have read in this forum in a while i hope ur Bentley and mc mansion go well with ur yeezys sir.

Besides have you looked at what the average American makes ain't many in here pocketing 72,000k a year.

I mean living in the south you damn beard millionaire status with that lmao!!!

Up north that's chump change espcially in the city. FOH WITH YOU POOR LOGIC
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Most ignorant than ever said in this thread go tell that to warren Buffett
Paying resell is not a matter of ones Wealth

Trust me I can easily buy them (for my brother I can care less about them to be honest)

that's a what a good job and education affords u

But to be like that cornball Sami and basically try to put people in social economical catoigories based on their ablility to pay almost triple retail

Is by far the purest form of bigotry I have read in this forum in a while i hope ur Bentley and mc mansion go well with ur yeezys sir.

Besides have you looked at what the average American makes ain't many in here pocketing 72,000k a year.

I mean living in the south you damn beard millionaire status with that lmao!!!

Up north that's chump change espcially in the city. FOH WITH YOU POOR LOGIC


Relax home slice , I can careless what the next man buys... All I said is buy what you want with your money, but be smart with it.

I just wouldn't suggest a person that doesn't work or makes min wage to buy shoes from resellers .
Oh god don't even start with Sami. I'm pretty sure he has a Kanye shrine in his closet. Dude is the biggest Ye ********r
Ye and KB 
This form sucks , everyone in here is just complaing now-

I miss Dj Pronto -PR Girl- and Sami lol

Relax home slice , I can careless what the next man buys... All I said is buy what you want with your money, but be smart with it.

I just wouldn't suggest a person that doesn't work or makes min wage to buy shoes from resellers .
LOL tell me what is smart about paying over 1000+ for a pair of these shoes.  Even if you can afford it, even if you are Warren Buffet, that is NOT a smart move.  Problem with this place is whenever someone is giving real honest advice, people want to say that they are salty, they are complaining, they cant afford it etc..

NOBODY should buy shoes from resellers.  But Im just wasting bandwidth repeating myself
ill break it down ANYONE buying sneakers at CRAZY RESELL prices are either a)in high school or b)HAVE ZERO PRIORITIES

no adult in their right mind would pay some of these insane prices. KANYE SAID IT HIMSELF 2000$ FOR SOME SHOES SPEND THAT MONEY ON YOUR FAMILY, but he's a family man now thats why he thinks like that. Old kanye would have paid that but with age comes wisdom and responsibilities. If NT made you put your age in your sig or under your user name maybe some of us would understand your arguments. Different ages different level of wisdom. The end
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LOL tell me what is smart about paying over 1000+ for a pair of these shoes.  Even if you can afford it, even if you are Warren Buffet, that is NOT a smart move.  Problem with this place is whenever someone is giving real honest advice, people want to say that they are salty, they are complaining, they cant afford it etc..

NOBODY should buy shoes from resellers.  But Im just wasting bandwidth repeating myself
you don't realize how ignorant people are but then they invented internet forums and comment sections and twitter and you see it all day everyday
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I would never spend over 400 for a pair of sneakers.. U can buy much more with that kind of money.. That's like 8 hoodies right there. I would rather buy 8 $50 hoodies than 1 $400 sneakers.
advice which I'm starting to follow myself, start to veer from the BASIC ***** sneakers and broaden your horizons. i live in NYC so 9 out of 10 people are a 'sneaker head' aka buy every jordan release
why are people in here concerned with how someone else spends their $? if you have disposable income who cares? why do people buy art at ridiculous prices? collectibles? memorabilia? to call someone dumb for willing to spend in the aftermarket is dumb in itself, y'all coming off as bitter.
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All this boot talk got me thinking. If these Red Ted Mosby boots said Yeezy on them and kanye wore them and hyped them up yall would all be wanting them
LOL tell me what is smart about paying over 1000+ for a pair of these shoes.  Even if you can afford it, even if you are Warren Buffet, that is NOT a smart move.  Problem with this place is whenever someone is giving real honest advice, people want to say that they are salty, they are complaining, they cant afford it etc..

NOBODY should buy shoes from resellers.  But Im just wasting bandwidth repeating myself

Lol what is smart about playing over $100+ for a pair of any shoes. Even if you can afford it.
Lol what is smart about owing more than 5 pair shoes. Even if you can afford it.

why are people in here concerned with how someone else spends their $? if you have disposable income who cares? why do people buy art at ridiculous prices? collectibles? memorabilia? to call someone dumb for willing to spend in the aftermarket is dumb in itself, y'all coming off as bitter.
bc it directly ***** up this culture
ill break it down ANYONE buying sneakers at CRAZY RESELL prices are either a)in high school or b)HAVE ZERO PRIORITIES

no adult in their right mind would pay some of these insane prices. KANYE SAID IT HIMSELF 2000$ FOR SOME SHOES SPEND THAT MONEY ON YOUR FAMILY, but he's a family man now thats why he thinks like that. Old kanye would have paid that but with age comes wisdom and responsibilities. If NT made you put your age in your sig or under your user name maybe some of us would understand your arguments. Different ages different level of wisdom. The end
the same can be said about wasting time coming into this thread or this forum when you can spend that time with your family. 
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