Sure. If the Democrats don't win, elections don't end winnerless.

If Democrats don't win, the GOP does. Point out where, in the GOP platform, are the issues dear to ADOS in particular are addressed.

Let me be blunt:
Minorities in general, and Black folks in particular, are bargaining from a position of demographic and/or financial weakness. That demographic/financial weakness translates into political weakness. Now, there are ways to remedy this, but none of them involves the kind of ultimatum you want to see happen.

Opening up the voting process will allow more Black voices to be heard; opening up representation in Congress by moving away from a "winner-take-all" format and towards systems like proportional representation will allow more Black voices to be independent and actually form political parties centered around Black issues. None of those ideas are discussed within the GOP, and there are many Democrats who support such policies. And when you have that independent presence within the legislative branch, you can make those demands. Right now, you are wasting your time.

In fact, the GOP would be happy if they didn't have to spend so much money trying to stop Black folks from using all their American rights, such as the 1st amendment.
My turn to be blunt.... no black agenda, no vote
I want to point out that, generally speaking, Stephen A and Candace O couldn't be farther apart ideologically

when it comes to ADOS sensibilities, they're alot closer than you think.

ADOS folks basically are trading in identity politics for
tangible transactional politics, things that explicitly target their agenda.

It took corporate support to see maternity leave and marriage equality become mainstream issues. Those groups didn't do it on their own, and it is foolish to think that you can go at it alone.

Of course a minority group can't do it alone. That's why these other groups always look to black people for support. The problem is when black people start looking for specifics for them people get uncomfortable.
Aren’t you the same immigrant lecturing me on education. Let me slow it down for you. The. Democrats. Can’t. Win. Without. The. Black. Vote.

Lmfao where did you get I was an immigrant from? I said I was a first generation American meaning I was BORN IN AMERICA to the parents of immigrants :rofl:your reading comprehension is on zero and you have the nerve to scoff at free education as a form of reparation :rofl:wow. And then on top of that you still don’t get the point. The 2016 election just showed you that someone as incompetent as Trump even without the black vote could win the election. So what incentive does either party have to cater to black wants? Let us teach you brother. You’re lost AF.
Lmfao where did you get I was an immigrant from? I said I was a first generation American meaning I was BORN IN AMERICA to the parents of immigrants :rofl:your reading comprehension is on zero and you have the nerve to scoff at free education as a form of reparation :rofl:wow. And then on top of that you still don’t get the point. The 2016 election just showed you that someone as incompetent as Trump even without the black vote could win the election. So what incentive does either party have to cater to black wants? Let us teach you brother. You’re lost AF.
In an earlier post he said he would like to see Trump enact legislation that would get rid of immigrants. I wonder if he knows what the 14th amendment (the one that made you citizen at birth) means to ADOS.

when it comes to ADOS sensibilities, they're alot closer than you think.

ADOS folks basically are trading in identity politics for
tangible transactional politics, things that explicitly target their agenda.

the jig is up. ADOS are waking up to the con of the two party system. The DNC needs our votes to win and we will no longer give it away without specific policies that target our community. the DNC can lay out specifics for lbgtq and immigrant groups but when ADOS ask for an agenda that is for only them, we get vague, all inclusive promises. our voting power will no longer be taken for granted. No black agenda, no vote.

btw let me save you the effort cause I feel your next step was to compare my pov to Ann Coulter
Lmfao where did you get I was an immigrant from? I said I was a first generation American meaning I was BORN IN AMERICA to the parents of immigrants :rofl:your reading comprehension is on zero and you have the nerve to scoff at free education as a form of reparation :rofl:wow. And then on top of that you still don’t get the point. The 2016 election just showed you that someone as incompetent as Trump even without the black vote could win the election. So what incentive does either party have to cater to black wants? Let us teach you brother. You’re lost AF.

Exhibit a on why black immigrants and their offspring should really say less if they are not in full support of reparations for ADOS. 2016 wasn't an anomaly. since the civil rights act was passed, the republican party has neither courted or needed the black vote to win the presidential election. the republicans have little incentive to cater to the black vote at risk of alienating their base. it's been that way for 60+ years. the democrats on the other hand have treated the black vote as money in the bag as we have consistently given them an overwhelming percentage of our vote only for them to ignore us while making specific policies for other groups. fact of the matter is without our votes, trump is reelected. want to prevent that? support our cause as we supported candidates and policies that allowed your parents to migrate here.
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In an earlier post he said he would like to see Trump enact legislation that would get rid of immigrants. I wonder if he knows what the 14th amendment (the one that made you citizen at birth) means to ADOS.

Lmfao Son literally has no idea what he’s talking about and it’s low key saddening. Our people man :smh:


Exhibit a on why black immigrants and their offspring should really say less if they are not in full support of reparations for ADOS. 2016 wasn't an anomaly. since the civil rights act was passed, the republican party has neither courted or needed the black vote to win the presidential election. the republicans have little incentive to cater to the black vote at risk of losing their base. it's been that way for 60+ years. the democrats on the other hand have treated the black vote as money in the bag as we have consistently given them an overwhelming percentage of our vote only for them to ignore us while making specific policies for other groups. fact of the matter is without our votes, trump is reelected. want to prevent that? support our cause as we supported candidates and policies that allowed your parents to migrate here.

You’re talking in circles. You’re claiming to withhold your vote to allow a toxic republican to keep office and openly bemoaning Dems looking toward LGBT issues amongst others to take on to acquire votes. You’re encouraging black people to stay away from the polls thinking some magical white dem is gonna say “look there’s an untapped market for votes” instead of just looking for the next immediate demographic that is actually participating? Like what?? :lol: And Where did I say I wasn’t in support of Black causes? My very first post literally says I’m in full support of reparations. What are you smoking bro?
Kamala doing all the wrong things man.

I know Bernie has previously said no to reparations but that was in the past and at this point the issue is too popular to brush aside. This man could take the cake if he paid lip service to the conversation.

Julian Castro too. Actually I'd like to see Castro win it all just so that Trump can lose to a Mexican.
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First gen American from Ghanaian born parents. Way too divisive of a tool that would essentially destroy the black community from the inside out. I’m in full support of reparations to African Americans who are descendants of slaves in America but not this overt. Free college education should be the extent. Gives us a chance to truly invest in the future.

Lol @ the Dems picking the perfect time to self implode. 2nd term Trump is inevitable at this point :smh:

It's not divisive. We have to focus on our own thing and not take up for others anymore. Especially as far as immigration.
Kamala doing all the wrong things man.

I know Bernie has previously said no to reparations but that was in the past and at this point the issue is too popular to brush aside. This man could take the cake if he paid lip service to the conversation.

Julian Castro too. Actually I'd like to see Castro win it all just so that Trump can lose to a Mexican.

At this point, Kamala is ruining things for herself. Shes clearly out of touch with black people

And yea he'd be dumb not to entertain it. He need the black and female vote. Crazy to inagine he got so far without those two demographics. Maybe since Hilary not running he'll get more of the women vote
Stop lying.

As Massachusetts developed laws for legal marijuana, officials wrote what they claimed was a first-in-the-nation Social Equity Program explicitly to give members of those communities a leg up.

But this part of the state law isn't working — next to no black or Latino candidates have applied for licenses in Massachusetts.

"They're scared of the government, man," said Sieh Samura, an outspoken cannabis activist. "This is still a new thing. And there's taxes, there's the government, there's all kinds of things, you know. Just because people say it's legal ... it's not welcoming for everybody."

With this program, 50% of cannabis licenses have been reserved for Black and Brown folks in Somerville MA, those most impacted by the war on drugs.
Im all for the #ADOS movement for Foundational Black Americans, there should def be a call for reparations/assets/ tangible resources for descendants of Black American slaves. America became the worlds largest power so quick because hundreds of years of free labor from our ancestors

It's not divisive because there are other groups that have demands that fit their agenda and that's their right to (ex. LBGTQ, Women, the Jewish community, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, etc.)

Also that Pan Africanism is a one way street so far Ive only seen the arms open from Black people over here you don't see too much from our African family over there. I wonder why after slavery ended Countries in Africa especially Countries in west Africa never extended that to us with programs to migrate back??

To finish off, we still have love for our brothers and sisters from South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa but #ADOS is a movement that is necessary
Im all for the #ADOS movement for Foundational Black Americans, there should def be a call for reparations/assets/ tangible resources for descendants of Black American slaves. America became the worlds largest power so quick because hundreds of years of free labor from our ancestors

It's not divisive because there are other groups that have demands that fit their agenda and that's their right to (ex. LBGTQ, Women, the Jewish community, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, etc.)

Also that Pan Africanism is a one way street so far Ive only seen the arms open from Black people over here you don't see too much from our African family over there. I wonder why after slavery ended Countries in Africa especially Countries in west Africa never extended that to us with programs to migrate back??

To finish off, we still have love for our brothers and sisters from South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and Africa but #ADOS is a movement that is necessary

Because they had to deal with colonialism? Africa has their own issues when it comes to colonialism from European powers.
I'm in solidarity with the movement, I just wish folks would pay more attention to Yvette Carnell and Ta Nehisi Coates (who are both actually intellectuals), as opposed to Tariq Nasheed who is literally just doing this to sell T-shirts
Remember when I said it I hard for a group to be able to control it's message.

ADOS is suppose to be not hostile to other Non-ADOS black folk, but here we have a dude talking down on black immigrants, while repping ADOS hard. **** like this just poisons the pool.

Also, I really wish folk that talk so much about Dem needing the black vote to win, would look into why exactly the black vote went from a 60-40 split in 1960 to a 95-5 split in 1964, and why it stayed that way

I think some people have to do some soul searching. Do they want ADOS to be a grassroots movement that puts in the work to become a real Political force and get coalition support, or do they want it to be an online movement that scares and angers folk they are upset with.
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not voting is stupid, it's not like they call the election off because you didn't vote

The democratic party in america is not perfect by any stretch but cutting off your nose to spite your face is just dumb

you can demand more from democratic political leaders without handing leadership of the country over to a group of people who actively work against your best interest

black people absolutely should demand more for their vote but that doesn't mean you sit out elections until that happens
not voting is stupid, it's not like they call the election off because you didn't vote

The democratic party in america is not perfect by any stretch but cutting off your nose to spite your face is just dumb

you can demand more from democratic political leaders without handing leadership of the country over to a group of people who actively work against your best interest

black people absolutely should demand more for their vote but that doesn't mean you sit out elections until that happens

SIt out until your demands are met. We don't care who wins since nothing will change until we receive tangibles. I'd sit on my vote until there is someone that deserves it.
SIt out until your demands are met. We don't care who wins since nothing will change until we receive tangibles. I'd sit on my vote until there is someone that deserves it.

You should educate yourself more my man.

Laws change, supreme court and federal judges change, these things directly affect us and future generations, you wouldn't eat rat poison because your bagel is undercooked right?

Whats your issue with Tariq?

he's full of **** and a hustler
You should educate yourself more my man.

Laws change, supreme court and federal judges change, these things directly affect us and future generations, you wouldn't eat rat poison because your bagel is undercooked right?

he's full of **** and a hustler

lol i'm not going to vote for someone that doesnt have any tangibles for ADOS. How is he full of **** and a hustler? I'm curious to know.
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