Whats your issue with Tariq?

He spreads unfounded conspiracy theories and blatant anti-intellectualism (for example, advocating for not vaccinating your children)

He's a hustler who's more interested in accruing personal wealth through t-shirts and DVD sales than in any meaningful race-conscious activism. You notice everything he says is punctuated by a call for you to give him your money.

He has this strange habit of advocating that white women be held in higher esteem than black women

He wrote books about macking and pimping

And made some trash *** rap music

not voting is stupid, it's not like they call the election off because you didn't vote

The democratic party in america is not perfect by any stretch but cutting off your nose to spite your face is just dumb

you can demand more from democratic political leaders without handing leadership of the country over to a group of people who actively work against your best interest

black people absolutely should demand more for their vote but that doesn't mean you sit out elections until that happens

Trump and the republicans in the white house doesnt bother me. It's other groups that really really hate it. At that point they have to hold their nuts. Plus nothing is going to be different for ADOS under the democratic or republican party. Neither of them care about black people.
Trump and the republicans in the white house doesnt bother me. It's other groups that really really hate it. At that point they have to hold their nuts. Plus nothing is going to be different for ADOS under the democratic or republican party. Neither of them care about black people.

You don't know what you're talking about, you're doing yourself and others a disservice.
You should educate yourself more my man.

Laws change, supreme court and federal judges change, these things directly affect us and future generations, you wouldn't eat rat poison because your bagel is undercooked right?

It's crazy that people still can't understand THIS.

When you vote it's not just for who will be staying in the WH for 4 years. :smh:
He spreads unfounded conspiracy theories and blatant anti-intellectualism (for example, advocating for not vaccinating your children)

He's a hustler who's more interested in accruing personal wealth through t-shirts and DVD sales than in any meaningful race-conscious activism. You notice everything he says is punctuated by a call for you to give him your money.

He has this strange habit of advocating that white women be held in higher esteem than black women

He wrote books about macking and pimping

And made some trash *** rap music

Jesus christ lol. Seems like you might need some game yourself. Whats wrong with the macking books? None of the books are about pimping tho. Dealing with women you know that race plays a big part so that transition plus the political climate at the time was perfect for Hidden Colors. I don't have an issue with Tariq neither does most black people. Your using Fox News talking points when it comes to him. Whats next he's a racebaiter?

In America White women are held in a Higher esteem than a black woman. Do you not see how black women are treated compared to their white counterparts?

Sir are you black?

Sidenote listen to What up Cuz? by K-Flex that song goes hard.
Trump and the republicans in the white house doesnt bother me. It's other groups that really really hate it. At that point they have to hold their nuts. Plus nothing is going to be different for ADOS under the democratic or republican party. Neither of them care about black people.

I hate to say this to you bro but you're ignorant.

Jeff Sessions alone spent the past two years waging war on the policies Obama put in place to protect the black community from police violence.

Hate crimes in general have risen dramatically since Trump took office.

Trump's rhetoric is radicalizing heavily-armed white supremacists and he knows it.

You're not paying attention.
SIt out until your demands are met. We don't care who wins since nothing will change until we receive tangibles. I'd sit on my vote until there is someone that deserves it.
If you really think nothing will change for black people if the GOP has supermajority or 2/3's power then you are very mistaken

The GOP will actively work to make **** worse.

ADOS's platform has restoring the Voting Rights Act on it because conservatives worked for decades to roll it back to attack the black vote.

Let them get power and watch ADOS's demands expand to "restore fair housing act" , "Restore Article two and seven of civil rights act".

The GOP is not indifferent to black people, they are hostile toward them.
I hate to say this to you bro but you're ignorant.

Jeff Sessions alone spent the past two years waging war on the policies Obama put in place to protect the black community from police violence.

Hate crimes in general have risen dramatically since Trump took office.

Trump's rhetoric is radicalizing heavily-armed white supremacists and he knows it.

You're not paying attention.

More black people were killed by police under the Obama Administration. The polices that were put in place does nothing for black people because cops still get off. IDC about trumps rhetoric fck him. If politicians aren't going to offer tangibles for ADOS. They wont get my vote. Who should i vote for? Kamala or Corey Booker?
The people folks choose to cape for man

I blame the lack of intellectual leadership in the black community. Dudes like Tariq get to slither in and co-opt legitimate political movements.

BTW the actual Dem primary won't get really lit for another year. Judgements made on candidates this early on are entirely speculative
Dude has no grasp of how the political process in this country works. 0.
lol I worked and volunteered for the democratic party from 2011 to 2016. Don't even try it. I've heard the conversations. I've been in rooms as the "Token" hearing all types of ****** up ****.
If Trump and GOP control is no innocuous, then I hope folk have a away around the fact the Federal Courts (One third of government) is gonna be hostile to the platform for at least a generation.

A 7-2 far right Supreme Court is gonna be about to invalidate anything passed. And the might be able to do so for at the minimum 15 years.

That is tangible power.
Because they had to deal with colonialism? Africa has their own issues when it comes to colonialism from European powers.

We had Jim Crow, mass incarceration, red lining, destruction of our most prosperous societies, police killing unarmed black Americans with impunity BUT we still extended arms and embraced the mother land with Pan-Africanism

Remember when I said it I hard for a group to be able to control it's message.

ADOS is suppose to be not hostile to other Non-ADOS black folk, but here we have a dude talking down on black immigrants, while repping ADOS hard. **** like this just poisons the pool.

Also, I really wish folk that talk so much about Dem needing the black vote to win, would look into why exactly the black vote went from a 60-40 split in 1960 to a 95-5 split in 1964, and why it stayed that way

I think some people have to do some soul searching. Do they want ADOS to be a grass roots movement that puts in the work to become a real Political force and get coalition support. Or do they want it to be an online movement that scares and angers folk they are upset with.

Are you referring to me? :lol:

If you're a black immigrant I got love for ya, Im definitely not "talking down" but this movement is for the interest of Black Americans specifically and every time that gets mentioned its MET with hostility

Also the #ADOS movement doesn't need a coalition because it would dilute the movement like every other movement meant to empower black Americans with an agenda (look at the BLM movement that became a hub for:
And it minimizes the goal by adding it can be interpreted as an online movement that "scares and angers folk" thats not what its for
Boy passed out some campaign flyers for a city council race and now he’s a political strategist, I’m good.

In here spouting straight nonsense all while displaying a child’s understanding of the same political system he’s so displeased with.
Boy passed out some campaign flyers for a city council race and now he’s a political strategist, I’m good.

In here spouting straight nonsense all while displaying a child’s understanding of the same political system he’s so displeased with.

passed out flyers? Get your goofy *** on.
Oh I forgot the worst thing about Tariq is that he and that fool Umar Johnson were engaged in YouTube beefs like 18 year old rappers in 2008

I'm cool on both those clowns
We had Jim Crow, mass incarceration, red lining, destruction of our most prosperous societies, police killing unarmed black Americans with impunity BUT we still extended arms and embraced the mother land with Pan-Africanism

Are you referring to me? :lol:

If you're a black immigrant I got love for ya, Im definitely not "talking down" but this movement is for the interest of Black Americans specifically and every time that gets mentioned its MET with hostility

Also the #ADOS movement doesn't need a coalition because it would dilute the movement like every other movement meant to empower black Americans with an agenda (look at the BLM movement that became a hub for:
And it minimizes the goal by adding it can be interpreted as an online movement that "scares and angers folk" thats not what its for
I was not talking about you. I was talking about the Largo dude.

And I meant ADOS needs boots on the ground activism. It doesn't matter who you want to include in the platform, you have to do the work of convincing other members of the Dem voting coalition to support it. At a minimum, for there not to be a backlash if it was included in the party platform.

We keep bringing up Jewish people, immigrants, and the LBGTQ community, but it is weird to me that dudes don't ignore those groups political tactics.
We had Jim Crow, mass incarceration, red lining, destruction of our most prosperous societies, police killing unarmed black Americans with impunity BUT we still extended arms and embraced the mother land with Pan-Africanism

And they did the same for you!!, remember the father of Pan-Africanism is Jamaican.

One thing I hate is black people in America vs black people in Africa and elsewhere. Its the same struggles dude, just remember that
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