AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

I'll speak for illuminatinyc illuminatinyc he's not the guy NT makes him out to be.

Fam is far from a racist like the other 3 you mentioned.

Racist... Nah...

I wouldn't call them that because I don't know them...

Not sure what's in their hearts...

But skewed perspective on race relations on this country... I think its fair to group them all together with that bunch.

Maybe not as extreme but still there.
@Mr Marcus how you over her fighting about racism when some of the most racist posts I seen towards Latinos came from you? NT hypocrisy at its finest
Latino is such a broad term. 

You do know blacks in Latin countries are oppressed too right?

So if speaking out about fair skin latinos who think they're superior than their darker skin counterparts make me racist, ignorant, or w/e your crying *** want to call me then so be it 

you don't hurt my feelings so with that said who else lurking want to cry about my post? 
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Bloc most def the type to press charges after getting his *** beat.

I just want to put a face to his screen name to see if he'll still speak how he does
Latino is such a broad term. 

You do know blacks in Latin countries are oppressed too right?

So if speaking out about fair skin latinos who think they're superior than their darker skin counterparts make me racist, ignorant, or w/e your crying *** want to call me then so be it 

you don't hurt my feelings so with that said who else lurking want to cry about my post? :rolleyes

Marcus be out there but he's right.

Watch 'the black grandma in the closet'

While is Costa Rica, most the ticos would advise not going to Limon cause "mucho negros".

In the DR, they hate Haitians.

Mexico, light skin is superior and darker skin are "Indios"
Latino means Southern European....I've lived in a Spain for a year.

It may hurt your feelings how they feel about Mexicans calling themselves Latino
Latino means Southern European....I've lived in a Spain for a year.

It may hurt your feelings how they feel about Mexicans calling themselves Latino
One of my HS spanish teachers was actually from Spain and his views on hispanics were
I mean Spain let me know how they felt when their basketball team made Chinese eyes in their team photo for the Bejing Olympics. Also when some fans threw bananas at black soccer players last season.

Europe ain't setting an example for anybody when it comes to race
I'll speak for illuminatinyc illuminatinyc he's not the guy NT makes him out to be.

Fam is far from a racist like the other 3 you mentioned.

Racist... Nah...

I wouldn't call them that because I don't know them...

Not sure what's in their hearts...

But skewed perspective on race relations on this country... I think its fair to group them all together with that bunch.

Maybe not as extreme but still there.

I hear you and I can see how some may see it like that.

I just think he tries to provide us with both sides of the coin, when people don't realize what his initial point was then comments start spiraling out of control.

Once we get to that point, there's no way for him to backpedal and reiterate his initial point because the lynch mob is out in full force :lol:

But I'm only speaking from I've seen from him on NT and locally, I don't enter these type of threads too often so I probably missed a few things that factored into your opinion on him.
All we need is oneillmatt, Illuminati NYC, and Tampa dude and we officially have a race thread...

Note to NTERS... It ain't race thread till those 4 show up...

Mix in a little nonsense from Rico x Hood, and some "well, black people ____" from Ksteezy and its on.

*grabs popcorn*
I'll speak for @IlluminatiNYC he's not the guy NT makes him out to be.

Fam is far from a racist like the other 3 you mentioned.
@CaptainSneakerhead23  - thanks for the support man.

@Fontaine  - It's pretty ironic if you ask me, that those who will automatically label another person who doesn't share the exact same beliefs or opinions as a SWS, now find the term "thug" offensive and equate it with the N-word.   The word "thug" has been in existence for over a hundred years, and actually originated from the word "thuggee" in India.  As far as I'm concerned, the actions of the rioters/looters is nothing more than criminal behavior, just like the actions of the police officers who were responsible for the death of Freddy Gray.  The actions of one shouldn't be a justification for the actions of the other.  Criminal behavior should be treated as criminal behavior, regardless of who the perpetrator is. Isn't that the whole point? That cops should be held to the same criminal standards as civilians?
People in Spain hate everyone, including themselves :lol: Castellanos, Catalans, Basques, etc. Sad to see such a bunch of bitter people in an otherwise beautiful country

Anyway, I would seriously celebrate in real life if Mr Marcus went and kicked blco's @#$. I'm not saying that he should, but I wouldn't mind if he did :lol: I've honestly never seen someone so dedicated to portraying black people in a negative light than blco (other than the Head Klansman in charge oneilmatt)
the cops "should" be held responsible but THEY ARE NOT which comes back to the system that protects cops. The protection comes from white jurors, to white judges, and white prosecutors. 

Crying about rioters but not crying about the root problem that created the riots
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Thug is not racial IMO

It is pretty "racial" when you see the context it's being used in. Angry 50 year old white dudes writing "that THUG deserved getting shot" on CNN/Yahoo/Fox comment boards when describing an innocent black man getting murdered=racist. They make it pretty obvious too by typing it in caps all the time :lol: :smh: If you deny that,you're either a racist yourself or just completely oblivious
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Thug is not racial IMO
Prejudice white bigots describe black protesters as 'thugs" "savages"and "animals" in that way though.

Anyone with common sense can read that context

If not then why are crazy drunk white sports rioters referred to only as "hooligans" instead of the above based on the same destructive behavior????
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 - thanks for the support man.

 - It's pretty ironic if you ask me, that those who will automatically label another person who doesn't share the exact same beliefs or opinions as a SWS, now find the term "thug" offensive and equate it with the N-word.   The word "thug" has been in existence for over a hundred years, and actually originated from the word "thuggee" in India.  As far as I'm concerned, the actions of the rioters/looters is nothing more than criminal behavior, just like the actions of the police officers who were responsible for the death of Freddy Gray.  The actions of one shouldn't be a justification for the actions of the other.  Criminal behavior should be treated as criminal behavior, regardless of who the perpetrator is. Isn't that the whole point? That cops should be held to the same criminal standards as civilians?

You're not racist. Youre pro cop which lends itself to the adjective in a lot of NTers eyes
You're not racist. Youre pro cop which lends itself to the adjective in a lot of NTers eyes
I'm not pro anything.  If you actually go back and read my posts in the Michael Brown thread, I never once defended Darren Wilson.  The only thing I've said all along is that people shouldn't make broad generalizations of any group of people, whether it be the police or black people, based on the actions of a few.  At the end of the day, I try to live my life by the golden rule, and treat others as how I would expect them to treat me.  If you choose to live your life differently, then that's your prerogative.
 - thanks for the support man.

 - It's pretty ironic if you ask me, that those who will automatically label another person who doesn't share the exact same beliefs or opinions as a SWS, now find the term "thug" offensive and equate it with the N-word.   The word "thug" has been in existence for over a hundred years, and actually originated from the word "thuggee" in India.  As far as I'm concerned, the actions of the rioters/looters is nothing more than criminal behavior, just like the actions of the police officers who were responsible for the death of Freddy Gray.  The actions of one shouldn't be a justification for the actions of the other.  Criminal behavior should be treated as criminal behavior, regardless of who the perpetrator is. Isn't that the whole point? That cops should be held to the same criminal standards as civilians?

You think all "bads" are equal?

One stems from MAYBE 2% of people that are extremely pissed off about systemic oppression...

And doesn't deserve 20+ pages of talk...

And only comes around when some **** hits the fan...

The other is pledged to uphold the law and instead systematically denies rights and liberties to those of color...

All while killing and skating by...

All while maintaining the "blue shield" protecting each other to a fault...


One turns up and burns down one of possibly 1200+ locations of a multi billion dollar company...

The other snaps black dudes spines...

One was once a slave...

One was once a slave patrolman...

You can't stab me in my back and when I turn around, condemn me for trying to flex, word to Meth
And no... Cops should be held to a MUCH higher standard than a bunch of 17 y/is trying to break a window and steal some washing powder...

None of this... NONE of this would happen if the dude hadn't been killed...

We keep losing sight if that
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