AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Wont happen :rolleyes :smh:

While on this kinda subject, where are all those athletes that were about the cause wearing I cant breathe shirts and walking out to games with their hands up etc
is the curfew still in effect for today...?

Great interview with one of the guys i've been following since ferguson...

"broken windows does not equal broken spine"...

Famb ain't budge...


THATS why these news outlets don't bring on folks that can oppose them on an articulate and logical manner...

He won't be back.
Wont happen

While on this kinda subject, where are all those athletes that were about the cause wearing I cant breathe shirts and walking out to games with their hands up etc
they're not gonna speak out against the people who put money in their pocket 
It's funny how every time there's a riot in response to police brutality the politicians get on TV talking about "We need peace and stop the violence" but when black people are getting shot, beating, choked out by cops we hear nothing about "stopping the violence". They act like they can't control that. When the protest were going on Saturday I was telling my family the young dudes Baltimore don't play, they can **** that city up if they wanted. Then I heard when kids was getting off the school buses on Monday they had dudes in SWAT gear greeting them. That just hyped the situation even more. Fact the rioting is a response.

Let's just look at how some white people comment on drama in sports.

Hockey, Baseball & NASCAR Driverrs fight: "Boys will be boys. "Look at those tough guys"

Basketball players fight: "look at those overpaid thugs."

Can't count how many times that I've heard that LeBron, Melo, Kobe, Jameis, Ray Lewis, T.O etc etc are "overpaid thugs and deserve to be in jail." Smh

Also, the benefit of doubt and outpouring of sympathy for Kurt Busch's domestic violence case was crazy. Some of those ESPN comments.

We see it all the time on ESPN. Hockey and Baseball players can fight all day every day but when there's some pushing and shoving in the NBA it's "they need to act like this and be grateful".
is the curfew still in effect for today...?

Great interview with one of the guys i've been following since ferguson...

"broken windows does not equal broken spine"...

Love it. Respect to that brutha. :pimp:

They heard dude was doing a peaceful protest and thought he was gonna get TV and tap dance but dude fooled 'em. Wolf thought he was slick.

"There's no excuse for 7 people that Baltimore police have killed right?" That rocked him. :pimp: :lol:
I have no doubt that those participating in the riots as outside agitators work for the government; something very sinister is going on behind the scenes.

**** the DOJ investigations.

This **** happens every other week or so, and the public is told to let the investigative process play out.

Every other week, a person with an abundance of melanin is murdered at the hands of law enforcement.

I always look beyond the media given narrative. There's something at play here.
Wolf Blitzer catching a fade on live television. 
Yeah that was dope. That's exactly what everyone getting interviewed needs to be talking about. Quit deflecting with the "riots" and let's start talking about the root cause. 
I believe the Bloods and Crips when they said they weren't out to kill the police.

So that story being peddled by the media...

Members of an alliance formed between rival street gangs say that — contrary to what some on the right are saying — there is no inter-gang alliance against the police.

Baltimore’s WBAL-TV met up with a delegation composed of members of the Bloods, the Crips, and the Black Guerrilla Family (BFG) — an alliance they say is dedicated to stopping the violence in Baltimore’s streets, not spreading it.

“We want to tell the people of Baltimore city right now,” said a spokesman to WBAL, “that the image that they’re trying to portray of the gangs in Baltimore…we did not make that truce to harm cops. We did not come together against the cops. We’re not gonna allow y’all to paint this picture of us.”

He went on to explain that his “soldiers” have been attacked and injured as they have tried to protect their fellow residents from harm and stop the spread of violence.

“They threw bombs at us for trying to stop what’s going on right now,” he said, wearing the red colors of the Bloods.

“We want justice for Freddie Gray,” he said.

The rioting, he said, “makes us look real bad and it’s just backing up what they’re saying about us. They’re saying we’re animals, and we’re acting like savages out here. I don’t agree with what’s going on, but I understand what’s going on.”

The New York Post claimed on Monday that street gangs had formed an alliance determined to “take out” cops in return for decades of violence against blacks in the city.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is claiming on Facebook and in fundraising emails that street gangs have taken over the city and only heroic patriots armed with shotguns are able to impose order while the police cower helplessly in the face of the violent hordes.
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They don't want to talk about the problem cause it would force them to be uncomfortable and actually acknowledge that hey this frustration is well founded. And their own privilege and supremacy.
I believe the Bloods and Crips when they said they weren't out to kill the police.

So that story being peddled by the media...:smh:  

Members of an alliance formed between rival street gangs say that — contrary to what some on the right are saying — there is no inter-gang alliance against the police.
Baltimore’s WBAL-TV met up with a delegation composed of members of the Bloods, the Crips, and the Black Guerrilla Family (BFG) — an alliance they say is dedicated to stopping the violence in Baltimore’s streets, not spreading it.
“We want to tell the people of Baltimore city right now,” said a spokesman to WBAL, “that the image that they’re trying to portray of the gangs in Baltimore…we did not make that truce to harm cops. We did not come together against the cops. We’re not gonna allow y’all to paint this picture of us.”
He went on to explain that his “soldiers” have been attacked and injured as they have tried to protect their fellow residents from harm and stop the spread of violence.
“They threw bombs at us for trying to stop what’s going on right now,” he said, wearing the red colors of the Bloods.
“We want justice for Freddie Gray,” he said.
The rioting, he said, “makes us look real bad and it’s just backing up what they’re saying about us. They’re saying we’re animals, and we’re acting like savages out here. I don’t agree with what’s going on, but I understand what’s going on.”
The New York Post claimed on Monday that street gangs had formed an alliance determined to “take out” cops in return for decades of violence against blacks in the city.
The National Rifle Association (NRA) is claiming on Facebook and in fundraising emails that street gangs have taken over the city and only heroic patriots armed with shotguns are able to impose order while the police cower helplessly in the face of the violent hordes.

**** crazy. On Tuesday on the radio I heard the Bloods and Crips was getting together with a pastor or somebody and they took that story and twisted it. These folks are ridiculous.
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I'll let yall Obama supporters have it...hopefully he come through for you all [emoji]128076[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]

Respected brothers in the community spoke against it and that's good enough for me [emoji]128175[/emoji]

Brah miss me with this condescending bull ****

Sorry you feel that way. Black president calling oppressed teens criminals and thugs isn't the 'change' I was looking for.

Attacking the root of the problem is too hard for a figure head
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I don't ever think I've been as dissapointed in a publice figure and police system as I am with my very own Mayor of Baltimore and this Baltimore City Police Department...

It was truly disheartening to see the events unfold the way they did Monday afternoon, but even more disheartening that it all stemmed from the neglect and lack of planning that caused those events to unfold...

Firstly, the BS propaganda that circulated about there was to be a 'purge' beginning at a local HS (where the events began)... And then the BS propaganda about local gangs supposedly converging to take out members of the police department...

To most of the people here in Baltimore, those memes/flyers about those violent actions seemed so far-fetched off the top... None to which was seen to be believable knowing the culture of youth and knowing that bringing that type of attention to themselves made it that much more of a facade...

Then, you have the police that supposedly 'gathered intelligence' about the situation, so much intelligence that they pushed to shut down businesses downtown, shut down the local mall, shut down nearby businesses, shut down transportation to and from the very place where the events began, and established a very heavy police presence...

All of those shut downs, they did not shut down the very highschool where the supposed 'purge' was to begin. Not only did they refuse to shut the school down, they did not offer those kids any other alternative to get home or away from the potential danger...

With all of this you release these 14-17 y/o kids onto an awaiting riot squad that presented them a LAPV, with no other way out, and expected them not to react in any way...

Yes, those same kids were the ones that initially started the events that took place, but these events could've easily been prevented...

It makes you wonder about how negligent and careless this city government was in attempting to alleviate the potential problems...

A city government and police force that knew that the country was watching and that knew the stigma that the rest of the country had placed on us from our history...

But then you remember that this is the same police force that expressed negligence carelessness with Freddie Gray in their own custody...

The same police force that was willing to strategically put kids in the face of danger and let parts of a city dismantle, and use gang violence proganda as a crutch...

I'm proud to see how the good citizens have come together over the past few days to stand up to the pressure and to at least have taken the initiative to start cleaning the areas hit the heaviest...

I apologize for this long post, but it's just really sad to know how difficult it's become to continue put any trust within the systems that govern given these recent events and our history...

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