AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Don't even get me started with Obama. I had this conversation with my girl a couple days back and she's usually on the "he can't solve all black people's problems" tip or "he has to be for everyone, he can't pick and choose who's battles to fight" but she even voiced her disappointment in him. That MF'er was all about the black youth when it was election and reelection time. Your people are dying and all you give us are sidelined comments of what your son could of looked like or sending sell out Eric Holden to deal with a situation dividing the country that needed your presence but you're on vacation. Now, like what is now a monthly routine for these pigs it seems another person of color has been killed under mysterious circumstances with law enforcement and where are you....

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I guess my criticism really aint there for Obama because i never expected a lot from him in the First Place.. dude is a politician at the end of the day. But i won't pile on him when he already had you know who against him because of his skin color.

But y'all make valid points ..he said it himself he has no more terms to run... say the real while you can. They going demonize him in the history books regardless
What do you guys think the answer is though? Like anyone who lives in baltimore knows the system is and has been broken. But what do you do?

Fire all the cops if they show any sign of racism/brutality and get new more tolerant people in?
Fire the heads of the departments because the racism is institutionalized and maybe a change of management could create a new culture?
Directly go to the police academies and try to fix training procedure that may tell cops to act too quickly using deadly force?

How do you actually make a difference. If Freddie Grey gets justice and the cops do get locked up...then what? Does that really change the system? Will cops now think twice before they shoot a suspect because they think they will get locked up?
Body cameras that must stay on every second of being on duty and with strict penalty of being suspended without pay or even being fired if turned off for whatever reason. And the judicial system has to do a better job of cracking down on these crooked officers. Half the battle is letting them know they can't get away with half the **** they do. And by no means am I cop hater either. I'm actually signing up for the police academy in a few months but as of right now I'm ashamed to say that being a police officer is my dream job. One bad bunch ruin it for everybody.
Don't even get me started with Obama. I had this conversation with my girl a couple days back and she's usually on the "he can't solve all black people's problems" tip or "he has to be for everyone, he can't pick and choose who's battles to fight" but she even voiced her disappointment in him. That MF'er was all about the black youth when it was election and reelection time. Your people are dying and all you give us are sidelined comments of what your son could of looked like or sending sell out Eric Holden to deal with a situation dividing the country that needed your presence but you're on vacation. Now, like what is now a monthly routine for these pigs it seems another person of color has been killed under mysterious circumstances with law enforcement and where are you....

A lot of things you dudes complain about are local problems. Obama is not a mayor or city councilman.
The answers to the questions @Jking0821 are very complex. But to give some short answers, I think the very first thing we need to do is change the discriminatory drug enforcement laws we have.

Like David Simon has said, it hasn't been about the war on "drugs" for decades. It's been about a war on the poor.

We've successfully let law enforcement & prison industry lobbies to change laws so that they are designed to put as many people as possible in our prisons.

We need to immediately stop polices like Stop & Frisk, Zero tolerance, etc. We've empowered the police from a protect & serve environment/mentality to becoming storm troopers to round up the poor & huddle them into our jails.

We need to rethink education in this country not only to provide better education but also offer vocation to kids that may not be good students but can excel in other ways.

Jobs, jobs, jobs... Gross capitalism has led to it being acceptable for American companies to outsource labor to other countries in the name of profit margins.

A lot of Americans, especially those in our inner cities have no hope in finding a good job that pays a decent salary/wage. This is an even deeper subject that should be discussed really.

We also have to look at our government. For those that know, we let them pour cocaine into our cities in the early 80s by funding & helping the Sandinistas & drug cartels all in the name of fighting communism. The CIA even helped them get the drugs into our country.

We also let them funnel heroine/poppy out of Vietnam to fund covert CIA ops during the Vietnam war which is why heroine became so popular at the time here in the states.

It galls me that most Americans are blind to these facts. We keep letting our government slide on ish, it's despicable really.

I mean we put in power the likes of Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussien, Noriega, etc...

In all honesty, there really is no hope I think. All great cultures come to an end throughout history. I think we may be on the precipice of the end of this era.
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A lot of things you dudes complain about are local problems. Obama is not a mayor or city councilman.

You're right. He's the leader of the free world, yet the only people he's appeasing are the ones that never have and never will have anything positive to say about him. The ones that came out in droves to put him in power and put the battery in his back to orate like MLK during his political rallies need him now more than ever, and he doesn't speak directly to us anymore.
^ But it starts at the top whether it's Obama or whoever in the presidency. The bigger problem is the legislative branch. They all need to be thrown out on their *****. Really thrown outta the country. Lobbyist & special interest groups control this country.
A lot of things you dudes complain about are local problems. Obama is not a mayor or city councilman.

You're right. He's the leader of the free world, yet the only people he's appeasing are the ones that never have and never will have anything positive to say about him. The ones that came out in droves to put him in power and put the battery in his back to orate like MLK during his political rallies need him now more than ever, and he doesn't speak directly to us anymore.
A lot of the problems we're facing now can be traced back to Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act signed in the 90s which is ironic because we're also feeling the effects of the Glass–Steagall act which was also changed in the 90s. Both under Clinton & the republican congress & house of reps at the time.

Think about that for a min & the impact both had on America... :smh:
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Article is ridiculous

So Obama was supposed to create jobs that created wealth?

Wealth isn't created for you, you create it.

It's more of the same, Obama was supposed to change everything that has happen in the past 400 years.
The article addresses failed policies of the Obama Administration, which is almost an extension of every preceding president in that they continue to exacerbate economic hardships in the urban community. 
You're right. He's the leader of the free world, yet the only people he's appeasing are the ones that never have and never will have anything positive to say about him. The ones that came out in droves to put him in power and put the battery in his back to orate like MLK during his political rallies need him now more than ever, and he doesn't speak directly to us anymore.
A lot of things you dudes complain about are local problems. Obama is not a mayor or city councilman.

You're right. He's the leader of the free world, yet the only people he's appeasing are the ones that never have and never will have anything positive to say about him. The ones that came out in droves to put him in power and put the battery in his back to orate like MLK during his political rallies need him now more than ever, and he doesn't speak directly to us anymore.

You do realize "Leader of the Free World" is just a romantic nick name, right. This man is not the King of Murica.

Im not trying to defend the president, Im trying to defend yall, because its looking some of yall really dont have a total understand of how the government works.
A lot of things you dudes complain about are local problems. Obama is not a mayor or city councilman.
You're right. He's the leader of the free world, yet the only people he's appeasing are the ones that never have and never will have anything positive to say about him. The ones that came out in droves to put him in power and put the battery in his back to orate like MLK during his political rallies need him now more than ever, and he doesn't speak directly to us anymore.
You do realize "Leader of the Free World" is just a romantic nick name, right. This man is not the King of Murica.

Im not trying to defend the president, Im trying to defend yall, because its looking some of yall really dont have a total understand of how the government works.
I swear sometimes it's almost like ****** expected him to clap his hands and all of a sudden we'd all have jobs, reparations and our very own white slave
The article addresses failed policies of the Obama Administration, which is almost an extension of every preceding president in that they continue to exacerbate economic hardships in the urban community. 

No, they weren't failed policies of the Obama Administration. It didn't mention one specific policy and how it hurt black america or how it failed.

It said his jobs initiative didn't create wealth. It wasn't supposed to. It was designated to get the country out of a recession. It was supposed to give eveyone employment. The black unemployment rate has always been double. Even worse in inner cities.

You can point to specific policies during the Clinton or Reagan Administrations that hurt our communities.

Obama's problem, he didn't save us and reverse what this country was based on.
Obama's name shouldn't even be brought up in this topic.

It's just displacing blame and many of you are looking for scapegoats. I swear some of ya'll act like Obama is Jesus the way he is supposed to solve problems for everyone.

Why aren't you blaming the police commissioners?

Because many of them are name and faceless to you?

And who appoints them?
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I never expected Obama to save black people, but got damn bruh just keep it real for 5 ******* minutes your people are being killed in the streets like dogs by the very people supposed to protect them and you wanna keep tap dancing around the fact things are ****** up.
I swear sometimes it's almost like ****** expected him to clap his hands and all of a sudden we'd all have jobs, reparations and our very own white slave
wait... so u saying im NOT getting my own slave named cynthia who looks like gwyneth paltrow? well at least the mule and 40 acres are on backorder. should be here any day now.

nd yall gotta get off obama. it sounds stupid to believe he's done something wrong. hes a president. his job is not to represent his race. He's not the BLACK leader, he's americas leader. and america's leader has bosses to answer to just like you and me. stop blaming this n**** for everything wrong in america today. congress aint letting dude do S***

beyond that, the notion that this man broke his own neck in itself is disrespectful. dude severed his own spine? what'd he do, jump up in the van and hit himself with 2 DDTs and a stone cold stunner? The coverup is disgusting and its the reason why we black people are sick and tired. Black people always get the short end of the stick in these situations against police. The police then get investigated by their own department, by their own friends. Get put on paid vacation sippin mai tais watching the playoffs while the city deals with the fallout. 

I don't condone riots in this fashion. I never condone looting because a thief stealing for anything other than survival is trash to me. i applaud the good citizens protecting the police from the small percentage thats trying to stir ish up. i applaud the good citizens rallying and really taking it to the media like the intelligent young brother a page back schooling dude from Fox. I applaud the gangs for coming together to fight a common enemy and hope they realize "hey...we can coexist...and we can do good together and our power is doubled TOGETHER." 

systematic racism is ending black lives at an alarming rate. people are sick and tired of it. the wire is entertainment to most of america but it was many peoples lives in bmore. looooong after the show ends theyre still dealing with the poverty, the crime, the drugs, the horrible education with perpetuates more drugs and crime, the bad development nd foreclosed abandoned homes EVERYWHERE. the city is grimey. the people paid to serve and protect it, are making it worse. its simple to see how it got to this point.
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Can the federal government actually step in and do anything about the police, or would it have to be handled on a state level??

Nobody wants to answer your q bro they busy blaming Obama... But it is my understanding that this would have to be at a state and local levels through the legislative process

Dudes want Obama to give a great speech full of tough talk about police to appease them but the true results can not and will not come from him.

He can say some choice words about it tho, but yall acting like the PD around the country are gonna be huddled around a tv having a come to jesus moment.

All the governors are gonna call a summit for all law enforcement agencies in their state to stop police brutality at the request of Obama....

wont hold my breath for that.
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