AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

is this the new scam? send kid out and reel him in to get attention, u can only slap ur kid so much.
I'll say this again Obama has gone hard to fight for other groups rights. Nobody is expecting him to do a magic trick and end racism but he can do SOMETHING. You're the damn president, you're hands are not completely tied.

What do you expect him to do, specifically.

And how as he "gone hard" for others, specifically.
And I'm in total agreeance with most of these comments about our President. I don't need for him to be the "President for Black People in America" as a lot of people initially expected when he was elected. But I would expect that as a black male, he would have a little more input or at the very least, some suggestions towards implementing change. I'm very disappointed in him. He talked all that talk...
What talk did he talk? It would certainly be nice to see him do more, without question. I'd love for him to make it personal to him, similar to the comments he made about Trayvon, which were very heartfelt. 

Comments in here would have you thinking dudes would be pissed after they caught a fade and Obama wasn't there to back them up. 
The brother talks about our problems, just not in a forceful militant manner. He just does it in a measure, cerebral manner. Like I believe he should

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That meme up above is tasteless and disrespectful… I’m offended. What crimes were being committed by these men that have recently died? Even it was an actual crime being committed, was it punishable by death? Dudes lost their lives man.

And I still don’t see how Obama saying exactly what yall want him to will do anything. He has said more than any other president. It matters to him. But at the end of the day it aint about him saying and doing anything if no one will listen that can impact the situation.
That meme up above is tasteless and disrespectful… I’m offended. What crimes were being committed by these men that have recently died? Even it was an actual crime being committed, was it punishable by death? Dudes lost their lives man.

And I still don’t see how Obama saying exactly what yall want him to will do anything. He has said more than any other president. It matters to him. But at the end of the day it aint about him saying and doing anything if no one will listen that can impact the situation.
He was just looking for a response man... pay it no mind

Not sure if serious or what but this doesn't mean anything in particular and is blatantly ignorant.

No where does it say that having priors or committing a crime revokes a person's human rights.

Talking about priors and what he/she was actually doing when they were killed is a sad attempt at dehumanizing and justifying the wrong doing of an individual.

And if you were serious about this post you just exposed your intellect (or lack there of) to all of us.

If you were kidding, then I apologize.
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Man please. I have a college degree, I am a pharmacist, I'm brown and I get stopped and frisked in the Bronx and heights all the time. You white folks know how it feels to be groped and thrown against a car hood/ wall when you just trying to go see your family or friends?? On top of that talked to like crap. I live in a white neighborhood in les/soho and I never been stopped. It only happens where blacks and Latinos live. But you privileged white folks don't see that cause the cops are nice in your neighborhood.
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^ Please stop responding to that obvious troll post & for god sakes stop pic quoting... Got dam...

So there was a fifth stop on the way to the station for the wagon that contained Freddie Gray the police didn't know about until an eyewitness provided cell phone video.

From someone on the outside, that automatically makes me suspicious of the police not disclosing that previously. That tells me there is more to the story than those murderers are providing to their superiors.
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^ Please stop responding to that obvious troll post & for god sakes stop pic quoting... Got dam...

So there was a fifth stop on the way to the station for the wagon that contained Freddie Gray the police didn't know about until an eyewitness provided cell phone video.

From someone on the outside, that automatically makes me suspicious of the police not disclosing that previously. That tells me there is more to the story than those murderers are providing to their superiors.
things get a little hazy when you're in the middle of frantically trying to cover up a murder. they'd probably already killed him and all the stops past that point was them trying to cover tracks or find help like a child.
Baltimore protesters jailed without food or medical treatment for days, attorneys say

Why I am Marching on Mother’s Day: Police Violence and the Killing of My Son, Sean Bell

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Meh, gotta remember there are children that post here without fully developed, sensible opinions. Strange coming from the guy who said this though:

If you're a nice guy, you will get used & taken advantage of repeatedly. For the most part it's true, "Nice guys finish last".

I swear anyone who refers to themselves as "nice guys" are wickedly transparent.

Well said

Some Caucasian NT members should take notes. Good knowing there's some rational folks out there
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