AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Obama caved in to Wall Street oligarchs during the bailout. 

No way is he immune from attacks on his presidency, especially as law enforcement continues to murder unarmed black men in the street. 

If as President he can't do anything in his power to curb the violence aside from lip service, then why should I hold him in such high regard? 
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Obama caved in to Wall Street oligarchs during the bailout. 

No way is he immune from attacks on his presidency, especially as law enforcement continues to murder unarmed black men in the street. 

If as President he can't do anything in his power to curb the violence aside from lip service, then why should I hold him in such high regard? 

Did you take government in high school?

And again, what do you want him to do?

And why aren't you asking these questions of your mayors and police commissioners? Who controls local police departments?
Obama caved in to Wall Street Oligarchs during the bailout. 

No way is he immune from attacks on his presidency, especially as law enforcement continues to murder unarmed black men in the street. 

If as President he can't do anything in his power to curb the violence aside from lip service, then why should I hold him in such high regard? 
you've essentially answered you question. why should you hold him in such high regard? he CANT do anything with lip service. nobody can. when a system doesn't work, you must either remove the broken parts or purge it and make a new system. what words will do that? "i am obama, i am black and my lambo is blue. police. stop killing black people. killing white people is bad too but, right now thats not the point. stop killing black people. otherwise, i declare that all racist police be put in jail for 25 to life."

is that what yall hoping for?
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Obama caved in to Wall Street Oligarchs during the bailout. 

No way is he immune from attacks on his presidency, especially as law enforcement continues to murder unarmed black men in the street. 

If as President he can't do anything in his power to curb the violence aside from lip service, then why should I hold him in such high regard? 
No one said you have to hold him in high regard, but acting like this is somehow his fault because he has the power to turn all of this around, when in actuality he doesn't, is just silly.
Did you take government in high school?

And again, what do you want him to do?

And why aren't you asking these questions of your mayors and police commissioners? Who controls local police departments?
You're being contrary for the sake of. 

I'm just going to ignore you from here on out. 

When this **** keeps happening on a weekly/monthly basis then you'll see it. 
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I don't ever think I've been as dissapointed in a publice figure and police system as I am with my very own Mayor of Baltimore and this Baltimore City Police Department...

It was truly disheartening to see the events unfold the way they did Monday afternoon, but even more disheartening that it all stemmed from the neglect and lack of planning that caused those events to unfold...

Firstly, the BS propaganda that circulated about there was to be a 'purge' beginning at a local HS (where the events began)... And then the BS propaganda about local gangs supposedly converging to take out members of the police department...

To most of the people here in Baltimore, those memes/flyers about those violent actions seemed so far-fetched off the top... None to which was seen to be believable knowing the culture of youth and knowing that bringing that type of attention to themselves made it that much more of a facade...

Then, you have the police that supposedly 'gathered intelligence' about the situation, so much intelligence that they pushed to shut down businesses downtown, shut down the local mall, shut down nearby businesses, shut down transportation to and from the very place where the events began, and established a very heavy police presence...

All of those shut downs, they did not shut down the very highschool where the supposed 'purge' was to begin. Not only did they refuse to shut the school down, they did not offer those kids any other alternative to get home or away from the potential danger...

With all of this you release these 14-17 y/o kids onto an awaiting riot squad that presented them a LAPV, with no other way out, and expected them not to react in any way...

Yes, those same kids were the ones that initially started the events that took place, but these events could've easily been prevented...

It makes you wonder about how negligent and careless this city government was in attempting to alleviate the potential problems...

A city government and police force that knew that the country was watching and that knew the stigma that the rest of the country had placed on us from our history...

But then you remember that this is the same police force that expressed negligence carelessness with Freddie Gray in their own custody...

The same police force that was willing to strategically put kids in the face of danger and let parts of a city dismantle, and use gang violence proganda as a crutch...

I'm proud to see how the good citizens have come together over the past few days to stand up to the pressure and to at least have taken the initiative to start cleaning the areas hit the heaviest...

I apologize for this long post, but it's just really sad to know how difficult it's become to continue put any trust within the systems that govern given these recent events and our history...

You do realize "Leader of the Free World" is just a romantic nick name, right. This man is not the King of Murica.

Im not trying to defend the president, Im trying to defend yall, because its looking some of yall really dont have a total understand of how the government works.

I swear sometimes it's almost like ****** expected him to clap his hands and all of a sudden we'd all have jobs, reparations and our very own white slave

Obama's name shouldn't even be brought up in this topic.

It's just displacing blame and many of you are looking for scapegoats. I swear some of ya'll act like Obama is Jesus the way he is supposed to solve problems for everyone.

Why aren't you blaming the police commissioners?

Because many of them are name and faceless to you?

And who appoints them?

No one is looking for a magic genie. I'm pretty thorough in my government knowledge and I'm firmly aware that this country and it's practices were not made for blacks to succeed. We succeed despite... What I'm asking Obama to do is step up and be a face for those of black youth who are learning now at an earlier age than many of us did that there skin color automatically puts them at a disadvantage. All I'm asking for is for Obama to acknowledge the injustices in this country so that "we" can start planting the seeds of building up our communities. We as blacks need a leader that isn't afraid to condemn America's practices toward black peoples rights. We get them, but they all magically get gunned down and no one seems to know who did it. Maybe that's why Obama is so tightlipped. I'm not mad at it though, he wants to be able to walk his daughters down the aisle...but he seemed so much more ready for this task once upon a time. Never did he once try and distance himself from the idea of being the first black president. He embraced it. All the barbershop paintings of MLK and Malcolm X looking over Obama....Nah man, he failed us.
I remember "folks" were up in arms about this skater & the city cop... Where's that anger/empathy for Freddie Gray?

This is fairly normal BTW & 100 times worse if you're black.

This officer was fired for this. Wonder what will happen to the officers involved in Gray's murder?
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Appreciate the responses @JOEYxFRESCO and Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi

Everyone looking for some one to blame but i try to stay solutions oriented and would like to see some systematic changes actually take place from this horrific incident. Something tells me the full time camera's for all officers will be hit with a "we don't have the budget" type response if it was ever actually petitioned to the police.
Dismantle police unions. Allow victims to sue unions on top of the city.

The list can go on but at the end of the day...the constitution excluded blacks and there's too much money and political "pull" to ever give black and Browns a fair shake.

Baltimore was burning way before Freddie gray was murdered.

Ray Lewis preaching did nothing imo. His celebrity there is a slap in the face for a couple reasons:

1. The idea that anyone can make out of Baltimore and be a rich football player is a tired dream. It's the hardest sport to gain employment in and causes a lot of dreamers to skate thru their education thinking they've got it made.

2. Ray Lewis is a snake. He bought himself out a murder wrap so whatever he has to say is stupid to me.

3. Instead of using GOD as a means to escape your situation, why not put what your GOD GAVE YOU back into the community? Build a rec center, get involved in the school system.
Originally Posted by GeorgeScorewell  

You notice how the media will hardly ever interview anyone associated with the FOI, or New Black Panther Party, but they always seem to give black Christians (Preachers) a voice? 
The media would rather not portray competent intellectuals who oppose police brutality.  Only thugs and sambo's get the PT. 
I remember "folks" were up in arms about this skater & the city cop... Where's that anger/empathy for Freddie Gray?

This is fairly normal BTW & 100 times worse if you're black.

This officer was fired for this. Wonder what will happen to the officers involved in Gray's murder?
white kids ALWAYS get the lapdog treatment, black kids USUALLY get treated like pits.   
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CNN is running out of black correspondents to report on the ground. 

Most of the white correspondents are either along police lines or giving opinion from City Hall. 
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I knew that @bravo, the questions asked were more rhetorical/satirical.

I know you do, G.  I was only typing that out to give folks a perspective.  
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Dismantle police unions. Allow victims to sue unions on top of the city.

The list can go on but at the end of the day...the constitution excluded blacks and there's too much money and political "pull" to ever give black and Browns a fair shake.

Baltimore was burning way before Freddie gray was murdered.

Ray Lewis preaching did nothing imo. His celebrity there is a slap in the face for a couple reasons:

1. The idea that anyone can make out of Baltimore and be a rich football player is a tired dream. It's the hardest sport to gain employment in and causes a lot of dreamers to skate thru their education thinking they've got it made.

2. Ray Lewis is a snake. He bought himself out a murder wrap so whatever he has to say is stupid to me.

3. Instead of using GOD as a means to escape your situation, why not put what your GOD GAVE YOU back into the community? Build a rec center, get involved in the school system.
ray lewis made himself soudn like one of them old uncle ruckus dudes who just wanted "their acceptance".. kinda like someone paid him to do that..

I remember "folks" were up in arms about this skater & the city cop... Where's that anger/empathy for Freddie Gray?

This is fairly normal BTW & 100 times worse if you're black.

This officer was fired for this. Wonder what will happen to the officers involved in Gray's murder?
bruh he went HAM! he totally took out whatever happened to him earlier that week/morning on these poor kids. power tripped smh. and your point is perfect. when cops power trip on white kids over bs... something gets done. cops powertrip on minorities... someone gets killed and nothing gets done.
bruh he went HAM! he totally took out whatever happened to him earlier that week/morning on these poor kids. power tripped smh. and your point is perfect. when cops power trip on white kids over bs... something gets done. cops powertrip on minorities... someone gets killed and nothing gets done.
yep.. this video is blocked here.. can some DM me the youtube link? or at least the header?
Dismantle police unions. Allow victims to sue unions on top of the city.

The list can go on but at the end of the day...the constitution excluded blacks and there's too much money and political "pull" to ever give black and Browns a fair shake.

Baltimore was burning way before Freddie gray was murdered.

Ray Lewis preaching did nothing imo. His celebrity there is a slap in the face for a couple reasons:

1. The idea that anyone can make out of Baltimore and be a rich football player is a tired dream. It's the hardest sport to gain employment in and causes a lot of dreamers to skate thru their education thinking they've got it made.

2. Ray Lewis is a snake. He bought himself out a murder wrap so whatever he has to say is stupid to me.

3. Instead of using GOD as a means to escape your situation, why not put what your GOD GAVE YOU back into the community? Build a rec center, get involved in the school system.
on everything i never understood why multi-millionaires dont do this. you nailed it. ive planned to do so with my millions when they come. huge modern rec/community centers for the city. gyms with low cost membership. jobs. something for kids to do. mentoring programs through it. counseling programs in it. it doesn't even take that much money to do this. i want to build them first in troubled areas around the nation then expand them everywhere. if i REALLLLLLLLLLLLY get big money, i want to mirror these with schools. high end ****. give these rough areas a fair (or better) chance at education. 

we minorities need to look after each other and take care of our own, because the system is stacked against us. we can't look to the system for help. the problem with minorities (in this case black people) is that once they make it out the hood, or accomplish their dreams and make it big...they dont go back and help others mirror that success. We don't pass down knowledge through our community like we should (or like other races for that matter) Ray could've went back and put his dollars to work. Jay couldve cleaned up his city by himself. But nah, rather throw 54million to a streaming service. Look at Dre's bank account now.  uthink he cant help compton out in a  major way right now? But these are just examples. 

And these examples even though theyre not the forefront of the youth's mind...its still there. People trapped in these areas aspire to get out and become successful but dont know how, and dont have anyone who is willing to teach them. so how are they supposed to? Sure, every now and then someone figures it out and leaves, but again like i said...they dont lay the blueprints for anyone else. itd be like tubman having the underground railroad only for herself. if you've got the formula to success, if you know the way out, if you know how to better peoples predicaments, if you have the MEANS to clean up a city.... then go break bread with your people if you REALLY care.
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A complete breakdown of the lies spread by the Baltimore PD and Washington Post on Freddie Gray

1. Gray was CLEARLY injured before he was placed in the back of the police van.

2. It took the police nearly 38 minutes to get him to the police station, but it's only a two-minute drive away.

3. The Baltimore police's leak to the Washington Post that Gray injured himself in the van and that another suspect heard him doing it is not supported by the facts.

4. While it's sad to even have to say this, everything about the very idea that Gray deliberately severed his own spine in the back of the police van is preposterous.
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^Money is a helluva drug...

"I could donate this money and prentend like I feel good it, or I could buy a new car and for sure feel and look good.."
Stopped reading after this...


You shouldn't have even started to read it after seeing "DipsetGeneral"


Just need Obama to protect targeted blacks like he did illegal Mexicans and the lgbt community

Not Obama per say but blacks vote blacks in office yet once they get there they're controlled by white money

We don't hold these negros to a standard after they win their nomination

Felt embarrassed for bmore when I saw that mayor and police chief speak. Chick stopped at sephora before that press conference and bed wenched on a historic level :smh:
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