AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

^Money is a helluva drug...

"I could donate this money and prentend like I feel good it, or I could buy a new car and for sure feel and look good.."
for some... they'd have to pretend  to feel good after donating. its not in their hearts i guess. i just dont understand it though. these are the same entertainers and artists saying money and things dont buy happiness. then why do they continuously flush cash down the drain with stupid stuff instead of fixing the problems they complain about in their/our community? These dudes will complain about black kids not getting scholarships, or colleges not paying student athletes n such, "f*** the ncaa n****, let a young n**** get paid n****!" ~ Jay. But wont put up a dollar towards funding some kids through college? Jay could take what he earns in a month, and put a lot of kids  through college. LITERALLY.

Lets say jay earns $50 mil a year (forbes listed him at 60, but lets underestimate just to cover our ***)

If jay earns 50 mill a year, he earns $4,166,000+ a month.

With 1 months salary, he could give 138.8 kids a THIRTY THOUSAND dollar scholarship.

Think about that.

just for example.
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for some... they'd have to pretend  to feel good after donating. its not in their hearts i guess. i just dont understand it though. these are the same entertainers and artists saying money and things dont buy happiness. then why do they continuously flush cash down the drain with stupid stuff instead of fixing the problems they complain about in their/our community? These dudes will complain about black kids not getting scholarships, or colleges not paying student athletes n such, "f*** the ncaa n****, let a young n**** get paid n****!" ~ Jay. But wont put up a dollar towards funding some kids through college? Jay could take what he earns in a month, and put a lot of kids  through college. LITERALLY.

Lets say jay earns $50 mil a year (forbes listed him at 60, but lets underestimate just to cover our ***)

If jay earns 50 mill a year, he earns $4,166,000+ a month.

With 1 months salary, he could give 138.8 kids a THIRTY THOUSAND dollar scholarship.

Think about that.

just for example.
i knew jay z didnt care about the kids when they had the investigation at the store that sold his merchandise her a black kid arrested for buying
Dismantle police unions. Allow victims to sue unions on top of the city.

The list can go on but at the end of the day...the constitution excluded blacks and there's too much money and political "pull" to ever give black and Browns a fair shake.

Baltimore was burning way before Freddie gray was murdered.

Ray Lewis preaching did nothing imo. His celebrity there is a slap in the face for a couple reasons:

1. The idea that anyone can make out of Baltimore and be a rich football player is a tired dream. It's the hardest sport to gain employment in and causes a lot of dreamers to skate thru their education thinking they've got it made.

2. Ray Lewis is a snake. He bought himself out a murder wrap so whatever he has to say is stupid to me.

3. Instead of using GOD as a means to escape your situation, why not put what your GOD GAVE YOU back into the community? Build a rec center, get involved in the school system.

on everything i never understood why multi-millionaires dont do this. you nailed it. ive planned to do so with my millions when they come. huge modern rec/community centers for the city. gyms with low cost membership. jobs. something for kids to do. mentoring programs through it. counseling programs in it. it doesn't even take that much money to do this. i want to build them first in troubled areas around the nation then expand them everywhere. if i REALLLLLLLLLLLLY get big money, i want to mirror these with schools. high end ****. give these rough areas a fair (or better) chance at education. 

we minorities need to look after each other and take care of our own, because the system is stacked against us. we can't look to the system for help. the problem with minorities (in this case black people) is that once they make it out the hood, or accomplish their dreams and make it big...they dont go back and help others mirror that success. We don't pass down knowledge through our community like we should (or like other races for that matter) Ray could've went back and put his dollars to work. Jay couldve cleaned up his city by himself. But nah, rather throw 54million to a streaming service. Look at Dre's bank account now.  uthink he cant help compton out in a  major way right now? But these are just examples. 

And these examples even though theyre not the forefront of the youth's mind...its still there. People trapped in these areas aspire to get out and become successful but dont know how, and dont have anyone who is willing to teach them. so how are they supposed to? Sure, every now and then someone figures it out and leaves, but again like i said...they dont lay the blueprints for anyone else. itd be like tubman having the underground railroad only for herself. if you've got the formula to success, if you know the way out, if you know how to better peoples predicaments, if you have the MEANS to clean up a city.... then go break bread with your people if you REALLY care.

Once these famous black celebs get their mills, the wash they hand and say **** yall ******, I'm out. That's how it's always been and I don't think that's ever going to change because they good and they can care less. That whole Ray Lewis video pissed me off and I'm not even black. How you gonna talk all that **** all safe and sound from your mansion in Miami?!?!
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Once these famous black celebs get their mills, the wash they hand and say **** yall ******, I'm out. That's how it's always been and I don't think that's ever going to change because they good and they can care less. That whole Ray Lewis video pissed me off and I'm not even black. How you gonna talk all that **** all safe and sound from your mansion in Miami?!?!
good to see some soFlo heads in here. I'm from Pembroke pines myself. and this is exactly right, and its part of the problem. white people don't do that. asian people dont do that. jewish people SURELY know how to keep money in the family/community. (i know jewish isn't a race im just saying) only minorities act like uncle scrooge with the formula.
Once these famous black celebs get their mills, the wash they hand and say **** yall ******, I'm out. That's how it's always been and I don't think that's ever going to change because they good and they can care less. That whole Ray Lewis video pissed me off and I'm not even black. How you gonna talk all that **** all safe and sound from your mansion in Miami?!?!
yep.. Ayrton Senna  did alot for his country and he made $$$$$$.. he kept it really low key.. but he did alot.. You dont see that kinda giving back with most black atheltes as they teach them to stay rich dont help your next generation.. 
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Almost as bad as the handcuffed man in Louisiana who 'shot himself', dudes are getting painted as suicidal Marvel characters with superhuman capabilities, country can't get much greater
Once these famous black celebs get their mills, the wash they hand and say **** yall ******, I'm out. That's how it's always been and I don't think that's ever going to change because they good and they can care less. That whole Ray Lewis video pissed me off and I'm not even black. How you gonna talk all that **** all safe and sound from your mansion in Miami?!?!
yep.. Ayrton Senna did alot for his country and he made $$$$$$.. he kept it really low key.. but he did alot.. You dont see that kinda giving back with most black atheltes as they teach them to stay rich dont help your next generation.. 

That **** wasnt low key...most Americans flat out dont know who that is...

when the news kept running that clip I knew it was only a matter of time 
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The funny thing is their money wouldn't even take a hit. With their influence, they'll have grants at their disposal and the biggest tax write offs to recoup so the opportunity is there.
lol good to see I'm not the only one thats stuck around here since Henrico High. Whatttup fam!

All day homie :lol:, I been an NT'er since '02 (formerly known as shoelova13). I don't post much these days but I don't think I can ever leave NT alone for good!
I'll say this again Obama has gone hard to fight for other groups rights. Nobody is expecting him to do a magic trick and end racism but he can do SOMETHING. You're the damn president, you're hands are not completely tied.
I'll say this again Obama has gone hard to fight for other groups rights. Nobody is expecting him to do a magic trick and end racism but he can do SOMETHING. You're the damn president, you're hands are not completely tied.

Addressing police brutality, by actually using the words "police brutality" would be a great start.
That mother ain't **** for trying to get attention at the cost of her sons manhood.

Shes emasculating this kid on national t.v.

The single mother strikes again smh.
Lt. Brian of the officers that was present during the arrest has a history of brutality...

Lieutenant Brian Rice was ordered to stay away from the man after a series of alleged confrontations, including one armed standoff that led to a 911 call and officers from two police departments spending 90 minutes defusing the situation, according to court filings.

“I am seeking protection immediately,” the man wrote to a court in Carroll County, Maryland, in January 2013. He alleged Rice’s behaviour had caused him “to have constant fear for my personal safety” and a “fear of imminent harm or death from Brian Rice”.

The man seeking protection from Rice in 2013 alleged to the court that Rice had said during an apparently alcohol-fuelled confrontation at the man’s house at 2am one morning in June 2012 that he “planned to kill” the man.
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as far as the mother goes...that's just another distraction...i would've loved to see them go and protest peacefully together..make signs as a family and fight against brutality instead of just slapping him around...
And I'm in total agreeance with most of these comments about our President. I don't need for him to be the "President for Black People in America" as a lot of people initially expected when he was elected. But I would expect that as a black male, he would have a little more input or at the very least, some suggestions towards implementing change. I'm very disappointed in him. He talked all that talk...
:x :x @ that mother. She should be ashamed of herself, yo...

That dude is 16+ years old... One or two smacks is cool...

But following him and hitting him?

Then going on TV?

:smh: :smh:

She wack as hell. 100% sure the dad is not there.
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