AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

Great news!!!!

Btw, that attorney and her husband are a straight power couple. I need me a wife like that.

word, wouldn't be surprised if he makes a run at the mayor's office in 2016
damn...those guys need to follow the police around all was right though...that one cop was bound and determined to take him to jail...

The Black Panther's actually did exactly that in parts of Oakland when they were first founded. They would follow cops around and whenever they were arresting a black person they'd be there to document it.

BPs did so much and Murica didn't like that. Food programs, education, etc. I need to read up on some more of their organization from a non-biased point of view to get the full gist of it. The tactics they used could be revamped and used today within confines of the legal system

The Government f'ed the Black Panthers something serious. They treated them dudes like they were terrorist. Putting agents in their organization to spy and snitch on 'em. The way they killed Fred Hampton... :smh:
I swear this should be obvious but for some reason it isn't.

People always want it to NOT be about race because they're uncomfortable discussing race or racism. They'll make a joke here and there, but generally they don't want to have an in depth discussion on the racism that still exists in this country. My favorite are the "I don't see race" clowns. Running from a problem isn't going to solve it. If you know you're sick not going to the doctor isn't going to make your health problems go away. So what makes people think ignoring race is going to end racism?
The officer Ian Furminger, mentioned in the article below that was convicted of honest services fraud, civil rights conspiracy, & conspiracy to commit theft from a federally funded program. He got 41 months.

View media item 1525259

[COLOR=#red]San Francisco arrests under review after officers' slur-filled texts revealed[/COLOR]
By Michael Pearson, CNN
Updated 2:25 PM ET, Fri May 8, 2015

(CNN)San Francisco's top prosecutor has called in a trio of retired, out-of-town judges to examine thousands of cases investigated by police officers in a widening scandal over racist and homophobic text messages.

The judges will look into at least 3,000 cases investigated by 14 officers over the past decade to see if bias played any role, District Attorney George Gascon said Thursday at a news conference. He said prosecutors have already dismissed charges in some cases brought by the officers.

The judges -- Cruz Reynoso, LaDoris Hazzard Cordell and Dickran Tevrizian Jr. -- will also investigate whether a "deeper culture of bias" exists within the department, Gascon said.

They join a task force in Gascon's office already investigating the city police department and the county sheriff's office after federal prosecutors revealed text messages among police officers including references to cross burnings and a suggestion that it would be OK to shoot a black person because it's "not against the law to put an animal down."

Gascon said the messages not only fly in the face of the image San Francisco likes to cultivate for itself -- that of a loving, inclusive community -- but also pose a broader danger to the community.

"When a police officer engages in misconduct, there are significant implications for public safety and for the public trust, particularly in our minority communities," Gascon told reporters. "And we must do everything that we can to restore that trust."

More cases could come under review if the judges decide to widen the scope of their investigation, Gascon said.

Prosecutors: texts rife with racist terms
The scandal is playing out amid a nationwide debate over policing in the United States sparked by controversial police shootings and uses of force that have resulted in deaths in communities such as New York, Ferguson, Missouri, and, most recently, in Baltimore.

It has its roots in the 2014 indictments of six police officers after the city's public defender released videos apparently showing officers taking personal belongings of suspects following a 2009 drug search, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

One of the officers, Sgt. Ian Furminger, was convicted in U.S. District Court in December of honest services fraud, civil rights conspiracy and conspiracy to commit theft from a federally funded program.

He was sentenced to 41 months in prison, and sought to bail pending his appeal.

Opinion: The crisis in confidence in our police

In March, federal prosecutors included transcripts of text messages recovered from Furminger's personal cell phone in a motion arguing against Furminger's request to remain free pending his appeal, saying they offer insight into his character.

In one text, according to the government's motion, a correspondent asks Furminger if he celebrates Kwanzaa, the December holiday honoring African culture. He responds, "Yeah we burn the cross on the field! Then we celebrate Whitemas," according to the motion.

In another text, Furminger exchanged text messages with another San Franscisco police officer about a black man married to a friend of his wife. The couple was visiting their home at the time.

"Get ur pocket gun. Keep it available in case the monkey returns to his roots," the unnamed police officer texted Furminger, according to the government motion. "Its [sic] not against the law to put an animal down."

"Well said!" the government says Furminger replied.

Furminger also allegedly called another officer a "f-g," called a black officer a "f-----n n----r," according to CNN affiliate KPIX, and made derogatory comments about Mexicans and Filipinos.

San Francisco's police chief has proposed firing eight officers implicated in the scandal, including a police captain and a sergeant, the Chronicle reported last month. Three of the officers have resigned, the newspaper reported.

While San Francisco has not been seen the kind of widespread protest over police actions seen in other communities following controversial use-of-force cases, the text messages bring to light a "culture of sickness" within the police department, said the Rev. Amos Brown, a San Francisco pastor and national board member of the NAACP.

"We cannot claim with integrity and honesty that we are a first-class, inclusive, loving city," Brown said.

He said the community has "far too many times been mute, silent and indifferent in the face of injustice," citing statistics that blacks made up more than half of those incarcerated in the city while only making up about 5% of the population.

Garcon said he hoped the judges would complete their investigation by the end of the year, but said they would be given as much time as they need to do their work
The fix is in.  

Why am I not surprised in the least by this?  
What happened after the L.A riots back in the 90s? Whatever it was, most likely the same strategy will be applied to diffuse everything going down.

Your government can play the same trick a hundred times and we still fall to it.
What happened after the L.A riots back in the 90s? Whatever it was, most likely the same strategy will be applied to diffuse everything going down.

Your government can play the same trick a hundred times and we still fall to it.
Nothing. We rebuilt. Po-po still the same crooked department it was back then.

However, the thing folks don't understand or know about what caused the L.A. Riots was that it was much more than emotions over the Rodney King beating trial but more to do with a young, black high school girl was killed by an Asian liquor store owner over juice, and was given a slap on the wrist.

That made the pot boil over.

When it's talked about or's no coincidence that Koreans were arming themselves against looters...they were purposely targeted because of that situation.

Till this day, Koreans and Blacks don't really have the best of relationships.
wow...heard they were really strict with cell phones for the concert...prince is that dude...
heard he came out and said "F the curfew"...
Seems like schools need to incorporate race/racial awareness education in America because it looks like everyone has been taught to ignore it for so long that they can't see it when it's at the center of so many issues. People think what makes something a "racial" event is the color of the aggressors skin when that doesn't matter at all. It's the color of the targets skin that makes it racial. If I (a black man) decides that I'm only going to kill black people, that makes it racial. Why is that so hard to believe when it comes to the cops? Fact of the matter is when it comes to the cops (the aggressor) the targets are disproportionately black for most crimes when absolutely no fact or statistic supports the fact that blacks are more likely to commit those crimes than whites. THATS what makes it about race. And if you can't see that then you're apart of the reason why racial goes unchecked.
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