Agree on this twitter nonsense sucking hard. I bought Cool Grey's, BCIII's, Bourdeax's, True Blue 3's all on NDC. Soon as the twitter link started I have failed every single time.
Is there a hidden message on these 4s?

Hidden message. Why do you ask? Cuz i've never heard about that, chap.


You must like secrets. 

*whispers delicately*



Pretty sure its the light. Im posting up the second batch as we speak, but heres another quick shot of the hang-tag

Also, I should apologize for the quality. All of these pics are from my crappy phone

Didn't know people still owned flip phones with the vga cam techNOlogy...

Hee hee... i'm just squeezing your shaft, champ.

Nice shoes.

You should pose in them bad boys for us.

Put a lil umph in it. 


:nerd: ... AYO dude stop trolling
I am going to be ****** if I am working at 8am, huh?

Any other retail workers facing this dilemma?
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anther fly by night......
bart scott
LOL they are really new and just opened their online shop, but I got a great deal and legit shoes form them.  Definitely understand someone else being weary of buying from there though. They make alot of their personal information known on twitter and help a lot of friends out on there too.  They were only doing pre orders for 5 pairs too though, so they are probably gone now.
LOL they are really new and just opened their online shop, but I got a great deal and legit shoes form them.  Definitely understand someone else being weary of buying from there though. They make alot of their personal information known on twitter and help a lot of friends out on there too.  They were only doing pre orders for 5 pairs too though, so they are probably gone now.

Lol so you working for them or..?

Pretty sure there will be plenty to go around
Agree on this twitter nonsense sucking hard. I bought Cool Grey's, BCIII's, Bourdeax's, True Blue 3's all on NDC. Soon as the twitter link started I have failed every single time.

You strike out everytime cuz its rigged, just like that dumb RSVP System
NDC uses!
You strike out everytime cuz its rigged, just like that dumb RSVP System
NDC uses!
RSVP for me is always WIN :nthat: I'm 5/5 on it can't complain about it. I rather camp at home on my phone, than to camp out in this Chi weather.
I was considering doing the pre-order for these but I'm just going to wait for RD and if I'm unsuccessful, I'm sure there will be plenty to go around a month out from RD.

Then again if I can't cop a pair at retail, there's always another shoe.
These def are gonna easily attainable like all 4's this year.

I clearly remember standing in the freezing cold at 3 a.m., with dudes panicking and stressing that they wouldn't get a pair.

So I would say it was far from easy.

If u put in the work and know where/when to go, then it won't be a problem. Ghost spots are popping up with pairs, that tells you many to go around.
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Dope thanks! These don't ship out from China or anything?
No, they won't ship to you until after release day from what their site says.  They are just pairs they have been guaranteed to get on release day to my knowledge (from messaging one of the guys that is involved with them on twitter).

Haha nah, I don't work for em.  Retail/Reselling ain't my business.  I just know some people have circumstances that make it where they can't get them on RD and I got a pair of shoes from there that were legit, so I'm giving them another option.  Luckily i have a great job that pays me enough that I can buy from this secondary market if I wasn't so lucky to cop at retail.
In a week from tomorrow, these will be mine! 
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