Air Jordan 4 x UNION LA Thread

Lol at the mods
let the seeding to rich people aka trickle down economics inspired marketing begin - I see lena white got her free pair.
one of the worst things about all this kinda stuff.
like undefeated going so hard to show off it’s friends and family pairs to their following which is 99.9%neither friend nor family.
Make it make sense.
let the seeding to rich people aka trickle down economics inspired marketing begin - I see lena white got her free pair.

lol yeah these companies trying to play it off like they're FOR THE PEOPLE / CULTURE and just give em away to people who might take a couple photos for IG with them. Bodega and Concepts are great/horrible at this as well...
Didn’t think it could get any worse lol
I’m content with the Guavas. Those are both nice, but I’ll pass. They really look like the scrapped cws / leftovers to me 🤷‍♂️
that taupe haze pair is nice, the desert one not so much.
Pass once again
Don't like the yellowish pair but the brown pair is quite ok. Never was the biggest fan of this shoe until near release when I found out why it looked the way it did. Still hate the midsole and outsole but it works better with the brown
Desert moss look pee'd on 🤢
Taupe = 💥💥
Those new colorways are doodoo, son.
While better im still not really a fan of the desert moss pair.

On feet today


Moss been a pass, just an ugly mashup of colors

Looks like a pair of fakes from the height of the fugazi era

I better not see any of ya'll talking about ya'll hit the Desert Moss pair on release date. :angry:
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