^^^ Even I think that would'nt work well on the market.
Originally Posted by mjvc

I've always thought Ray deserved a shoe.

ray allen has been down with JB for so long.. it bewilders me, why he never had his own sig show..
but to give everyone a sig shoe is a bad idea... most of them would end up on the sales racks
I can't believe some of you actually think the general public would but Rip Hamiltons or Joe Johnsons or Q-Richs

Really, Team shoes sell because they are the alternative to Air Jordans, they are easy to get, but they are still Jordans.

Why would anyone buy a shoe based off of Joe Johnson, Q-Rich, etc.

JB is a buisness, it would make no buisness sense to give everyone sig. shoes
No way should every team Jordan member get a signature shoe.... I think we all go broke as it is keeping up on the new releases. On top of that.... there wouldbe no demand on their signature shoes.... so therefore no money (profit) would be made. Jordan is smarter then that!
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