Air Jordan XX8 aka 2013, new "Proplate Zoom" Technology OFFICIAL THREAD.

A day later and these are still indefensible

There is a difference between a radical or unconventional design that people have to get used to (the XX, the II at the time, the XI at the time, on and on) and just plain poorly executed (these)

I'm sure there will be people who like these, but I'm also sure they'll be the minority.

Again, they can be performance beasts... but by the description they're nothing revolutionary. So how much will the XX8's carbon fiber/full Zoom setup be better than Nike's flagship basketball shoes that feature similar setups? Probably not by much, if at all. So why not drop money on kicks that don't look like rainboots?
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Tried them on. They are a performance beast. Fit true to size. A good source said they have a lot more planned for this shoe to really pop it off. Will be getting a pair soon to ball in. Ill review when i do get it. 
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I like the turtle neck.  You should rock them with the collar popped. 
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How many of you were on here when pics of the XX dropped?
People were calling for Tinker's head. :lol:


However I still think these are in a different category. They don't look unorthodox, radical or unconventional... they just look stupid.

It's an opinion but I doubt it'll change in 8 years like the XX
Well, while everyone is hating.. the sneaker world fell off.  There should be a separation of Style and Play.  OG Jordans should be worn for style and paying homage.  Team Jordans were made for playing.. and they are completely unacceptable.  Therefore, Nike needs to get some normal basketball sneakers again for people who really play ball to wear.  It shouldn't be so hard for me to find an air bubble when I go to footlocker.  In a normal color too.. that highlighter color thing is over.. that was cool in 07 when it was underground.. now you can cop snap backs at lids..dead.. next style please   **Foams should be only worn by people on a court or on their way to one.. wearing them for style is the same as Lil' Wayne carrying around a skateboard and not being able to ollie**
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Yeah, hated the XXs when they first dropped but the Stealths made me fell in love.

These on the other hand, zipped up = THRASH but when zipped down = Kinda decent

Price though :smh:
I'd rather rock one foot Ugg boot and one foot crocs than ball in these.. Dave Chappelle wore these during the prince skit.. prototypes.. and Russell Westbrook better have gotten paid mega bread specifically to wear these.. I'd be offended.. Dwade probably saw a sketch of these and that's why he went to Li Ning.. I wouldn't want any part of that either.
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look more like a football non cleat shoe than a basketball shoe.
certainly not impressed esp for 250.

saying that, im sure ill get them for 60-80 when they go on sale.
I'm sorry. I'm so pissed at this garbage. I don't post much and have been on this site for ,many years but this is a true shame!!! There is a small percentage of young kids that will think this is a cool shoe and buy it but for 250 this garbage will be in the outlets in weeks!!! Such a shame that gone are the days when you truly were excited to see the new Jordan and of course wear them and they give us this. We all need to let nike know that true collectors and sneaker heads that spend the money on these kicks deserve better!!! We all know there will be a version 2,3, and so on but who cares at this point. What a shame!!!
the price tag is a statement setting apart this shoe from the rest.. once the roars quiet down the price will be marked down significantly and ballers, collectors and fashion people will buy.

i will buy once the price is right
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BTW, I'm already laughing at what Russ will look like playing in these tonight. Maybe nike will make him a Jordan raincoat to go along with this garbage!!!!
Who let Tinker go out dressed like that?

This is the Jordan for hipsters - 'nuff said. Tinker himself dressed up like one. Question is though, will hipsters drop $200+ on these? The ridiculously high cut and 'rain boot' look are for the cats who rock their skinny jeans with boots that cut well above the ankle.
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they look good down but not up, on that note i wouldnt pay 250 for it, 100 maybe but thats just me, if i played ball anymore i would scoop em for playing in but to rock as cool sneaks it would have to be for the low
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