Air Jordan XXXIII first info

Neither shoe works smoothly. I’m disappointed.

Yeah had em on mega tight and almost lightweight panicked when I pulled the eject loop and nothing seem to happen.

more steps than I like to take off the shoe:

1. Undo velcro strap
2. Pull eject loop
3. Push tongue away
4. Use heel tab to get shoe off

Anti-intuitive at first because the strap, tongue and pull tab are all connected inside the shoe.
Welp, I just exchanged my pair at Foot Action. Came home from work, threw on the pair I bought this morning, started walking around inside and the left shoe kept making this freaking annoying clicking sound with every step. Something inside the shoe rubbing or flexing, really couldn't figure out if it was in the sole or on the shoe, it was coming from the medial side in the arch area. May or may not have been related to the fit system, I couldn't tell. Figured that was that but luckily the mall is nearby and they still had sizes in stock. Of course, I shouldn't say that till I put this other pair on shortly to confirm they are good. Didn't feel like messing with them in the store, was in a bit of a rush.

EDIT: This pair seems straight.

Honestly I don't find these that big of a deal to put on--as long as you pull the actual tightening "laces" loose with some slack after you pull the eject cord.

Rocking them around the house now watching the Lakers, I think they look rad with my sweatpants on. Not sure I'm going to choose to wear these with shorts very often, though.Then again, I might.
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Been walking around the house tryna break them in.

I noticed when I pull the eject cord toward the outside of the shoe I can feel something release/snap It happened everytime I pulled it that way. It did loosen a little everytime. Although I still had to pull the actual string to completely loosen them.

Hopefully more you use the function the better it will work.
Has anyone seen any release on any apparel yet for the 33?

Employee at Foot Action tonight (for whatever this is even worth) said to expect apparel when the second release comes. I said why, and he said there was already plenty of white, red and black Jordan apparel out now. That's not really the point to me, as I expected apparel designed to go along with this particular shoe, not just what colors it features. Like the stuff some of those kids were wearing in the promo games, Bronny and those guys. Not that I'd be wearing that stuff, but still think it's strange absolutely nothing released yet specifically in-line with the 33.
On errthang, I don't like that look me wondering...

Mine aren't bunching noticeably at all. You barely need to pull the tightening cord with these, the velcro side strap keeps them on and secure. At least out of the box, the fit is snug enough around the midfoot that I'm not doing more than a couple clicks on the tightening. Don't even really need to do that, though it will probably change as the shoes break in and loosen up.
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Got to see these in person after copping a half size down and getting home. These are FIREEEE.. def copping that Black pair and looking forward to more dope color ways down the line. Screams Jordan.. XX3's are a home run IMO.

Fit: Copped a 10.5 (TTS) in store to compare to the 11 and the difference feels verrrry slight to me. They're both comfy so I'm still deciding on which is best. I did notice that these ride the back of the heel close so I'm going to try them on a few times to make sure I keep the right size.

Edit: Kept them on for a good 15-20 min to see how they feel after a while and I'm going with the 11. I REALLY wanted to keep the 10.5 because they fit almost perfect (both are nearly identical) but the deciding factor is that heel riding. If you feel the back of the shoe there is no padding at all there which causes the heel pressure.

It's weird because I've NEVER had an issue like that with a shoe. A little bit of a let down too because the toe box felt perfectly comfortable in the 10.5. Ahh whelp; rather an 11 than a dead heel at the end of a good day/night.

Thanks a ton for the review!! Seriously much appreciated. In the same exact boat with the sizing. Got my true 11 didn’t have an opportunity to try on the 10.5 and now they’re out of stock. I’m wearing mine for hooping and I always worry about the heals rubbing my Achilles (previous surgery) so I’m feeling a little bit more comfortable based on your review (although we all have different feet).

i haven’t compared the 10.5 to my 11 (tts) yet side by side but i noticed a couple things walking around my parents house in the 10.5 i picked up today...

the half size down i had no mesh bunch up.

toe box feels much better and i don’t feel like i’m wearing space boots (big and bulky) on 10.5

the right shoe is a little uncomfortable width wise but nothing too bad. it almost feels like the inner part where your foot arch is, the insole is stuck high or something weird like that. i don’t notice it really on my left shoe.

i’m prob gonna lean more towards keeping the 10.5 over the 11. i’ll make a better decision when i swap both on and off but right now it’s 10.5 all the way aside from the right shoe thing i mentioned.

also on the 10.5 i don’t need the lacing system which i guess can go both ways. 1 it’s useless but on the other hand i don’t have to worry about it breaking or anything , which i’ll be completely honest i don’t think it ever will even with use. those strings look fragile but they’re no joke

either pair these things better loosen up because they’re both have crazy stiff soles, it’s like walking on an ice skate in regards to how there’s no give

it also doesn’t help that my every day are peg turbos, legit the most comfortable sneaker i ever wore

Kudos as well!! Another solid review. I wish I coulda just tried on a 10.5 for my own mental peace of mine lol.

either pair these things better loosen up because they’re both have crazy stiff soles, it’s like walking on an ice skate in regards to how there’s no give

it also doesn’t help that my every day are peg turbos, legit the most comfortable sneaker i ever wore

I actually really dig the soles and the feel. I'll probably never play in these but if I was still playing a lot, pretty sure I'd love the soles on these with the new carbon plate. Just walking around the house I can get a sense of responsiveness out of them.

These things aren't perfect overall by any means, but I'm really digging them. Definitely a true Air Jordan, to me, for the first time in way too effing long.
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amarano amarano I was curious to hear about your sizing because we wear the same size and did the same thing. I really wanted to keep the 10.5 because the fit is just better but the heel is tight and has pressure with damn near no padding; I'm fake envious that the 10.5 works for you :lol:

parry the left parry the left I feel like mine is fine but I also have to pull the string to loosen them up. The yellow cord is the part that gets me.. I tried it out in store on a pair and it got "caught" on its way back like someone said. At home it went back smoothly but not like all the way if that makes sense. I was expecting more of a snap back.

yea man i’ll be sure to let you know tomorrow i got home and immediately threw on Haunting of Hill house (one of the best shows i ever seen lol) after being out all day.

one thing i will say though off the bat is i’ve yet to try either pair on with short socks. i wear long socks with pants/jeans most of the time i dunno i’m just weird like that lol. so i can’t say i’ve noticed any achilles rubbing (and also i think you said your tts is 10.5, i’m the opposite my tts is 11 and my second pair is .5 sized down to 10.5)

but my point is that i don’t plan on really wearing these with shorts. to me these are a shoe that just automatically goes with pants. i’ll try to take notice about the achilles thing tomorrow. also on my mind is the raised feeling i have in the sole by the arch in my foot on the right 10.5 pair. i’m gonna try to mess around with it and see if i could fix it...anyone else having this problem. it could simply be that it’s just too narrow and maybe my right foot is somehow wider?
As I finally go to sleep quite late out here on the West Coast, after messing with these just lounging around tonight for the past few hours: This shoe is interesting. It's cool. In some ways, it's borderline amazing. But it also kind of sucks.

I generally like the way it looks. Generally. I'm a sucker for white/black/red Jordans, and the overall color scheme is cool. I don't mind the gold. With pants on over them, all you see is a sleek white shoe with the black panel up front, accented slightly with red hits, and I love that. Looks rad.

The heel flap is stupid. This is a 3/4-height shoe--if it came out in the era of the Kobe 4, you could even call it a low top--which I love, and it actually looks sleek and tight in profile view (meaning, from the side). Been wearing them all night with loose-fitting sweatpants and they look dope that way. But when I pull up my pant leg to see the whole thing, I kind of cringe at the heel. It serves no purpose and is obviously nothing but a design element inspired by the goofy current trend of exaggerated addenda. It will not age well. I'd like it way more if they kept this black heel tab as is but just ended it and rounded it off about 2-3MM higher than the line/height of the ankle collar instead of making it an inch above the ankle collar. In other words, ditch that useless extension. It would flow way better with the overall shoe. Still could have put NIKE AIR on there, just smaller.

The Fast Fit system works well for cinching the shoe down.

The "eject" function is total ****. You pull it and basically nothing happens. You have to move your foot around and/or use your fingers to manipulate the shoe/"laces" to truly loosen it. And that parachute cord is so thin, good luck getting a grip on it. It's annoying and gives the impression of--shocker, I know--another JB gimmick that we'll likely never see again and one that was rushed through the design/production process.

For me, I will just be wearing these when the mood strikes me and not playing in them, so it doesn't matter much because so far I don't really even need to pull them tight, the velcro side strap is enough to keep them on my feet comfortably just walking around. But if I was playing in these? Part of the idea seemed to me to be quick adjustment on the fly. Forget that. Say you pull the tighten tab but go a click or two or three too far. So then you pull the eject loop to start over. Because you will have to start over. With some time and experience, you might figure it out, but this is far from a quick, precise adjustment mechanism. Sort of defeats the point, at least in my view. It can and has been done far better. Which goes back to it feeling more like a gimmick than an actual advancement.

I'm keeping these because, well, I can. And because I like the way they look in many ways, and if nothing else they are a novelty. They will be remembered for sure, for better or worse, and that's a big part of what makes them a true Air Jordan. Still, it's just a whacky shoe. I dig that a lot but this shoe is also totally stupid in a few ways, honestly. I'm weird, though (and more than a little bored with new modern shoes for the most part), so that's not necessarily a bad thing. But these for sure could have been better overall, just with a few slight design changes appearance-wise and better actual engineering of the lacing system.

Have fun, everyone. I won't knock anyone for doing the opposite, but this will be the only pair of 33s I buy in this guise. Not regretting it at all, but also laughing at how silly they are. Like I said, these will be remembered in the pantheon of Air Jordans. I can't wait to see the posts on these as more and more people get them in hand and deal with them for more and more time. Should be a hoot :lol:

I am genuinely fascinated to see how these go over when it is all said and done. Or even before then.
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As I finally go to sleep quite late out here on the West Coast, after messing with these just lounging around tonight for the past few hours: This shoe is interesting. It's cool. In some ways, it's borderline amazing. But it also kind of sucks.

I generally like the way it looks. Generally. I'm a sucker for white/black/red Jordans, and the overall color scheme is cool. I don't mind the gold. With pants on over them, all you see is a sleek white shoe with the black panel up front, accented slightly with red hits, and I love that. Looks rad.

The heel flap is stupid. This is a 3/4-heght shoe--if it came out in the era of the Kobe 4, you could even call it a low top--which I love, and it actually looks sleek and tight in profile view (meaning, from the side). Been wearing them all night with loose-fitting sweatpants and they look dope that way. But when I pull up my pant leg to see the whole thing, I kind of cringe at the heel. It serves no purpose and is obviously nothing but a design element inspired by the goofy current trend of exaggerated addenda. It will not age well. I'd like it way more if they kept this black heel tab as is but just ended it and rounded it off about 2-3MM higher than the line/height of the ankle collar instead of making it an inch above the ankle collar. In other words, ditch that useless extension. It would flow way better with the overall shoe. Still could have put NIKE AIR on there, just smaller.

The Fast Fit system works well for cinching the shoe down.

The "eject" function is total ****. You pull it and basically nothing happens. You have to move your foot around and/or use your fingers to manipulate the shoe/"laces" to truly loosen it. And that parachute cord is so thin, good luck getting a grip on it. It's annoying and gives the impression of--shocker, I know--another JB gimmick that we'll likely never see again and one that was rushed through the design/production process.

For me, I will just be wearing these when the mood strikes me and not playing in them, so it doesn't matter much because so far I don't really even need to pull them tight, the velcro side strap is enough to keep them on my feet comfortably just walking around. But if I was playing in these? Part of the idea seemed to me to be quick adjustment on the fly. Forget that. Say you pull the tighten tab but go a click or two or three too far. So then you pull the eject loop to start over. Because you will have to start over. With some time and experience, you might figure it out, but this is far from a quick, precise adjustment mechanism. Sort of defeats the point, at least in my view. It can and has been done far better. Which goes back to it feeling more like a gimmick than an actual advancement.

I'm keeping these because, well, I can. And because I like the way they look in many ways, and if nothing else they are a novelty. They will be remembered for sure, for better or worse, and that's a big part of what makes them a true Air Jordan. Still, it's just a whacky shoe. I dig that a lot but this shoe is also totally stupid in a few ways, honestly. I'm weird, though (and more than a little bored with new modern shoes for the most part), so that's not necessarily a bad thing. But these for sure could have been better overall, just with a few slight design changes appearance-wise and better actual engineering of the lacing system.

Have fun, everyone. I won't knock anyone for doing the opposite, but this will be the only pair of 33s I buy in this guise. Not regretting it at all, but also laughing at how silly they are. Like I said, these will be remembered in the pantheon of Air Jordans. I can't wait to see the posts on these as more and more people get them in hand and deal with them for more and more time. Should be a hoot :lol:

I am genuinely fascinated to see how these go over when it is all said and done. Or even before then.

Great review, man.
History and the future.

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well I ususally wear a 12 , tried the 11.5 on at the store knowing they ran long, felt ok, once I got home and walked around in them, way to much room in the toe box for my liking and felt way to big , so luckily called and they still had a 11 left and went back to swap them , they for sure feel stiff at first , so hopefully they break in well , I really love this colorway and model
Thanks a ton for the review!! Seriously much appreciated. In the same exact boat with the sizing. Got my true 11 didn’t have an opportunity to try on the 10.5 and now they’re out of stock. I’m wearing mine for hooping and I always worry about the heals rubbing my Achilles (previous surgery) so I’m feeling a little bit more comfortable based on your review (although we all have different feet).


one thing i will say though off the bat is i’ve yet to try either pair on with short socks. i wear long socks with pants/jeans most of the time i dunno i’m just weird like that lol. so i can’t say i’ve noticed any achilles rubbing (and also i think you said your tts is 10.5, i’m the opposite my tts is 11 and my second pair is .5 sized down to 10.5)

but my point is that i don’t plan on really wearing these with shorts. to me these are a shoe that just automatically goes with pants. i’ll try to take notice about the achilles thing tomorrow. also on my mind is the raised feeling i have in the sole by the arch in my foot on the right 10.5 pair. i’m gonna try to mess around with it and see if i could fix it...anyone else having this problem. it could simply be that it’s just too narrow and maybe my right foot is somehow wider?

I'm glad both of yall pointed out the achilles thing. That's actually not what I was talking about at all. These gave me NO issues with the achilles. If you look at the NA tab it goes outward AWAY from your achilles so the 10.5 or 11 does not affect it at all. What I was referring to was the ball of the (back of the) heel INSIDE the shoe- Think inside the shoe but below the NA sign. Thats where there is no real padding, just a thin material coating and the back of the shoe basically presses up against the back of my heel.

The frustrating thing is that the entire rest of the shoe is perfect and I never had issues with a shoe in that area.. usually the toe box or a weird achilles thing.
I'm glad both of yall pointed out the achilles thing. That's actually not what I was talking about at all. These gave me NO issues with the achilles. If you look at the NA tab it goes outward AWAY from your achilles so the 10.5 or 11 does not affect it at all. What I was referring to was the ball of the (back of the) heel INSIDE the shoe- Think inside the shoe but below the NA sign. Thats where there is no real padding, just a thin material coating and the back of the shoe basically presses up against the back of my heel.

The frustrating thing is that the entire rest of the shoe is perfect and I never had issues with a shoe in that area.. usually the toe box or a weird achilles thing.

I have the achilles issue occasionally w shoes. It generally goes away once they're finally broken all the way in, but the blisters/sores on the achilles until that point suck so I put that liquid band-aid stuff on my achilles when wearing them until they're broken in.
I played ball in these for 2 hours this morning and they felt great. It took some effort to get them on even with the velcro undone. Once I got them on, they fit fine, but I had to re-tighten after playing a little bit. Traction was good and I was playing on a dusty floor. I like them for ball and will probably get another colorway. I wish they would release the Tech Pack here in the US.
I have the achilles issue occasionally w shoes. It generally goes away once they're finally broken all the way in, but the blisters/sores on the achilles until that point suck so I put that liquid band-aid stuff on my achilles when wearing them until they're broken in.

I agree with all of the above but I hope youre not confusing what I am saying. These DO NOT have an achilles issue (at least for me) they have a lower back heel issue when I went with TTS.
only thing that worries me about keeping the 10.5 over the 11 is that i got the 10.5 in store at footlocker while the 11 came from nike

isn’t footlocker return policy only unworn sneakers?

what if i wear these and they don’t break in the way i hope or something breaks, then am i stuck with the pair?
only thing that worries me about keeping the 10.5 over the 11 is that i got the 10.5 in store at footlocker while the 11 came from nike

isn’t footlocker return policy only unworn sneakers?

what if i wear these and they don’t break in the way i hope or something breaks, then am i stuck with the pair?

Correct.. has to be unworn. I am in the same dilemma. Good thing my floor is carpet because I keep trying them on to see if I can stand the 10.5 (thats how much I want to keep that size lmao). One things for sure.. I love these. They scream Jordan so much and this is the best colorway yet. I can't wait to cop the Blacks and see what else they have. Just deciding my size but prob leaning toward the 11 to play it safe.

I just hate how I have necessary toe box room. I hate snug toe box kicks but also hate room for nothing.. If they fit just perfect, Im happy and the 10.5 does that minus the heel pressure.
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what if i wear these and they don’t break in the way i hope or something breaks, then am i stuck with the pair?

a little concerned about this too...i remember when i had the tmac 4 with the tightening system on the back of the shoe. broke within a month of wearing it
Heya guys, I've been a lurker for awhile & thought I'd finally sign up.

Copped these in a 10.5 from Footlocker in my home town (Sydney AUS), only 4 of us that lined up (I was there almost 2.5hrs early...2hrs by myself). Only 1 pair in 10.5 but mostly 2 pairs in each size.

I really love the look of these but I'm finding these way, way too tight. I normally wear 3s & 5s and the width on those are great for me, going up to a size 11 & I'm sure I'll be tripping. Honestly bit of a mission to get these on the feet, even with the red strap undone. Once in, there's no point to pull to tighten. Hoping they'll give a little so kept them on feet at home on carpet for 45min last night but the only fire was the sides of my feet. Have them back on now for 10min and the burn is real. I'm thinking the mid sole is molded too high and that's causing the pain.

As sad as it makes me, I might have to take these back. Will sit on them for a couple of weeks and decide. Devastated.

Anyone else struggling as much as I am?

Yes I can't deal with the pressure once tighten too extreme. It's bulky too. Got early access pair so I was able to try on in comfort of my home to really assess if these are for me but ended up returning them.
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