AIr jordan XXXV first info.

I can live without all the goofy colored PEs not releasing to the public and being for players only. But to show us these fire reds with the fighter jet teeth/flames on the side is just a slap in the face to the people who have been loyal customers for years.
Yep, marketing is different these days. I actually work in that field. Again, sorry to live in the past, but it was nice back in the day that if you saw Mike wearing a shoe/color-way you knew you could probably get it and wear the "same" shoe he was. That was exciting, especially for a kid. Nowadays that's only slightly true because of PEs, general releases and limited availability. How many color-ways that the players wear can the average NIKE consumer actually get their hands on? When I say average, I mean someone without connections, etc. Like I said I've been giving them my money for 4 decades and I've yet to find any connection to land me limited or tough to get releases. So driving the hype on unaccessible items, to me, doesn't make much marketing sense. People don't usually want to settle. "That color-way Zion has on is amazing but I'll settle for this pair instead." Ummm, no. That's not OK. It builds frustration and you have to be losing money from people who just walk away. Like I said I love my shoes and 99.5% of mine are NIKE but as much as I dig the company this is still frustrating. You can't and probably shouldn't limit the PEs - let the players wear what the want and you can't release all of them - that would be insane - but dropping a few would make sense and make people happy AND NIKE money.
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