Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

this thread is terrible.

Designers dont always get to choose what materials, colorways or decide the cost of production, that is always up to the big dogs.

Designers are given a list of materials to use, often suede and durabuck because its inexpensive.

So even if a JB designer wanted to use premium leather on the infrareds its not up to him, hes told to use suede so thats what we get.

Designers aren't usually assigned the projects of retroes, that usually goes to guys from the marketing and developing team.

And it's not always up to the big dogs to make those decisions, usually the teams/individuals assigned the project has an input, or it may be already stated in the product brief what the materials are.
This thread is turning into a disaster!

For those complaining about the infrared being suede you got two option

1. Don't buy the pack at all
2. if the suede really bothers you alot.. Save those 300 and buy the 2000 infrared
plain and simple

I for one don't mind the suede as i'll be able to tell the diffrence between my pair of 00 infrared to these newly retroes
mods whats up with this bs close please it is what it is
Im still curious as to why the person that produced the black shoe, wasnt able to produce the white shoe, BEING THAT THIS IS A PACK AND COME TOGETHER, thats why i think this is fishy!
sooo. where are the white infrareds? i always wanted to split the pack. i was contemplating whether i should keep the Black infrared or sell to pay off the white
Why are guys pic quoting???

And whats with the people selling wolf tickets?

I never see the people complain about the quality things like some of you describe it, I see it but not like some of you make it seem to be you guys are hyping the hype trying to "stop it" but are just throwing lighter fluid in to the fire of Bulls hit.

JB forum blows and its all because of the NT socialists
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by Zero 0123

I'm actually a huge fan of suede. I like it a lot more than nubuck and durabuck. That's not to say I think the Infrareds should have suede on them. They should have kept them durabuck. Suede is a real nice material if cared for correctly. It can be a very durable material if you take care of it correctly. That is until you get that first big scuff and its game over.

But I'm a fan of suede. Hope these turn out nice. I'm looking forward to this pack.


Any excuse to validate buying this garbage pack

You people crack me up i bet the people at Jordan Brand is cracking open a few beers laughing saying " I told you these morons will still buy with low quality"

Man Gentry you do your job well you deserve every penny you earn off these senseless people

At first i was against them but now i realize there right if they can sell low quality products for cheap and maximize profits why not do it

I think this thread taught me a lot
Seriously kid... All you do is complain complain complain. Go find something better to do with your time. I'm not validating this pack. I like suede. I've always liked suede. Me liking suede has nothing to do with this pack. I actually like Varsity Red better than Infrared, but Infrared still sits dear to my heart since I had them when I was a shorty.

If you hate JB so much, stop buying their shoes and go do something more productive with yourself instead of complain on a forum board. No one really cares what you say. I bet you're just bitter that you won't have the guap to cop these. Especially if they are an international release. I'm seriously getting sick of you..

Makes two  of us
Originally Posted by imazing1201

sooo. where are the white infrareds? i always wanted to split the pack. i was contemplating whether i should keep the Black infrared or sell to pay off the white

i just said that, read thread!!

Originally Posted by flappy188

Im still curious as to why the person that produced the black shoe, wasnt able to produce the white shoe, BEING THAT THIS IS A PACK AND COME TOGETHER, thats why i think this is fishy!

...why the pics of white/infra didnt came out yet??
I can't understand.....i think they keep it as a high national secret....maybe we see pics after 6/12...............
^^ Woah, how did bigj505's quote get in before flappy even asked the question? Lolz, psychic powers...
You guys really should think about both sides of the conversation in this thread....

1. We should be happy with what we get....there was a time when no retros were being made, let alone Original colorways of Iconic Air Jordan models that we all just simply want to enjoy.

2. As paying customers, we feel like we are getting lesser quality and paying more than what we did originally to get "The REAL Thing"....if you just accept "status quo" without voicing an opinion about it, then guess what....it will only continue...there is an analogy to Obama and his campaign slogan "CHANGE"....(yeah, I know, It's a stretch....but making a point).

I am in both camps....like most people who like Jordan's, this model (VI) is one that's very near the top of the list....it sucks that it isn't in it's "true form", but I'd rather have them be available versus not at all.  Sure, going out and finding a wearable pair of  2000's can be fun...but how can our "hobby" continue without the next generations learning about these shoes and what they meant to most of us older guys....

Both opinions, In my opinion, should be considered and discussed ...isn't that what this board is for? (minus the name calling and other childish behavior)

Originally Posted by flappy188

anyone know what QFT. means????


Are you the clown on the other forum that PM'd me and said this? If so you're an idiot.

[table][tr][td]From:[/td] [td][email protected][/td][/tr][tr][td]To:[/td] [td]dustin00201[/td][/tr][tr][td]Posted:[/td] [td]Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:44 pm[/td][/tr][tr][td]Subject:[/td] [td]nubuck[/td] [td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]hey dura and nubuck are the same f****** thing...are u retarted? lmmfao x a million

Originally Posted by flappy188

Originally Posted by imazing1201

sooo. where are the white infrareds? i always wanted to split the pack. i was contemplating whether i should keep the Black infrared or sell to pay off the white

i just said that, read thread!!

Originally Posted by flappy188

Im still curious as to why the person that produced the black shoe, wasnt able to produce the white shoe, BEING THAT THIS IS A PACK AND COME TOGETHER, thats why i think this is fishy!


so your point is?
why don't you tell everyone that doesn't like suede that the guy before them already said that.  
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