All Time College Busts

This is before anybody's time, but Ken Hall (Sugarland, TX) has to be the all time college bust.

Google or Wiki him, the numbers he put up in HS were absoluely insane. Still has the all time high school career rushing record and the top two season records.
Im Not You wrote:
Originally Posted by Durden7

Im Not You wrote:
As mentioned prospects don't stay in school for 4 years.

Yes...he had a solid career at UK. Great. It don't match-up to his billing as a prep star.

As for me going to DeMatha...that was a response to LilZStar and his comments on Bogans/Forte and his expectations. Never said he had anything to with the overall topic at hand. Please read next time.
Well dont cross out his text if youre refering to it.

Top prospects dont stay 4 years?
Thats some B.S. Again, this has nothing to do with pro careers.

You just said he had a solid career at UK.... so how is he a bust. Just because you heard a lot of good things about him doesnt mean he was expected to light the world on fire. Anyone who was a college AA can not be counted as a bust... plain and simple.

You were wrong about Duhon, and youre wrong about Bogans.

Maybe under YOUR definition of bust. But a bust is someone who doesn't live up to their billing. If Lebron James is averaging 18 points, 5 assists, and 4 rebounds through his first 6 years. That's a solid stat line. Probably a few all star games here and there. But it would make him a bust because what he's doing NOW matches the level of expectation from him. Hall of Fame output. Not "solid".

When you're the #1 or #2 prospect in your class (in HS Basketball specifically)...and you've stayed in school for 4 years...something didn't go as planned. I challenge to show me a single example in the past 10 years that suggests anything different.

The billing depends on what you hear. Its allll relative. If someones from your area of course youre going to hear a lot of praise about him because he'sa local product. The question is ALL TIME college busts. Keth Bogans is no where near the top of this list. Just because he was predicted to do geat thingsand didnt live up to other peoples expectations doesnt make him a bust. He was productive and had a good career. Busts are players who are expected to performand dont even come close to expectations.

The rest of that first paragraph is so poorly worded and puncuated it doesn't even look like english.

Being 1 or 2 in your class only means that youre the best or 2nd best in your graduating HS class. It doesnt mean youre supposed to be an amazing player. Some guys peak early and reach their athletic maximum in high school.... its happens all the time. You cant expect everyone to progress to a hall of famer. So now the PLAN is if youre a 1 or 2 ranked recruit youre supposed to leave college early? These kids making the decision to leave early has really changedthe viewpoint of what's supposed to happen in college basketball.

Shannon Brown stayed 3 years, not 4, and he was the 3rd overall ranked player in his class. He's not a bust.

If John Wall goes to UK and plays 4 years and is an all american in year 4...are you going to tell me he wasn't a college bust?

Keith Bogans was a college all american his SENIOR year...meaning that's when he reached his highest a SENIOR. Again...when you're a #1 or #2 prospect in HS're expected to be damn good from day one.

He wont be. You might think hes a bust because he isnt in the league but AS A COLLEGE PLAYER, he is no where near a bust.

Youre expected to be good from day 1?! Absolutley not... youre still a freshman.
Originally Posted by romedadude

This a dumb %@# thread, simply because OP doesn't know what a COLLEGE BUST IS! A college bust means you didn't do #+*% in college.


This is a COLLEGE bust

In high school average 25ppg 8 rpg and was a Mcdonalds AA

In college was ineligible first year, averaged 6 pts second year, didn't return third year

#1 WR coming out of HS; Army AA; Numerous accolades; 60+ catches all 4 years of high school

In college...20 catches, 35 catches, 50 catches, 55 catches (freshman-senior year)

That's a solid college career...that's not a bust
First of all...calm down. All that extra %%@! really ain't necessarily. _'s be gettin way too amped up online.

Second of chose to compare HS/College FBall where it's normal to stay in school for 3/4 HS BBALL where it isn't for top prospects. just have a different opinion on what a bust is. Obviously you believe it's falling off the map completely...when the SIMPLE andclassic definition of a bust is simply failing to meet expectations.

Agree to disagree...I don't know why you _'s insist on all that screaming and getting excited like you're about to change my opinion orsomething...@#*% outta here
Originally Posted by Durden7

Im Not You wrote:
Originally Posted by Durden7

Im Not You wrote:
As mentioned prospects don't stay in school for 4 years.

Yes...he had a solid career at UK. Great. It don't match-up to his billing as a prep star.

As for me going to DeMatha...that was a response to LilZStar and his comments on Bogans/Forte and his expectations. Never said he had anything to with the overall topic at hand. Please read next time.
Well dont cross out his text if youre refering to it.

Top prospects dont stay 4 years?
Thats some B.S. Again, this has nothing to do with pro careers.

You just said he had a solid career at UK.... so how is he a bust. Just because you heard a lot of good things about him doesnt mean he was expected to light the world on fire. Anyone who was a college AA can not be counted as a bust... plain and simple.

You were wrong about Duhon, and youre wrong about Bogans.

Maybe under YOUR definition of bust. But a bust is someone who doesn't live up to their billing. If Lebron James is averaging 18 points, 5 assists, and 4 rebounds through his first 6 years. That's a solid stat line. Probably a few all star games here and there. But it would make him a bust because what he's doing NOW matches the level of expectation from him. Hall of Fame output. Not "solid".

When you're the #1 or #2 prospect in your class (in HS Basketball specifically)...and you've stayed in school for 4 years...something didn't go as planned. I challenge to show me a single example in the past 10 years that suggests anything different.

The billing depends on what you hear. Its allll relative. If someones from your area of course youre going to hear a lot of praise about him because he's a local product. The question is ALL TIME college busts. Keth Bogans is no where near the top of this list. Just because he was predicted to do geat things and didnt live up to other peoples expectations doesnt make him a bust. He was productive and had a good career. Busts are players who are expected to perform and dont even come close to expectations.

The rest of that first paragraph is so poorly worded and puncuated it doesn't even look like english.

Being 1 or 2 in your class only means that youre the best or 2nd best in your graduating HS class. It doesnt mean youre supposed to be an amazing player. Some guys peak early and reach their athletic maximum in high school.... its happens all the time. You cant expect everyone to progress to a hall of famer. So now the PLAN is if youre a 1 or 2 ranked recruit youre supposed to leave college early? These kids making the decision to leave early has really changed the viewpoint of what's supposed to happen in college basketball.

Shannon Brown stayed 3 years, not 4, and he was the 3rd overall ranked player in his class. He's not a bust.

If John Wall goes to UK and plays 4 years and is an all american in year 4...are you going to tell me he wasn't a college bust?

Keith Bogans was a college all american his SENIOR year...meaning that's when he reached his highest a SENIOR. Again...when you're a #1 or #2 prospect in HS're expected to be damn good from day one.

He wont be. You might think hes a bust because he isnt in the league but AS A COLLEGE PLAYER, he is no where near a bust.

Youre expected to be good from day 1?! Absolutley not... youre still a freshman.
You_'s kill me on here I swear...
Originally Posted by Statis22

Ryan Perrilloux and Stephen McGee gets appreciation too.
McGee wasn't his fault, though... Dude thought he was comin to A&M to fling the ball around like Reggie McNeal did, and Fran flipped thescript and went to that zone read option *#*%#+++ and wasted him away... McGee was one of the best high school passing quarterbacks Texas had ever seen atBurnet... Him and Shipley straight killed dudes... And Fran turned him into a runner because he was a good athlete and McGee just took too many hits and gotbeat to hell...

You want an A&M bust, you gotta look no further than Martellus Bennett.
Franchione's inability to get him involved is mind-blowing...
if a player got hurt or is held back by coaching it still makes him a bust because he didnt do @$@% in college, i see alot of yall trying to defend people bysaying that
Originally Posted by Im Not You

I went to DeMatha...Keith Bogans was talked about as the best prospect since Dantley to come out of there.
i went to dematha and played basketball ... anyone who thought bogans was going to be a superstar in college or the nba lost their mind ... he wasa solid player and deserves to be where he is and get AA honors (what this thread is about by the way) because he can defend and hes a thick dude who canhandle the wear and tear of college and the nba ... but EVERY time that team needed a bucket it was going to forte in the corner for a baseline J or down lowto collins or scott or owens ...

as i said before, to anyone who actually knows basketball and actually saw these dudes play besides in their dreams would know that forte had the better gameas it translates to college ball because he could create on his own and was silky with it ... not to mention he could actually knock down tre balls ...

but to call bogans a bust just because you and other casual fans believed the hype that he would be some type of A+ superstar is simply stupid ...
I'm sorry...but if you're a Parade AA as well as a McDonalds AA, then you're most likely EXPECTED to star in college. To say otherwise is foolish.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


I thought you went to HS with Rico McCoy ?

ummm buddy rico transfered from dematha to st johns ... and if youre referring to the timing, i never said i played with bogans and forte i said i playedbasketball when i went there ...
Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT


I thought you went to HS with Rico McCoy ?

Maybe he meant to type baseball.

Hmmmm.....didn't McCoy go to St. John's???

If you played ball at DeMatha, you SHOULD know your one in their right mind who attended Dematha would be questioning Bogans' collegiatepotential when he graduated.
who are you homie? whats your name ... lemme check my yearbook ... what year did you graduate? you take baucia for health? you take padre for spanish? $#@#outta here boy ...
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