Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

Nazi's and white supremacists should be met with force, logical thinking and rational thought are beyond these animals, there is no middle ground on this IMO
We can try and enact change through policy and education but if these dickheads think they should be able to march through the streets promoting hate and bigotry they deserve to be punched in the face
There's no real "middle ground" really but hard left extremist believe every republican is essentially a member of the KKK, and believe their way of life is in danger because of the right, moderate liberals, and the government. Anyone who isn't hard left is expendable.

Hard right hates minorities and believes their way of life is in danger because of minorities and the government and support suppression of anyone who isn't like them. Anyone who isn't hard right is expendable.

Both support specific forms of anarchy. Most of us here and elsewhere in the US are closer to the middle.

I got what he meant but I def agree he should have been more detailed.
There's no real "middle ground" really but hard left extremist believe every republican is essentially a member of the KKK, and believe their way of life is in danger because of the right, moderate liberals, and the government. Anyone who isn't hard left is expendable.

Hard right hates minorities and believes their way of life is in danger because of minorities and the government and support suppression of anyone who isn't like them. Anyone who isn't hard right is expendable.

Both support specific forms of anarchy. Most of us here and elsewhere in the US are closer to the middle.

I got what he meant but I def agree he should have been more detailed.

is this really that far off?
We can try and enact change through policy and education but if these dickheads think they should be able to march through the streets promoting hate and bigotry they deserve to be punched in the face

I do agree with this though. I think antifa goes too far with how they treat peaceful people, but **** Nazis.

They should be on sight IMO
Agreed. Identity politics and both sides feeling victimized for their own reasons, whether logical or not, is a root cause of what we have going on now.

Crazy thing is everyone really could coexist together and get along if it wasn't for the ones in power trying desperately to hold on to their power and using pawns as their personal armies.

Not surprising, us humans been doing this since da dawn of time, every civilization on Earth is built on da carcases of sacked civilizations that came before it.
because when da game of identity politics is afoot, folks resort to tribalism & want their own teams....

alot of what fuels these fringe antifa, white Nazi's, etc, groups is fear of extinction & basic survival, and look at da world human race market share as a zero sum game.

Good point. I just find it pretty comical and sad that they don't realize they already have their "own team" behind a badge and a gun. I guess they just need "white" in the title or something.
FOH with this both sides BS. I agree that ANTIFA and the like are behaving ridiculously and it doesn't help with the acts of violence, but for goodness sake. People are running into mosques and gunning down innocent people because they don't like Muslims! Running into gay bars and shooting innocent people because they hate "f**s"! Running into churches and shooting black people! Unarmed minorities are losing their lives to law enforcement and wannabe law enforcement who don't get punished.

There wouldn't be any f****** ANTIFA if these things weren't happening. All people want is to be afforded the same quality of life, without fear or prejudice. It was a cry for help and then they get ignored and called snowflakes, so now there's extremist groups who are forming because no one was listening to the peaceful method.
Yea get off that playing both sides garbage. People look as goofy as that "hey guys let's compromise" meme. Ain't no "seeing both sides" when it comes to bigotry and discrimination.
There's no middle ground here. It's us or them. Period.
There's no negotiating with a Nazi.

That was my point in wanting him to explain that. You can't just say both sides are wrong. That's makes it sound like it's 2 hate groups just fighting. It's one hate group and people are responding to that hate. This whole racism thing was started by one group of people a long time ago and people have been fighting against that.

So what the hell is "Both sides can't think clear"?

Lol white lives matter rally. mofo you have a ****in country. mofo you have a ****in planet. foh.

actually minorities rule pure numbers wise, and as others picked up in my post, Caucasian ethos as far as their genes what they consider canon to their identity are recessive. When you actually sit down & read past some of da tripe on a stormers sites, these folks are legitimately scared of being extinct.

things like "diversity" are looked at as code for "white genocide", because they subscribe to da one drop rule too...
in the past the sentence for being a nazi was death...ijs.

why aren't nazis looked at in the same way as isis? people that are associated with isis get sent to guantanamo....ijs
Antifa beat up BLM protesters and support anarchy.

If yall want a country where white folks literally have no rules yall can have that **** :lol:
Would you happen to have a link?

I honestly don't know much about ANTIFA other than was I hear from Trump supporters seemingly attempting to create some sort of false equivalency.
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