Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

actually minorities rule pure numbers wise, and as others picked up in my post, Caucasian ethos as far as their genes what they consider canon to their identity are recessive. When you actually sit down & read past some of da tripe on a stormers sites, these folks are legitimately scared of being extinct.

things like "diversity" are looked at as code for "white genocide", because they subscribe to da one drop rule too...

There's more of us...they have all of the power. The funny thing about them being 'extinct' is the fact they are the more aggressive race of people. Always have been, all through history. Native Americans invited them in. Black Africans invited them in. It is in their nature to destroy. And now the're afraid? That's golden.

'****** always scream peace after they start some ****..'
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Are they actually comparable to Neo-Nazis and if so can I get a few examples?

Because people have been drawing an equivalence as a defense since Saturday afternoon.
Are they actually comparable to Neo-Nazis and if so can I get a few examples?

Because people have been drawing an equivalence as a defense since Saturday afternoon.
No. They're not comparable to Neo-Nazis. Neo-Nazis are human garbage. Antifa members are just losers. Big difference.
Would you happen to have a link?

I honestly don't know much about ANTIFA other than was I hear from Trump supporters seemingly attempting to create some sort of false equivalency.

You might have to go back and find links and articles from the Ferguson protests, they haven't been out with BLM in a while. They're out there whoopin on them white liberal kids and conservatives mostly.

They were the ones that started the problems in Ferguson with the fires an destroying businesses etc and caused the police to really start cracking down on people physically. Them dudes want anarchy and to take down the government fully. Not just the supremacist portions but all of it.

That's the America that most of us know.

I'm aware but I mean legit no rules. Anarchy in the US is not what you want, I promise you. It'll be like now amplified because the fear of being punished will be gone.

I 100000% support beating the dog **** out of Nazis and supremacists but antifa is on some other **** and I can't rock with them.

New Black Panther Movement would be better in my eyes. I can't support a bunch of spoiled white boys out here playing anarchists masked up. That **** is corny.
I did some quick reading. These Antifa dudes sound like some created group to distract people and make it look like "both sides are wrong". They could be agents for all we know.
Yea get off that playing both sides garbage.

historically both sides got attrocities, (Eugenics movement, and da sterilizations of blacks & Mexicans in California was a extremist left outfit, as well as KKK membership being bipartisan) so i wouldn't put all my eggs in either basket.

especially now in da current polarization of both got some wackos on da ends of both spectrums, like others said, da vassst majority of Americans, and frankly decent people occupy da middle.
I did some quick reading. These Antifa dudes sound like some created group to distract people and make it look like "both sides are wrong". They could be agents for all we know.
Nah...the majority of them are just dumb college kids (or college-aged kids) that are full of piss and vinegar, vaguely politically-involved, and looking for a way to rebel against mommy and daddy.
I did some quick reading. These Antifa dudes sound like some created group to distract people and make it look like "both sides are wrong". They could be agents for all we know.

Antifa dates back to 1940s at least. The real antifa was fighting actual boot wearing Nazis. They were a combination basically of gangs to protect citizens and to fight the Nazi empire in the streets via guerilla warfare.
these new nazis aren't even german, they're just followers. cornball entitled white boys with hate in their heart and money to burn.

Bugged me out to know a couple of them have Hispanic last names, Ramos and Jimenez WTF?
Antifa beat up BLM protesters and support anarchy.

If yall want a country where white folks literally have no rules yall can have that **** :lol:

word, there's also anarchists that were there strictly for that action for both sides.... good on those :lol:
historically both sides got attrocities, (Eugenics movement, and da sterilizations of blacks & Mexicans in California was a extremist left outfit, as well as KKK membership being bipartisan) so i wouldn't put all my eggs in either basket.

especially now in da current polarization of both got some wackos on da ends of both spectrums, like others said, da vassst majority of Americans, and frankly decent people occupy da middle.

Ain't no "seeing both sides" when it comes to bigotry and discrimination.
Bugged me out to know a couple of them have Hispanic last names, Ramos and Jimenez WTF?

you already know mexicans and lots of middle easterners voted trump too. mind boggling bro. i truly do not get it.

I keep telling yall, I've traveled the world. There are places we can go. And I dont mean just dinky islands. I mean all through europe. Got hella love all in and out of those countries.

Or, like...serious face...we actually can go back to Africa. Media will have you thinking they're all living in huts with no water. Bruh...the richest continent on the planet. There was gold and diamonds everywhere b. Was clean af. As a black man, they treated me no different. They didn't looks sideways at me because I'm American like we were always taught Africans do. It's all lies. That country and the much love.

And it pisses me off now whenever I here someone bash Africa. Especially black comics. Especially those that, after you hear what they say, sounds like they've never even been there. Just straight liars. I'll never forget Jamie Foxx talking about the smell, the flies, the instant aids. It's all bs. I never smelled anything bad. Saw VERY few bugs. And the closest I got to any aids at all were these bracelets that the children in the Aids ward at the hospital designed and they were being sold at the Apartheid Museum. They say stay to discourage you from going. It's bs. all of it.

Best malls and best french fries I've ever had, both in Africa.
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historically both sides got attrocities, (Eugenics movement, and da sterilizations of blacks & Mexicans in California was a extremist left outfit, as well as KKK membership being bipartisan) so i wouldn't put all my eggs in either basket.

especially now in da current polarization of both got some wackos on da ends of both spectrums, like others said, da vassst majority of Americans, and frankly decent people occupy da middle.

There's really no "whacko" if you're fighting against white supremacy and fascism though. It's a human response to centuries of oppression and hate being stirred up and blatantly demonstrated. To not retaliate would be a gross injustice against humanity. There should be zero tolerance. This isn't a debate about health care.

We're talking specifically about the KKK and neo-Nazis and whatever groups were pushing similar ideals this past weekend.
There's really no "whacko" if you're fighting against white supremacy and fascism though

on paper sure, but make no mistake about it, everyone who participated in that white on white melee is for da most part are wackos.

From da extreme racist right filing out paperwork (legal with da city) weeks in advance to march and spew protected 1st amendment vomit to da counter protesting Antifa, extreme left, and anarchists who went over there cladded in armor, and billie clubs to do battle game of thrones style unannounced to deny said 1st amendment rights.

"Da enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a ephemeral detente. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near these kooks.
because when da game of identity politics is afoot, folks resort to tribalism & want their own teams....

alot of what fuels these fringe antifa, white Nazi's, etc, groups is fear of extinction & basic survival, and look at da world human race market share as a zero sum game.
trump supporter
you already know mexicans and lots of middle easterners voted trump too. mind boggling bro. i truly do not get it.

Boggles my mind same way. Mans calling you criminals/rapists/terrorists, calling for you to be deported and barred from the country and you still give him support? Smh sell outs

I’m not gonna dig anymore and stumble on some of here ridiculous statements. Let me just enjoy this.

And not to objectify her, because she is a very smart young woman, but gahdamn.:evil:
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