AM 95 Neon March (3/20/10) Release Date

Originally Posted by AIR J XIII

Originally Posted by killa d

why yall dudes keep on crying about quality!? you know shoe companies NIKE stop making shoes with good quality for awhile now. some of you cats must wanna wear the same shoes like 100 times or something! if you know the quality of the shoes is not that great, dont wear it over and over!!!!

there you go.
  I love how dudes always defend Nike, when New Balance, Adidas, and Rebook have no problem doing retros, but I digress, some will never get how it's a direct correlation of Nike's buyers accepting less than they should and Nike being number one and knowing they can.
Originally Posted by RaYCaSH

goliath has both the jacket and the shirt

they supposedly sold out on saturday and then i called back yesterday and dude on the phone said they sold their last size on sunday , dudes straight lied to me on saturday i wish i asked his name
This is starting to look like the JB Forum. People complaining about quality and OGs and older retros being better. However I do agree with quality not being the same as before. I will cop this if I can get a good discount. Too many hot releases dropping this year. I have to save cash for other hot kicks.
For some of us that have had the joy of owning the originals, it's hard to fathom paying the same price now for retro versions of the same exact sneaker with a very degraded quality.

Value of the dollar ten years ago > Value of the dollar today
Originally Posted by clearsole23

Originally Posted by RaYCaSH

goliath has both the jacket and the shirt

they supposedly sold out on saturday and then i called back yesterday and dude on the phone said they sold their last size on sunday , dudes straight lied to me on saturday i wish i asked his name
lol dudes stay lying smh 
Originally Posted by lfuqua3

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

some of yall dudes just live to complain i swear

with statements like this, it's obvious to see who never owned OGs. have fun with these, kiddies. but i had the REAL neons and will not be suckered into these pieces of %%!+. i feel sorry for u new dudes in the game. but nike LOVES u guys cause they know u'll accept w/e they give u. but like i said, have fun.
Not sure if someone's mentioned this yet, but did anyone see the pics of Wale at the Jay-Z show with AM95 Neon boots on? It kinda caught me off guard, but they were kind of
. lol
Honestly, it's asinine to keep arguing about quality. I think EVERYONE who buys these realizes that these are different than OG's, 98's, 04's, etc. Personally, it's a gift and curse because, yeah, quality is not up to par compared to previous versions. But unlike most of the previous editions, they are making them more widely available, and specifically in my size. Nike could still be driopping the poo-poo platter of colorways they dropped from 04-08, at least the colorways are better this time around
my 2cents on the "quality" "new" comers in the game have NO OTHER CHOICE but to buy whats presented to us from Nike (if you think i'm going to patiently wait for an OG to come my way and pay top dollar only for it to fall apart on me sooner than later, guess again). sorry for being born late or stepping in the shoe game (pun intended) when retroes are considered "crappy". i personally dont think its that deep...they're just shoes. copping the retro doesnt mean i love shoes any less than you do...blah blah blah....long story short, gimme 2 pair!
i agree about the quality, it's obvious it's changed, and part of me thinks it should be voiced around here, just in case nike is watching and actually cares what it's die hard fan base thinks... however, i'm not sure all the complaining in the world would ever change anything... the reality is even if every person on niketalk boycotted these and didn't buy these shoes, they'd still do just fine and nike would continue to do whatever they want to do... the average consumer has no clue, nor cares that the quality has changed... i just seriously doubt they're gonna all the sudden increase the costs to make a shoe with better quality materials like the OG because a very, very, very small amount of people in the grand scheme of things are calling them out constantly on a forum...
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by lfuqua3

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

some of yall dudes just live to complain i swear

with statements like this, it's obvious to see who never owned OGs. have fun with these, kiddies. but i had the REAL neons and will not be suckered into these pieces of %%!+. i feel sorry for u new dudes in the game. but nike LOVES u guys cause they know u'll accept w/e they give u. but like i said, have fun.

granted i understand what your sayin, but you gotta look at it from the other side of things.... not everyone was around for OGs, or previous retros, or had money, or this or that...... so if they really like a shoe? never wear it because quality has gone down? its a double edged sword, you love the shoe, but its from a material stand point it isnt that great.... 
Originally Posted by CHUNGBOB89

my 2cents on the "quality" "new" comers in the game have NO OTHER CHOICE but to buy whats presented to us from Nike (if you think i'm going to patiently wait for an OG to come my way and pay top dollar only for it to fall apart on me sooner than later, guess again). sorry for being born late or stepping in the shoe game (pun intended) when retroes are considered "crappy". i personally dont think its that deep...they're just shoes. copping the retro doesnt mean i love shoes any less than you do...blah blah blah....long story short, gimme 2 pair!

That's like saying it's just money, because Nike is steadily raising the prices on 95's, so for worse quality you're getting charged more.

Sorry, but I work hard(well not really) for my money, so I'd rather have quality, that's why I got a pair of 2009's with the money I would have used for these.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

Originally Posted by lfuqua3

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

some of yall dudes just live to complain i swear

with statements like this, it's obvious to see who never owned OGs. have fun with these, kiddies. but i had the REAL neons and will not be suckered into these pieces of %%!+. i feel sorry for u new dudes in the game. but nike LOVES u guys cause they know u'll accept w/e they give u. but like i said, have fun.
son you have no idea i dont care about the shoes u "HAD" I have kicks like now at this moment, ive had a nike account for longer than you have been collecting
Got mine today.
The material is the same felt used on the AM 1 QS Red and Blue from Summer '09 and the AM 1 iD of '09/'10
For $123 I'm happy.
If you don't like them, don't buy!
Jonahtheballer wrote:
i don't know if i like the shirt or not....
Def. feeling what you're saying.
I wore this shirt last time at the gym and it was very controversial.
It turns heads and starts a lot of conversations, some pleasant and some not at all!
The lesson is, wear it with caution!

lol ask some members in the am fam that their opinions on the 24/7

and as far as these current 95's go i couldnt have said it better that nikeFNhead "if you dont like dont buy" its as simple as that
Originally Posted by JC5123

lol ask some members in the am fam that their opinions on the 24/7

and as far as these current 95's go i couldnt have said it better that nikeFNhead "if you dont like dont buy" its as simple as that

its not always that simple, especially when you REALLY WANT to buy, and ebay, etc. is not an option.

How do you expect someone to react when the only way they can get a shoe they really want is upon release from nike, and the shoe isnt up to par???

and for the record...

"if you dont like, dont buy" /=/ "if you dont like, dont complain about it"

I had the originals, I had another pair from some year I can't remember, I had the HOA, and now I have these. I don't know why everyone says the HOA quality was great, they fell apart on me after about 6-7 months of use. The originals were the best, but hey 15 years later I'm not going to find them again and I'm digging the current ones. I only wish I picked up the One Time Onlys when they came out.
Originally Posted by CHUNGBOB89

my 2cents on the "quality" "new" comers in the game have NO OTHER CHOICE but to buy whats presented to us from Nike (if you think i'm going to patiently wait for an OG to come my way and pay top dollar only for it to fall apart on me sooner than later, guess again). sorry for being born late or stepping in the shoe game (pun intended) when retroes are considered "crappy". i personally dont think its that deep...they're just shoes. copping the retro doesnt mean i love shoes any less than you do...blah blah blah....long story short, gimme 2 pair!

i understand u kids are gonna cop. and i ain't mad at that cause i know it ain't ur fault because u don't know any better. like u said, u weren't around to see how they are really supposed to be made. these aren't the same shoes i grew up with and came to know and love. these are cheap, variant/knock-off versions damn near. i am just voicing my frustration, but there is no argument. i know the quality complaints are beating a dead horse but it's still hard to be silent about my dissent when i see what they've done to classics like these, the SJs, 11/12 pack, etc, etc. it just still bothers me, thats all.

/end rant

now u kids run along and enjoy them shoes.
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