Amazon FBA, Merch By Amazon..

Yup upload limit increases by 50% for tier 100 and above.

I'm up to 15 a day now.

Filled my first 15 today.

Sold a design 10 minutes after it went live today and then the Premium version 4 hours later. Sales picking up..
Yup upload limit increases by 50% for tier 100 and above.

I'm up to 15 a day now.

Filled my first 15 today.

Sold a design 10 minutes after it went live today and then the Premium version 4 hours later. Sales picking up..

Damn you are hitting... My sales have picked up a bit in the last week, but none are my new uploads. None of my valentine day or St Patrick's day have sold at all
Just got my invitation accepted to Merch :smokin

As someone with no graphic designing experience or know how with programs like photoshop, any recommendations on how ya'll make simple graphics for your tees?

I have a few ideas, but so far all I used to make designs is Canva, which is basically just text.
Just got my invitation accepted to Merch :smokin

As someone with no graphic designing experience or know how with programs like photoshop, any recommendations on how ya'll make simple graphics for your tees?

I have a few ideas, but so far all I used to make designs is Canva, which is basically just text.

Congrats bro! Did you get approved today?

Just use Canva if thats what you know.

Some of my best sellers are text onky or text with a basic graphic. I had never touched graphic design software until a couple months ago, and Im still learning Illustrator. I have been using Pixel Lab on my phone for most of my designs to be honest. You get free commercial-use vector graphics on

Im on Android but If you have an Iphone or Ipad I hear Over is a dope easy app to use.

Start simple and as you progress you can bring more complex stuff to the table.
Anyone familiar with the 365Design guys?
Im not.

Takes a bit more work but I like Upwork or

Write up a quick proposal of what you're looking for and see what applicants it brings. Weed out the nonsense and pick 3, giving them all the same assignment. Choose the best one.

Or hit my guy Adam Guballa. I linked him a bit back in this thread.
maldonado maldonado Thanks bro! Yeah, my turnaround time from request to invitation was fairly short, maybe one and a half weeks?
I plan on using canva primarily for now, simply because its the most user friendly to me.
I'll def check out some of these apps you mentioned!

Yeah, I think the biggest issue most of us have especially when dealing with more popular niches/designs is how to get your shirt to the first few pages when someone searches.
Is there a trick to that, because im thinking most people will use similar keywords when they submit their design.

Happy to jump on this train with ya'll and wish everyone the best this year :tongue:
penny7 penny7 it takes some practice for sure. Saturated niches are tough to get on the first page but I think Amazons algorithm rotates stuff so you get a chance here and there anyway. It really is all about keywords though and outside of my own ideas on how people search for things I also use two other things to help: Merchant Words (a paid monthly sofware) and the Amazon predictive text when you are entering a niche idea into the search bar and it returns the most popular search results. Also taking keywords from the top selling shirts in whatever particular niche as well to help craft my titles and bullet points.

Also niching down into a more specific area for a particular niche will narrow down the amount of competition.

Then theres finding low comp niches and/or new trends and getting in before anybody else.

I love to make my own stuff too, either in a popular niche or an emerging one.

Thats whats dope though is there is so many ways to go with it.

At first its tough but test things, swap designs out if you have to, experiment and get your hands dirty and you can really build this into a lucrative thing by, lets say, 6 months in or the end of the year.

An approved account is a valuable thing man and this thing is in its infancy. Over the next 5 years Amazon is going to corner the POD market and to be in now is a great thing.

Dont focus too much on sales at first and just immerse yourself and work on getting to the higher tiers because its a numbers game at the end of the day. Trying to occupy as much Amazonian real estate as possible and see where the chips may fall as time passes.

Find the Merch Elephant youtube channel. That's my friend whos sold over 5,000 shirts in 8 months since he's started, and is a wealth of info.

Good luck bro!
maldonado maldonado Lots of great info here bro, thanks!
I've started doing research on keywords and hopefully I can figure out a system that works best for me.
Although I just got approved this week, Ive thrown up 3 designs. Still no purchases however :frown:.

I'm sure that feeling one someone actually purchases one of my designs will be incredibly validating haha but until then I'll keep grinding and hoping all my NT Fam does well on merch.
Nice bro! Action is what its all about.

Took me 3 weeks I think, to make my first organic sale (non friends/family), and thats after I had 10 designs up.

As some of the others with accounts here can attest to, its a tough first few weeks but dont let that affect your perspective. Keep grinding. It'll happen, and then it'll snowball.

My thinking is I want to get into the thousand tiers. For example tier 4000. Imagine having 4000 shirts up and you only sell one of each shirt a month. At $3 or $4 profit per shirt thats roughly $12k profit.

Even if you only sold half your catalog one time a month, thats decent income for a biz that requires no start up and can be ran from an internet connect anywhere on this planet.

I sell plenty of shirts multiple times a month too.

My best seller went up October 1st and Ive sold 230 of that one design. Took me 5 minutes to create on my phone too.

So throw all that in and you can see this is a long term play that can be cracking in 12 months or less.

First sale is CRAZY validation brother
I'll mention one more thing. Amazon takes very seriously trademark and copyright so tread lightly and really make sure you understand all things related. They only will reject your designs so many times before suspension or even termination.

Always check your designs and keywords.

Just a heads up
Are all free graphic designs on canva free game to use on merch? I assume it is, but I may be wrong..

Also, do ya'll just stick within one niche and branch out with variations when you started?
Or just whatever design comes to mind, no matter what the subject?
Are all free graphic designs on canva free game to use on merch? I assume it is, but I may be wrong..

Also, do ya'll just stick within one niche and branch out with variations when you started?
Or just whatever design comes to mind, no matter what the subject?

At first you only have 10 design slots to fill. Once you sell 10 shirts, you'll get bumped to 25 designs. Sell 25, get bumped to 100. Once you get to 100+, you can throw up whatever comes to mind to see if it sells. Before that 100 tier, you need to be somewhat focused in selling enough to tier up. At tier 10, you only get to upload one design per day.

I usually make a design on standard t shirt, once it gets approved I add a long sleeve And sweatshirt version of the same design. I have some that are random **** thrown against the wall, but my best sellers are just a few shirts focused on a sub-niche.
Question for y'all... when designing a shirt, why does the "main sales image" look so crappy compared to the true design? It barely even resembles the design created in adobe. The letter isn't placed in the same area of the shirt, the shirt looks boxy as opposed to more fitted, etc.

Is there a fix for this?
That Crypto money.

Sold more crypto shirt than any shirt.

None of my St. Patty shirts are getting picked up :lol:

Have you been "advertising" the crypto shirts anywhere? I haven't sold any new designs in a long *** time.... just lucky to have a few good sellers from when I first started, I guess.
Have you been "advertising" the crypto shirts anywhere? I haven't sold any new designs in a long *** time.... just lucky to have a few good sellers from when I first started, I guess.

Except on IG, I have a huge following for my Crypto News page.

About 4 FB groups told me I can post it, just never got around to it. May do it today.
I had one V Day shirt get down to a BSR of 100,000 so that kept me afloat. St. Patties I've sold 2 or 3 shirts and BHM I've sold like 5. Other than that just my evergreen designs keeping my sales going. Jan-Feb have been slow.
caught a lil trend and sold 8 thus far today
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Except on IG, I have a huge following for my Crypto News page.

About 4 FB groups told me I can post it, just never got around to it. May do it today.

you got a Cryptogram?

I gotta get my weight up on pages - IG, Pinterest (a really dope traffic driver), etc

Have you posted your Crypto shirts on your page?
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