and we're done

Did I miss something?
Dudes are saying the knee cyst is a small injury which is covering up the larger injury. That Knicks org/medical staff is lying to the public again like they kinda did with Lin (I say kinda cuz I didn't pay much attention and cuz the very first reports had me not expecting him to play in the playoffs despite everyone was saying the surgery was routine). So they're taking the announcement as a sign that he's in fact out for the season, basically expecting the worst case scenario possible.
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How many curses we got? :lol: Ewing, Riley, Othella Harrington too?
Who next, Curry and TD?
If you know Knicks history you'd know that the curse didn't start there. Not Ewing, Not Riley. To me, It started after we won the championship and fellow NYorker Kareem Abdul-Jabber said he wanted to be traded to NY but we passed. Instead he went to LA and they had a dynasty until he retired. Mapping out the blueprint for the Lakers to continue winning 10 years later. Knicks should have been as prestigious as the Lakers are to this day.

If their is a "curse" it started then.
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