Another Subpar Postseason Performance For LeBron, Another Shocking Rumor...

Originally Posted by miamin2

If thats really what made him play like *$@@ the other day then smgdh. You cant be that weak mentally to let that %+$% your head up now of all times

 That's what i'm sayin! Is this the YMCA or the NBA? Get a grip i'm almost certain bron smashes other chicks besides her. Charge it to tha game n keep it pushin

rillo561 wrote:
I don't believe it, dude is gonna go off tonight (win) and the NBA ratings will be through the roof. Stern is loving this.

Originally Posted by miamin2

If thats really what made him play like *$@@ the other day then smgdh. You cant be that weak mentally to let that %+$% your head up now of all times

 That's what i'm sayin! Is this the YMCA or the NBA? Get a grip i'm almost certain bron smashes other chicks besides her. Charge it to tha game n keep it pushin

rillo561 wrote:
I don't believe it, dude is gonna go off tonight (win) and the NBA ratings will be through the roof. Stern is loving this.

@ LeBald gettin punked like the *%+!# he is by Delonte and now Rashard
@ LeBald gettin punked like the *%+!# he is by Delonte and now Rashard
at rashard lewis

This is guys talk about Kobe having "haters", but truth is, LeBron has 100x more.
at rashard lewis

This is guys talk about Kobe having "haters", but truth is, LeBron has 100x more.
On bright side, his mom and gf are off the list now, and i dont think he has any sisters, so come next year, NO MORE DISTRACTIONS!
On bright side, his mom and gf are off the list now, and i dont think he has any sisters, so come next year, NO MORE DISTRACTIONS!
Knowing Savannah this probably did not happen. Just too random for her to do...but then maybe that's why she did. Who knows? It is funny though
Knowing Savannah this probably did not happen. Just too random for her to do...but then maybe that's why she did. Who knows? It is funny though
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