Any Golfers on NT?

Watching the Golf Channel actually hurt me more than it helped. Every time I saw some new tip or instructional show, I would try it out and eventually started to over think on every shot. However, I will watch the new season of "Playing Lessons from the Pros" for my girl Holly Sonders

Yeah ill be watching that for sure :pimp:

I just like watching and learning. But I'm definitely not going to overthink anything.

New pickups from today :pimp:
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They can add extensions in 1/4 & 1/2 incriments. Not sure if ive ever heard of them extending more than 2 in.

What are your lie angles?
I've used GPS apps in the past and sometimes they're okay but they kill my battery too damn fast and its not always accurate.  I've used my cousins Buschnell and he thing is spot on.

Plus you can get the range of hazards more easily instead of relying on the map that some guy put in of the course your playing on the app.
I've resisted any GPS or apps. Call me old school, but I love the art of seeing shots and the course and deciding on the correct club. I consider that part of the game. Probably ends up costing a stroke or two per round but I'm ok with that
I generally rely on the 100, 150, and 200 markers too. I don't even hit my clubs with good yardage anyways so I kinda just grip it and rip it based off what I feel it right. My approach shots from 150+ are generally spotty around the green anyways. Until I can learn to control them better it won't really matter.

I hate going to the driving range, but I know it's essential to improve my game. I like going and hitting some balls BEFORE a round, but going and just hitting isn't that appealing to me at all. I absolutely love getting out and playing 18.
Oh yeah I use the markers on the course, just no electronics

I also can't stand just going to the range
I love the range, if it's a good place (i.e. not rubber mats) in addition to playing....but if I have time constraints I'm definately down to grab a couple beers and just hit a bucket.
I generally rely on the 100, 150, and 200 markers too. I don't even hit my clubs with good yardage anyways so I kinda just grip it and rip it based off what I feel it right. My approach shots from 150+ are generally spotty around the green anyways. Until I can learn to control them better it won't really matter.

I hate going to the driving range, but I know it's essential to improve my game. I like going and hitting some balls BEFORE a round, but going and just hitting isn't that appealing to me at all. I absolutely love getting out and playing 18.

I'm the same way, range is ok good way to get some swings in but nothing like actually getting out there.

for good deals on some random golf stuff and clubs, check Got a pretty nice Cleveland 60 degree there recently for like 50 bucks.
They can add extensions in 1/4 & 1/2 incriments. Not sure if ive ever heard of them extending more than 2 in.

What are your lie angles?

Gator, I don't know anything about lie angles. When I took the fitting test I know they put something on the club and had me swing and saw how the plate was marked due to my swing.

I think I bit off more than I can chew...whenever I read golf message boards or threads like these all I see is spending massive amounts of money looking for the perfect set of clubs and people not really being satisfied with their results :lol:

I thought I could be good based on me being more than decent in other sports, but this golf is another animal in itself. It's a sport for masochists and guys who enjoy getting frustrated. In all reality I'm just sour that it's so hard and I'm having trouble picking it up.
I've resisted any GPS or apps. Call me old school, but I love the art of seeing shots and the course and deciding on the correct club. I consider that part of the game. Probably ends up costing a stroke or two per round but I'm ok with that

Strong this.

I don't want a Phone or GPS ruling my game. It feels a lot better without it.
It is a frustrating game, thats why i enjoy it so much.

It pisses me off often put I always come back.
Man today at the range I was shook. I was hitting a jumbo bucket, working on getting my swing back, and was in an awesome groove. Then all of the sudden I had a ball come off the toe of my club, hit the post next to the mat I was hitting off and careened into the guy hitting to the right of me :smh: Said it missed his jewels by about 2 inches. Felt terrible, could only hit a wedge after that, when he left though I crushed a few drivers. But damn I felt bad, and like a total idiot :smh: :lol:

Going to try and play tomorrow since we are finally getting some dry weather up here in the PNW. Hopefully no repeats of that swing.
Post those drivers!




I'm a mixed brand user. I don't just stick to call always, or to taylormade. I experiment with all brands.

My first men's driver was the Wilson one. Oversized, but it is longer than it is tall. Which I find better than extra tall clubs with normal size sides.

Then I got that call away big Bertha driver. I didn't want an oversized one. I don't use it as much as I should :lol:

On to the other two, they were randoms at the golf course I regular at. I liked them both. They aren't big name brands, but they are up there in performance. High a** trampoline faces.

I'll post everything when I'm not lazy, :lol:
I go nuts when I see a big Bertha and Ping Zing irons. So old school, so awesome

I still use my big Bertha wood set :lol:

7, 5, and 3 wood.

I just bought the newer Callaway 7 wood though, I don't know the name of the line. I'll have to look and see. It makes me want to update my clubs a bit :lol:

But I agree, old school :pimp:

I still practice with my clubs from the 30s though, it makes newer clubs seem like a second coming of Jesus,

I'll post pics of those tomorrow.
any golfers dealing with dry eyes when you golf? my brother suggested I get motorcycle glasses but they look wayyyy too bulky/bulgy. my eyes KILL me when I'm out on the course from the wind. google comes up with quite a few brands, just seeing if yall have tried any eyewear before I go on an experimenting frenzy
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