Any NT'ers ever battle with depression/suicidal tendencies?


Apr 23, 2008
The thread Henz0 made really got me to wondering how many out there may be struggling with life's ills. Putting the shoes, yambs, and M3's to the side, I realize that everyone out there leads a normal life filled with ups and downs. Personally, I know the feeling of having that dark cloud hovering over your head day after day. It still persists to this day, bu I do my best to keep my head up in hopes of a brighter tomorrow. Came dangerously close to calling it quits earlier this year, but my family and NT helped me to see the silver lining. Though it's something I still struggle with, and the days where I flat out don't want to be here still present themselves from time to time, I keep telling myself that there will be struggles in life that you have to overcome to reach brighter days. Like the saying goes, to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering.

PS, has anyone gotten in touch with the guy who Henz made the thread about? I sent dude a text message but got no response. Keep wondering if he's alright.
I dealt with it a lot my one year of college. I was failing almost every test even when I studied weeks in advance. Just couldn't get it down.

School was sucking and my job sucked, I'd be at home just sad all the time and my family could see I was hurting but I didn't want to let them in. I was on the verge, but I had some homies I was able to talk it out with and things got better.

Depression sucks and it takes a lot out of you, appetite, strength, and that **** just sucks.

Getting it out to somebody instead of just my thoughts helped me a lot.
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This is when you realize who your REAL friend/friends are..
This is when you realize who your REAL friend/friends are..
Yes, correct. I only have a handful of folks I consider true friends because of a previous sour experience.

You need to be an optimist, my man. There are many ways to deal with this. Some read books about finding themselves, some find peace through religious belief. Remember that after every storm, there will be sunshine. Also, when you've hit rock bottom, the only way is up.
I'd say I'm battling mild depression right now..

The combination of not being able to get ANY job + my depleting savings + my mans from high school getting locked up for attempted murder (2 counts :smh: )

Hopefully things take a turn for the better soon.

Advice though, even if you're broke, try to find a way to get out the crib to a party, lounge, club, get together, something. I literally had only been out once from mid-May till Friday :smh:. Trying to save money by staying in the house just makes you feel worse.
Yeah, I try to go out and interact with other people when I can. It helps, but the going home and being thrown back into the same spot as you were before (both literally and metaphorically) definitely takes a toll on people.

It's like I said, now adays, I just wait for the brighter days I believe are ahead. The hope in something better is all that gets people through most days.
That not even funny. Glad your life is going great but watch your mouth clown.

Ohhhhhhhh we gotta badass over here.

No seriously to my Brothers I strongly suggest reaching out for help if you're battling with depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Mental health is extremely overlooked within our community and often times we're too filled with pride to go seek help. It's very hard being a Black man in this world and many of us need to learn how to cope with life's ups and downs.
I'm a heroin addict.. I think about it every day. No one knows but NT and my best friend. I gotta get help asap and I suggest you do the same
not gonna lie, i've thought about committing that once or twice in the past with the idea of pressing reset and starting over again but it doesn't work that way for the people around you so i dismissed the idea.
I'd say I'm battling mild depression right now..
The combination of not being able to get ANY job + my depleting savings + my mans from high school getting locked up for attempted murder (2 counts
Hopefully things take a turn for the better soon.
Advice though, even if you're broke, try to find a way to get out the crib to a party, lounge, club, get together, something. I literally had only been out once from mid-May till Friday
. Trying to save money by staying in the house just makes you feel worse.
I can definitely relate
Ohhhhhhhh we gotta badass over here.
No seriously to my Brothers I strongly suggest reaching out for help if you're battling with depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. Mental health is extremely overlooked within our community and often times we're too filled with pride to go seek help. It's very hard being a Black man in this world and many of us need to learn how to cope with life's ups and downs.

Depression and mental illness doesn't know color, race, culture or creed. Everyone needs to be easy and get help or have some lifeline to speak to.
Gotta hold on no matter what

I read this quote everytime

“Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you”

Lao Tzu
Been depressed (and lasted for months). But when I get out of that feeling its great knowing things get better.
Depression and mental illness doesn't know color, race, culture or creed. Everyone needs to be easy and get help or have some lifeline to speak to.

While this is true I'm more concerned with helping MY people. I'm not wrong for wanting to better my people and tailoring my advice/efforts to the ones that I can most relate to. Not to mention the fact that this is a huge issue that largely goes under the radar amongst us :rolleyes
plead guilty. had a rough time just last year, where i was battling depression. woke up every morning during that time feeling dead inside. it lead to contemplating suicide. the depression killed me and the fact that i had no one there for me made things worse. resorted to drugs and at first the highs seem to relieve me, then it felt like it only enhanced the depression. like lilpenny says it has no color, race, and etc. on the outside world it probably seem like i was normal but every couple seconds i was thinking of taking my own life. it has gotten better for me though.
Not myself, but my gurl deals with depression from her dad dying; just as tough, but i try to remind her everyday that life is worth living for
I was depressed a lot this past year. BM was trying to take my son away, no job, no place to live. it was hard. and actually talking to people helped me a lot.

in all honesty we should help one another, even if we dont know them. give them your email or number if you want. you dont even have to speak. most people who are dealing with this just want to be heard. thats all.

thats why if anyone is wanting to talk about anything hit me up on here or email. doesnt matter what time a day. people say NT is like a family/community, lets start acting like it...

[email protected]

Depression isn't uncommon, life is long, and can be filled with some testy issues depending on your age.

You just gotta tell yourself **** the ********. People will always try and take you out your zone, ask why your so different. If our greatest fear is being greater than we could imagine, then it explains why people question what they can't understand.

I think I struggle understanding that, especially being in a majority white campus being a Black male, that's a resident assistant, and a virgin. Girls literally told me they could never date me because of my color, but would hook up with me. Then girls don't want to mess with me because I'm "inexperienced" and I'm "too good". Because my school is predomitably white, most of my friends happen to be so, and so that doesn't sit well with some of the black folks on campus. It's like what does this world really want from me? I feel like myself is never good enough in any situation.

But, I'm learning to just keep it pushing, I don't know how I will, but I'm trying.
Going through a real tough time right now. Lately been having a lot of downs. Problems with everything. I always try to stay strong though and not let anything bring me down. Being depressed and having suicidal tendencies doesn't get you anywhere. It only make things worst. I've been depressed and it didn't make anything better. I got up and pulled my self out of it. Problems will always occur and only the strong will survive. The world is literally ours, it's just the matter of who's willing to do what it takes to own it. If any of you guys need to vent and need someone to talk to don't hesitate my inbox is open to you.
No one can know what kind of struggle depression is without having experienced it themselves. I've been through two depressive episodes, both in my teens, and I can't say much about it beyond some vague cliches and empty explanations. All I can say is that I hope I never find myself there again, and those of us struggling with it now have all my sympathy and hope for a better day.
I was depressed a lot this past year. BM was trying to take my son away, no job, no place to live. it was hard. and actually talking to people helped me a lot.
in all honesty we should help one another, even if we dont know them. give them your email or number if you want. you dont even have to speak. most people who are dealing with this just want to be heard. thats all.
thats why if anyone is wanting to talk about anything hit me up on here or email. doesnt matter what time a day. people say NT is like a family/community, lets start acting like it...
[email protected]

Word man.

Anyone who wants to talk can pm me.
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