any other NTers suffer from chronic depression?

i know exactly where yall are coming from. and friends say move on blah blah blah, but it sticks on your mind and every little thing possible reminds youof her and you miss the good times yall had. but really the only way for this to be over is through TIME
1. get good sleep if you can. going to bed early helps, even if you have to use sleeping pills at first.
2. set goals for yourself no matter how small they may be. Reach them and move on to bigger ones.
3. find a hobby to keep your mind off your depression.
4. get outside at least 30 mins a day. This helps your mental and physical well being. The sun gives you natural vitamin D.
5. interact with people and talk to a close friend if it helps.
6. try to think positive, it will not last forever.

hope this helps.
real talk idj what i did but just know TIME is a factor just like oh dude said. we broke up feb 19th 2009 and i aint stop being depressed until midjuly-august. everybody told me move on but shiid i was soo stuck on this gurl and heartbroken i aint have the confidence or conversation for another girl. alli did was talk about my ex chick and tell them how muh im still in love wiid her. i was lonely and depressed, not eating, not going to parties, not leaving thehouse.
I know how it feels as well, and it's no walk in the park. It especially sucks when depression begins to invade your personal identity, deeming youunrecognizable to others who may have known you before. Also, I know it can be hard to find support when there are many who do not understand, and many who donot want to understand as well. I wish you the best and hope you pull through. Sometimes the best way to combat struggle is to find the beauty within it.
thanks everyone for your encouragement. i'm in the process of getting help, and i've talked to some NTers that have made me feel a little better.
Originally Posted by grandmamajamz

I know how it feels as well, and it's no walk in the park. It especially sucks when depression begins to invade your personal identity, deeming you unrecognizable to others who may have known you before. Also, I know it can be hard to find support when there are many who do not understand, and many who do not want to understand as well. I wish you the best and hope you pull through. Sometimes the best way to combat struggle is to find the beauty within it.
Thats some real *%$@.

I'll tell you one thing, no matter how tough times are I'll never go to a doctor because they'll make it worse before it ever gets better (if itever does) and I just wouldn't mess with medication for depression. I think going out and doing something positive is the best medication. Something thatmakes you happy. For example you just broke up with your girl, go out start talking to other females and get a better one. Easily said than done but you getthe point. As far as alcohol goes, its never good to be an alcoholic so definitely don't turn to that and weed will almost surely make it worse if thatsyour source of self medication.
Been going through it off and on for the past 10 years because of health issues. Hold your head OP, there are others in the same boat. Got to sink or swimbaby.
Originally Posted by KingHawthorne95

i know exactly where yall are coming from. and friends say move on blah blah blah, but it sticks on your mind and every little thing possible reminds you of her and you miss the good times yall had. but really the only way for this to be over is through TIME
It sounds so simple, but this truly is the best remedy.

Back when I was like 20, I went through a real bad breakup with a chick I thought was "the one." (I think we all have one of those mistakes at somepoint...
) I even went to the extent of transferring schools to be closer to her. Soon as I transferred, we didn't even last a semester, and shewas on that "I want to enjoy my college experience to the fullest" tip as her reason for wanting to be single. At the time, I was devastated. I hadjust moved up to her school for no reason other than her. I didn't go to class, I didn't go to parties, I didn't even leave my room to chill withmy roommates. I was a mess, but after the initial shock I started realizing that it was a blessing in disguise. I grew as a man, and matured so much aftergoing through something that harsh. Ever since those long and lonely months, there has NEVER been one instance as heartbreaking as that. I know how to dealwith my own emotions so much better now. It's kinda weird to hear, but now that breakup is something you can compare current disasters to. You can say"But I'm nowhere near as hurt as I was during my first heartbreak... so I know I'm gonna get through this just fine." Everything seems somuch easier after you've hit rock bottom. You just need to climb out of the hole to see the light.

You'll be just fine, as time goes on. I know you're probably on that "but no girl will ever compare to her" nonsense right now, but I'vehad 3 pretty serious relationships since that girl. And my current girlfriend is definitely a keeper. The chick who broke my heart is NOTHING compared to mycurrent lady. It just takes time to convince yourself that there are so many more options out in the world. And in due time, you'll find a special someonewho will make you laugh at that chick who left you. It's your ex-girlfriend's fault for passing you by. Don't kill yourself over things youcouldve/wouldve/shouldve done in that relationship. It's in the past now. Moving on with pride is the best solution.
im sorry i dont feel sorry for any of you for being depressed over a female. NO SYMPATHY WHATSOEVER.

I think my NTers that know what real pain is is reading this, thinking the same thing im thinking.
I just finished going through it real talk first 14 weeks of senior year, it's crazy how your perspective on life changes in a heartbeat. The only to lookat is, the sooner you can get away from depression, the sooner you can get some (|), that's how I see it now, but it's definitely the hardest timeI've ever went through.

I'm writing a detailed blog post about it, I'll inform you.
Tell you what man, the only way you're going to get out of this unfortunate predicament is if you find your drive. Something people here have not broughtup is GOD. Whether you believe in a God or not, find something that you DO believe in and put it to good use for yourself. That's the only way you'llfind your drive. Ultimately, it will be the only way you find your way out of the hole too.

Exercising helps too, it can build your confidence and also get you out there to socialize. Not to mention it will do good to your health and get you in shapefor the ladies. There are a lot of good looking possibilities out there. Take your pick.

Everyone gets dumped at one point or another in their lives. Besides, as crazy as this will sound, who wants to not be hurt at least once intheir lives? My point is, you will never know real pleasure until you experience real pain. That's just real. no h o m o.

Good luck, homie.
I have dealt with depression, anxiety and panic attacks. My friends and family say I have been very good at putting up a veneer of confidence, energy and gracearound myself even when I feel as if I am dying on the inside.

The ways I have tamed depression have been with making sure my nutrition is right (I know that when you are depressed you may have no appetite but takesupplements and try to eat a little food). I know this sounds hard when depressed but I stop with drinking and intoxicants in general and if I really do needto take something, I will smoke some pot, which does not have the addictive and withdrawal and/or "comedown" inducing nature of most recreationaldrugs, it will not cause you to have a "bad trip" like how hallucinogens might and unlike alcohol marijuana is not a depressant nor does it drainaway vital nutrients that your brain and body need. The pot also can induce appetite and can help with insomnia. Also be sure that you are fully hydrated andalso remember to get enough iron in your diet/supplementation regiment because you may be anaemic and that is what could be causing your lack of energy.

I cannot recommend Sam-E enough, it is a very safe, over the counter vitamin supplement that will induce higher production of serotonin in the brain.Prescription anti depressants merely amplify the existing serotonin in your brain and it causes side effects that are, at best, annoying such as sweating andimpotence, to deadly side effects like seizures. Not only does Sam-E normalize your serotonin levels, it also increases your dopamine levels and dopemine ispart of the brain's reward system, it is what makes you happy when you get a girl's number, get an "A" on an exam, learn something new, beata video game, win a pick up basketball game ect. Without enough dopamine, nothing has meaning, accomplishments are hollow and that could be the cause of yourlack of energy.

As far as what you can do to reduce or eliminate your depression is concerned, I would suggest getting excercize, as strenuous as your current level ofconditioning allows. That can make your body create a surge of endogenous opiates, which, along with serotonin and dopamine is one of the brain's mostimportant chemicals when it comes to feeling happy. It could also help with the insomnia and any anxiety you might be feeling. Music can also be helpful if youfind the right blend of songs, it can really make the world a much brighter place. In lieu of or in addition to exercises, go for walks in your neighborhoodand soak up some of the daylight hours, exposure to sun and even the very light exercise that comes with walking can help a great deal, especially if youcombine it with some music.

Consider delaying or deferring things you have decided to do in the next few weeks. It is best to unclutter your schedule but at the same time leave a fewthings on your schedule so that you do not lie in bed all day. GottaB mentioned, spiritual health can be a life saver, if you are a believer, go to your placeof worship or at least read your religion's texts. If you are not a believer, I suggest adopting certain aspects of Buddhism as I have, meditation and deepbreathing, listening to peaceful sutras being sung (check out youtube for some material, I suggest the heart sutra) and the Buddhist way of looking at theworld could make you less sad.

Finally, reconnect with loved ones and tell them what is wrong, do not be afraid to cry if that is how you feel because it can be cathartic. Talk to closefriends about what is happening. Do not shut yourself off from the world and if you can work up even a little bit of energy go out with your friends for aquite evening either out at a bar or restaurant or doing something like playing video games or cards or chess or something you have done before with yourfriends.

I have been through this before and while there is no magic bullet, there many options that you have and while I wish I was there with in person right now, soI could pat you on the back and tell you that you are not alone, I can encourage you to do what I suggest and if you have any questions or just want to getsomething off your chest (especially if you do not feel like confiding your condition to your friend or your family) PM me. I have been through this andhopefully you will eventually be able to say that you were once severely depressed and you will be able to help someone else.

Just remember that you have options and that you are not alone even if it feels like neither is the case at this moment.
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