Anybody Ever Use A Ouija Board??? Anything Happen?

do you have a link to a pdf file of the book 
what did i do wrong?
Man I tried the board last week with no results. I want something to happen, nothing happened.

Anybody have any advice?
Man ya trippin tryna read these books and play with that board :smh:

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If you're not skilled in this kind of stuff it's best not to mess with it. Even skilled psychics make mistakes
Clowns.. Everyone who believes this **** is legit.

Got damn board made by the same people who own Hasbro.

Next topic will be dudes swearing the man on the monopoly board came alive one day when they copped boardwalk.

Clowns.. Everyone who believes this **** is legit.

Got damn board made by the same people who own Hasbro.

Next topic will be dudes swearing the man on the monopoly board came alive one day when they copped boardwalk.

Obviously you know nothing and have never experienced anything. 
Clowns.. Everyone who believes this **** is legit.

Got damn board made by the same people who own Hasbro.

Next topic will be dudes swearing the man on the monopoly board came alive one day when they copped boardwalk.

Obviously you know nothing and have never experienced anything. 

You both are right.

Whatever one you believe is real.

Crazy that I just came across this info yesterday. I am on the right path.
yeeeeah i dont wanna read that just give me some cliffs

Here is a cliff of the description -

The Lesser Key of Solomon contains detailed descriptions of spirits and the conjurations needed to evoke and oblige them to do the will of the conjurer (referred to as the "exorcist"). It details the protective signs and rituals to be performed, the actions necessary to prevent the spirits from gaining control, the preparations prior to the invocations, and instructions on how to make the necessary instruments for the execution of these rituals.

Now decide if that is something you would like to experience, whichever one you believe will be true for you.
Who was the NTer who posted about trying to buy that book at a Barnes and Nobel or someplace like that and said a dude kept following him around the store telling him not to buy it, making sure he wasn't gonna buy it.
Who was the NTer who posted about trying to buy that book at a Barnes and Nobel or someplace like that and said a dude kept following him around the store telling him not to buy it, making sure he wasn't gonna buy it.
man i went to this bookstore in chicago lookin for books on voodoo and the dudes there were like crazy suspect.
They had books in the back but they were like 300 for one book.
they invited my friends and i for a "seyonce" that night and when we went back we realized they was just some nerds |I
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It's been so long since I've seen this thread so I'm not sure if I ever posted my story in here or not.

But due to this thread, around Halloween, I went to Barnes & Noble to check out 'The Lesser Key of Solomon'. Went to the one over in Union Square and found it way in the back of the floor with the rest of the paranormal books. When I got to the aisle, there were already two guys there discussing random things and giving their opinions on various books on the shelf. Eventually I kind of reach over to grab 'The Lesser Key of Solomon' and at the same time, they both say "You don't want that book, you're not ready for it". One of the guys went into this story about how he called a spirit from that book and it ruined his life for I don't know how long. Eventually he got it to leave him alone, but one night as he was driving, something came over him again and he said he pulled the car over, took the book out of the passenger seat, and lit it on fire on the side of the road smiley: laugh .....Afterwards he leaves and it's just me and the other guy talking for a solid 30 mins and two times during that, the other guy came back making SURE I wasn't going to buy it. The second guy that I stayed and spoke with for that time was telling me even if I just stared at a symbol in that book long enough, bad things would happen. I went over to TGI Friday's (Union Square for those in NYC) afterwards and ate and as I was signing the check to leave, I see the guy that I was speaking to in B&N walk passed me to make sure AGAIN that I didn't buy it. My girlfriend was reading some book she decided to buy so I guess he was paranoid that I went through with it. Definitely a strange night....and really made me sure that I wasn't ever going to get that book.
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