Anyone do/used to do Martial Arts?

3rd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do.

I practiced for quite some time. I stopped around Sophomore yr High School.

Sparring was the best. I remember I was sparring my instructor and caught him with a sweet roundhouse kick, for the first time. He was dumb heated andproceeded to kick my**%% all over the dojo.

Ahh, the memories. I'd love to do it as a jr. Instructor and get paid, but otherwise, it costs too much.
karate for 2 years from 12-14 I didn't like it because none of the stuff they taught us seemed like it could be applied in a real fight, so I switched toboxing
I took
-tae kwon doe
-Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (masters used to fight w machettes
-kung fu

But the baddest dude Ive seen by far is a Judo Master,
I met him through my brother in law who is a personal trainer.
He told me once his master in Japan tested him against two people weilding knives, and then tested him by a person weilding a gun

Ive seen him knock professional football player (as students) flat on their bum using one single finger and they knew he was coming!
Currently training in MT, BJJ (gi and no gi), and boxing at Big John Mcarthy's UTA in Valencia. Been at it for a couple months now
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