Anyone else DONE with going to clubs? What age did this occur?

Club scene in Houston is serious, watchin the females drop it like it's hot is coo but for the most part...
Club scene in Houston is serious, watchin the females drop it like it's hot is coo but for the most part...
From 2005-2008 I've probably been to every club in NYC, spanning from all boroughs except Staten Island. 

I just simply grew out of it.
From 2005-2008 I've probably been to every club in NYC, spanning from all boroughs except Staten Island. 

I just simply grew out of it.
Lounges >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clubs. i'm pretty much over the whole deal..nowadays i'll go maybe once every few months, and even then, it's gotta be something special goin or someplace nice. not some random spot.
Lounges >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Clubs. i'm pretty much over the whole deal..nowadays i'll go maybe once every few months, and even then, it's gotta be something special goin or someplace nice. not some random spot.
tired of clubs??  first you did it all wrong

meet a promoter, he will get you in for free and you can cut the line
2nd pregame before hand so you don't need to buy any drinks in the club
3rd if a girl rejects you, don't sweat over it and move on to the next one.  There are tons of girls that want to have fun.
There is always girls there trying to get down

So clubs are tight if you know how to work it.  I love the clubs.  Easy way to meet girls and get dances, numbers, even take them home
tired of clubs??  first you did it all wrong

meet a promoter, he will get you in for free and you can cut the line
2nd pregame before hand so you don't need to buy any drinks in the club
3rd if a girl rejects you, don't sweat over it and move on to the next one.  There are tons of girls that want to have fun.
There is always girls there trying to get down

So clubs are tight if you know how to work it.  I love the clubs.  Easy way to meet girls and get dances, numbers, even take them home
i say it's always the same thing but i find myself wanting to go anyway even though it leads to me going home by myself so idk
i say it's always the same thing but i find myself wanting to go anyway even though it leads to me going home by myself so idk
Originally Posted by Napoleon

[h1]NegroIsh: Don’t Do It.[/h1]
Posted by Guest Blogger on December 14, 2010 - 29 Comments
Guest Posts

**Today we have a guest post from a dear friend that’s caused riotous laughter in g-chat boxes and long car rides. We’d like to introduce you to Afrikyn. Make sure you follow her on twitter. Slim is up tomorrow.**

Drink specials until 11 and it's 10:59.

It’s Saturday night at 12:30 in Anytown, USA and Keisha, Nicky, and Taronda are dressed to the nines in their cocktail dresses and stilettos ready to party.  They roll over to Club Prego and join the line that winds halfway down the block and is advancing at the rate of not at all.  Fast forward two hours and the trio finally gets inside, checks their coats at the mandatory coat check, and fights their way to the bar to get something to drink to help them ignore the fact that their feet are already hurting.  They sip on their overpriced, watered down drinks while two stepping and giving other groups of women the o_O and doing their best to catch the eye of 1 of the 10 men in the party.  Tonight there will be NONE of the fun and cost ALL of the funds.  Why would anyone do this to their Saturday night?  The answer is simple:  Keisha, Nicky and Taronda…are on that #NegroIsh.

This is not to say that they are hoodrats.  In fact, they are exactly the opposite. They’re college graduates with good paying jobs.  They stayed in that line because they left home with tunnel vision.  They got an email from Joe Party Promoter on Wednesday, RSVP’d to the party, and added that party to their clipboard of events for the weekend.  They joined that line and fully committed to going to THAT club.  Once they got inside, their tunnel vision kept them focused on the people in Club Prego feeling like everyone who was anyone out partying tonight would eventually make their way there since Joe Party Promoter put this shindig together.

Interestingly, they could not be more wrong.  Afrikyn, Amerkyn, and Caucasyan actually got down to Club Prego at 12:30 as well.  They took one look at the line and kept walking.  By the time the original trio was able to sprinkle their parched throats with their first $15 drink at Club Prego, the international trio was 3 cocktails and 2 shots in at Club Other Options across the street and having a f*cking ball.  Keisha, Nicky, and Taronda could have avoided their lackluster evening if they had recognized the flashing “OH ++#* #NegroIsh AHEAD!!!
Originally Posted by Napoleon

[h1]NegroIsh: Don’t Do It.[/h1]
Posted by Guest Blogger on December 14, 2010 - 29 Comments
Guest Posts

**Today we have a guest post from a dear friend that’s caused riotous laughter in g-chat boxes and long car rides. We’d like to introduce you to Afrikyn. Make sure you follow her on twitter. Slim is up tomorrow.**

Drink specials until 11 and it's 10:59.

It’s Saturday night at 12:30 in Anytown, USA and Keisha, Nicky, and Taronda are dressed to the nines in their cocktail dresses and stilettos ready to party.  They roll over to Club Prego and join the line that winds halfway down the block and is advancing at the rate of not at all.  Fast forward two hours and the trio finally gets inside, checks their coats at the mandatory coat check, and fights their way to the bar to get something to drink to help them ignore the fact that their feet are already hurting.  They sip on their overpriced, watered down drinks while two stepping and giving other groups of women the o_O and doing their best to catch the eye of 1 of the 10 men in the party.  Tonight there will be NONE of the fun and cost ALL of the funds.  Why would anyone do this to their Saturday night?  The answer is simple:  Keisha, Nicky and Taronda…are on that #NegroIsh.

This is not to say that they are hoodrats.  In fact, they are exactly the opposite. They’re college graduates with good paying jobs.  They stayed in that line because they left home with tunnel vision.  They got an email from Joe Party Promoter on Wednesday, RSVP’d to the party, and added that party to their clipboard of events for the weekend.  They joined that line and fully committed to going to THAT club.  Once they got inside, their tunnel vision kept them focused on the people in Club Prego feeling like everyone who was anyone out partying tonight would eventually make their way there since Joe Party Promoter put this shindig together.

Interestingly, they could not be more wrong.  Afrikyn, Amerkyn, and Caucasyan actually got down to Club Prego at 12:30 as well.  They took one look at the line and kept walking.  By the time the original trio was able to sprinkle their parched throats with their first $15 drink at Club Prego, the international trio was 3 cocktails and 2 shots in at Club Other Options across the street and having a f*cking ball.  Keisha, Nicky, and Taronda could have avoided their lackluster evening if they had recognized the flashing “OH ++#* #NegroIsh AHEAD!!!
it seems like i only go out now if its an event, not just cuz im bored. there are several reason though. i kinda got over it like some of you have mentioned because of the cover charges, long waits in line, expensive drinks, expensive parking, etc. i didnt have bills before like i do now, so im not lookign to spend $75 just to go kick it for a while. im over the days of waking up tired as hell hung over, goin to work all day, then doing it all over again. pretty much paying a bunch of money to get hungover and feel like **!$ the next day

some of these bouncers/door guys swear it's their club and its an honor to step in through the door.
plus, im absolutely terrified of getting a DUI  
it seems like i only go out now if its an event, not just cuz im bored. there are several reason though. i kinda got over it like some of you have mentioned because of the cover charges, long waits in line, expensive drinks, expensive parking, etc. i didnt have bills before like i do now, so im not lookign to spend $75 just to go kick it for a while. im over the days of waking up tired as hell hung over, goin to work all day, then doing it all over again. pretty much paying a bunch of money to get hungover and feel like **!$ the next day

some of these bouncers/door guys swear it's their club and its an honor to step in through the door.
plus, im absolutely terrified of getting a DUI  
Originally Posted by ipitomi

tired of clubs??  first you did it all wrong

meet a promoter, he will get you in for free and you can cut the line
2nd pregame before hand so you don't need to buy any drinks in the club
3rd if a girl rejects you, don't sweat over it and move on to the next one.  There are tons of girls that want to have fun.
There is always girls there trying to get down

So clubs are tight if you know how to work it.  I love the clubs.  Easy way to meet girls and get dances, numbers, even take them home

your still going to get tired of it. Im in nyc and know promoter, djs etc and you just get tired of the it. yea the getting in free, no lines, vip, females and bottles at the same price the club pays is cool but after you've been doing it for years it just seems pointless.
Originally Posted by ipitomi

tired of clubs??  first you did it all wrong

meet a promoter, he will get you in for free and you can cut the line
2nd pregame before hand so you don't need to buy any drinks in the club
3rd if a girl rejects you, don't sweat over it and move on to the next one.  There are tons of girls that want to have fun.
There is always girls there trying to get down

So clubs are tight if you know how to work it.  I love the clubs.  Easy way to meet girls and get dances, numbers, even take them home

your still going to get tired of it. Im in nyc and know promoter, djs etc and you just get tired of the it. yea the getting in free, no lines, vip, females and bottles at the same price the club pays is cool but after you've been doing it for years it just seems pointless.
Depends where you're at. I hate going to clubs in my hometown seeing girls and dudes that are like 16 with fakes drinking in clubs. The only time I enjoy clubs is when I'm going to one that I know there won't be a single person I know other than who I came with.
Depends where you're at. I hate going to clubs in my hometown seeing girls and dudes that are like 16 with fakes drinking in clubs. The only time I enjoy clubs is when I'm going to one that I know there won't be a single person I know other than who I came with.
I find it funny that people say Lounges > Clubs. Lounges are nothing but scaled down clubs or the club owner decided to switch the name. Same water downed expensive drinks, same dim lights, same Patron poppin' tools, same skanks, same everything. Bars > Clubs/Lounges.
I find it funny that people say Lounges > Clubs. Lounges are nothing but scaled down clubs or the club owner decided to switch the name. Same water downed expensive drinks, same dim lights, same Patron poppin' tools, same skanks, same everything. Bars > Clubs/Lounges.
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