Anyone else DONE with going to clubs? What age did this occur?

I'm 24.  I use to go heavy all over NYC from age 19-22, but only to the clubs that played house music but I grew tired of it.  I have friends from HS and college who DJ and promote all over so we use to get in free and the whole thing.  But I dunno, I think I just did it way too often.  I mean of the 52 weekends out of the year.  I'd probably was at the club 75 days each year during that 4 year period.  It sort of got sickening because we just did it way too often. 

And even in these clubs with EDM, there are fights all over.  You always find that one idiot who is coked up and you start dancing with a chick he's been eying but didn't have the balls to go up to her so he gets mad at you.  Or you bump into him by accident and he gets mad for no reason.  Happened too many times to not only me and my friends, but just being a spectator of it all as well.  Hell the last time I went to a club and was dancing with this chick I had to duck because a punch was flying at me because some dude wanted to fight a guy who was just to the right of me.  I mean I'm not feeling that anymore.  At least I was proud of myself for having such great reflexes and peripheral vision.

Maybe one day I won't mind going again, but right now whenever someone asks me to go to a club, I try to convince them to hit up a bar instead.
I'm 24.  I use to go heavy all over NYC from age 19-22, but only to the clubs that played house music but I grew tired of it.  I have friends from HS and college who DJ and promote all over so we use to get in free and the whole thing.  But I dunno, I think I just did it way too often.  I mean of the 52 weekends out of the year.  I'd probably was at the club 75 days each year during that 4 year period.  It sort of got sickening because we just did it way too often. 

And even in these clubs with EDM, there are fights all over.  You always find that one idiot who is coked up and you start dancing with a chick he's been eying but didn't have the balls to go up to her so he gets mad at you.  Or you bump into him by accident and he gets mad for no reason.  Happened too many times to not only me and my friends, but just being a spectator of it all as well.  Hell the last time I went to a club and was dancing with this chick I had to duck because a punch was flying at me because some dude wanted to fight a guy who was just to the right of me.  I mean I'm not feeling that anymore.  At least I was proud of myself for having such great reflexes and peripheral vision.

Maybe one day I won't mind going again, but right now whenever someone asks me to go to a club, I try to convince them to hit up a bar instead.
Those of you who hate it is honestly because of a lack of connection, when i first started i did the whole 3 hours in line, pay a ridiculous cover and party for 2 hours tops, ive spent the 800$+ for bottle service, countless drinks at the bar...however ive made a few good connections and there is really no fuss now to hit a club, just a phone call and the line is skipped....sometimes we dont even have to pay cover...all because of who
I know.
I remember last year we went to Vegas, and since my boy is a pro boxer we had our ticket into any club, no line, no cover, free drinks...if any of you have ever partied like this you wouldnt dare say clubbing is whack....i spent two nights in vegas one in TAO and one in XS and these were probably the best nights ive ever had in a club...i doubt the experience would have been the same had we not had our boy with us...TAO and XS just like nyc clubs are quick to deny dudes and let ridiculous lines pile up and to top
It off charge you a 50+ cover. I'm 28 now and I work 2 jobs so I rarely go out and when I do is usually to a lounge/ my age you should of outgrown the club thirst...however when I do hit the club, I really enjoy it.
Those of you who hate it is honestly because of a lack of connection, when i first started i did the whole 3 hours in line, pay a ridiculous cover and party for 2 hours tops, ive spent the 800$+ for bottle service, countless drinks at the bar...however ive made a few good connections and there is really no fuss now to hit a club, just a phone call and the line is skipped....sometimes we dont even have to pay cover...all because of who
I know.
I remember last year we went to Vegas, and since my boy is a pro boxer we had our ticket into any club, no line, no cover, free drinks...if any of you have ever partied like this you wouldnt dare say clubbing is whack....i spent two nights in vegas one in TAO and one in XS and these were probably the best nights ive ever had in a club...i doubt the experience would have been the same had we not had our boy with us...TAO and XS just like nyc clubs are quick to deny dudes and let ridiculous lines pile up and to top
It off charge you a 50+ cover. I'm 28 now and I work 2 jobs so I rarely go out and when I do is usually to a lounge/ my age you should of outgrown the club thirst...however when I do hit the club, I really enjoy it.
I started clubbing at age 16 and stopped around 21. Most of the time I went clubbing to hang out with the crew. Eventually the club scene got boring and tired. I rather go to house parties or bars.
I started clubbing at age 16 and stopped around 21. Most of the time I went clubbing to hang out with the crew. Eventually the club scene got boring and tired. I rather go to house parties or bars.
first went when i was 16. didnt go heavy really. maybe just like 10 times a year or something lol. not my thing. last time i went was on friday. totally forgot how useless it was. i rather be at a bar and talk or something. dinner with drinks is fine with me too. sometimes not even alcohol has to been involved. like jamming. its definitely funner when you know a lot of people though.

i dont see myself willing to going in the future, but im going to vegas next week, and possible going to do some club thing for NYE when i get back cause i have no other plans lol. but after that....naw....
first went when i was 16. didnt go heavy really. maybe just like 10 times a year or something lol. not my thing. last time i went was on friday. totally forgot how useless it was. i rather be at a bar and talk or something. dinner with drinks is fine with me too. sometimes not even alcohol has to been involved. like jamming. its definitely funner when you know a lot of people though.

i dont see myself willing to going in the future, but im going to vegas next week, and possible going to do some club thing for NYE when i get back cause i have no other plans lol. but after that....naw....
Clubbing at 16!? wonder so many of you are "done"...dudes rushed into it...a kid has no business in a club.
Clubbing at 16!? wonder so many of you are "done"...dudes rushed into it...a kid has no business in a club.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

 since my boy is a pro boxer 
curious, who?
oh i started at sixteen cause im from canada eh?  drinking starts at 18 lol.  

my cousin went out with a dj, got in with jordan sweat pants and 3's lol

started off with that whole guestlist in for free business cause of him, stuck around with the dj's and stuff never but really got connected myself.  just my cousins.  i probably dont go much cause i started that way and felt ridiculous to wait lines and pay cover at some place i wasnt getting hooked up.   

im 24 now.  couple months ago i went to miami for work.  my boss's son-in-law manages lot of clubs there.  whole nother level over there man.  crazy treatment.  dude was telling me about 20K tables are the norm there.  was pretty damn awesome for a wednesday night lol.  seems like a fun job, but he said he doesnt like it anymore.  very believable.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

 since my boy is a pro boxer 
curious, who?
oh i started at sixteen cause im from canada eh?  drinking starts at 18 lol.  

my cousin went out with a dj, got in with jordan sweat pants and 3's lol

started off with that whole guestlist in for free business cause of him, stuck around with the dj's and stuff never but really got connected myself.  just my cousins.  i probably dont go much cause i started that way and felt ridiculous to wait lines and pay cover at some place i wasnt getting hooked up.   

im 24 now.  couple months ago i went to miami for work.  my boss's son-in-law manages lot of clubs there.  whole nother level over there man.  crazy treatment.  dude was telling me about 20K tables are the norm there.  was pretty damn awesome for a wednesday night lol.  seems like a fun job, but he said he doesnt like it anymore.  very believable.
His name is Jorge Teron....he's not a primetime pro, but he's definately working his way up and his connects are amazing when it comes to nightlife that is.
His name is Jorge Teron....he's not a primetime pro, but he's definately working his way up and his connects are amazing when it comes to nightlife that is.
By about midway through my freshman year in college I was pretty much done with clubs. I've wised up now and only go to them for major events and when I know someone at the door.
By about midway through my freshman year in college I was pretty much done with clubs. I've wised up now and only go to them for major events and when I know someone at the door.
I'm 18, and still haven't experienced clubs.

....yes, I know I live a boring safe life.
I'm 18, and still haven't experienced clubs.

....yes, I know I live a boring safe life.
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