Anyone ever done a "Tough Mudder" event? *Paging RyGuy*

My friend did one two years ago in Jersey. I'm going to do it this fall once it comes to the tri state area. Can't wait. I started training last month for it. Heard its really intense but its definitely worth it to complete the whole course.
I've done something similar to it. Did the warrior dash event, but that was only 3-3.5miles.
I was pretty tired from that...can't imagine going at it for 10-12miles.

Definitely want to do a tough mudder though. Plan onto once it comes to my area.
signed up for the SoCal one in July with a few friends. my body is not ready

Just started training a few weeks ago. I've tried to do their recommended workout 2x a week mixed in with my regular lifting. also adding more HIIT and supersets into my regular routines.

I'm pretty shook though. Reading through the death waiver and the course got me not wanting to do it
I'm doin this too in Minneapolis this summer 
have no idea what to expect 
Ry, you're gonna have to let me know how it goes... specifically what kinda gear/shoes/gloves(if any) you're rocking with.
I've been watching youtube vids of people going thru the electroshock therapy obstacle. 
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Ry, you're gonna have to let me know how it goes... specifically what kinda gear/shoes/gloves(if any) you're rocking with.
I've been watching youtube vids of people going thru the electroshock therapy obstacle. 
Saw that when a ABC reporter went thru that part.
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Ry, you're gonna have to let me know how it goes... specifically what kinda gear/shoes/gloves(if any) you're rocking with.
I've been watching youtube vids of people going thru the electroshock therapy obstacle. 


There's a part of the course where you get shocked?  Craziness.  Might sign up for it, I need something crazy to do.
I did the Warrior Dash last year, plan on doing it again this year. The Dash is only a 5k though but it was fun as hell. I dont know if I would be able to complete a 10 mile course though I would like to try it someday.
Originally Posted by FreddyPee

Training for this and spartan race in the tri state area as we speak

Same here, might do the one in philly or tuxedo, which race you trying to do? 
I'm doing one in VA in April. Can't wait. So far been doing interval and core training, anyone have any tips?
Doing it Feb. 26th in SoCal, been training for it for a couple months already. I think body is ready

But definitely amped for it tho!
I did the NorCal Tough Mudder last September.

I've ran a marathon, a 10k in the mountains, and biked a century from LA to SD on a fixed gear - only the century ride even comes CLOSE to being as difficult as TM.

For the most part, the obstacles themselves weren't too bad - I'd say the ice bath (they call it Chernobyl-something) and the 20 ft jump into mountain lake water were the worst. What kills you is the fact that you're basically running a half marathon at high elevation (over uneven rocky terrain) while being soaking wet for a good part of it
Originally Posted by Control Are

I did the NorCal Tough Mudder last September.

I've ran a marathon, a 10k in the mountains, and biked a century from LA to SD on a fixed gear - only the century ride even comes CLOSE to being as difficult as TM.

For the most part, the obstacles themselves weren't too bad - I'd say the ice bath (they call it Chernobyl-something) and the 20 ft jump into mountain lake water were the worst. What kills you is the fact that you're basically running a half marathon at high elevation (over uneven rocky terrain) while being soaking wet for a good part of it

I'm a weak runner but I feel like I can do all of the obstacles. Any tips on how to prepare for TM?
Originally Posted by Control Are

I did the NorCal Tough Mudder last September.

I've ran a marathon, a 10k in the mountains, and biked a century from LA to SD on a fixed gear - only the century ride even comes CLOSE to being as difficult as TM.

For the most part, the obstacles themselves weren't too bad - I'd say the ice bath (they call it Chernobyl-something) and the 20 ft jump into mountain lake water were the worst. What kills you is the fact that you're basically running a half marathon at high elevation (over uneven rocky terrain) while being soaking wet for a good part of it

how was the weather when you did it?  what was so hard about the 20 ft jump?  i've sat waist deep in cold tubs before to nurse injuries, tho it was years ago, so that's not something i'm too worried about (i don't think.)  how was the electroshock thereapy, tho?  i don't @$!% with electricity.
Originally Posted by KB8isCLUTCH

Originally Posted by Control Are

I did the NorCal Tough Mudder last September.

I've ran a marathon, a 10k in the mountains, and biked a century from LA to SD on a fixed gear - only the century ride even comes CLOSE to being as difficult as TM.

For the most part, the obstacles themselves weren't too bad - I'd say the ice bath (they call it Chernobyl-something) and the 20 ft jump into mountain lake water were the worst. What kills you is the fact that you're basically running a half marathon at high elevation (over uneven rocky terrain) while being soaking wet for a good part of it

I'm a weak runner but I feel like I can do all of the obstacles. Any tips on how to prepare for TM?

I'd say the main thing you should focus on is long distance running - the one I did was up in Tahoe and I was unprepared for the distance and the elevation. I trained stuff like p90x plyometrics but I should have really been on the treadmill and hiking trails. My boy just lifted as his preparation and that came in handy when we needed him to pull us up the Everest wall but we eventually had to leave him behind b/c he kept gassing every few hundred yards

Like I said, the obstacles (army crawling through tight spaces, climbing over high walls, carrying logs up/down a hill) aren't really that bad or are team-based so you don't need to be super jacked or anything. 
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by Control Are

I did the NorCal Tough Mudder last September.

I've ran a marathon, a 10k in the mountains, and biked a century from LA to SD on a fixed gear - only the century ride even comes CLOSE to being as difficult as TM.

For the most part, the obstacles themselves weren't too bad - I'd say the ice bath (they call it Chernobyl-something) and the 20 ft jump into mountain lake water were the worst. What kills you is the fact that you're basically running a half marathon at high elevation (over uneven rocky terrain) while being soaking wet for a good part of it

how was the weather when you did it?  what was so hard about the 20 ft jump?  i've sat waist deep in cold tubs before to nurse injuries, tho it was years ago, so that's not something i'm too worried about (i don't think.)  how was the electroshock thereapy, tho?  i don't @$!% with electricity.

Let me just start by saying that cold weather is not my thing. The weather started out ok (mid to low  70s) but it dipped into the 60s by the afternoon and when you combine that with jumping in and out of cold water all day, it adds to the difficulty. I think I ran most of the course wrapped in one of those NASA/foil blankets haha

The jump wasn't bad at was landing in cold !@#$ mountain lake water. As soon as I hit and surfaced, my whole body cramped up from the cold and I barely made it to this floating platform in the middle of the lake. Not my proudest moment but I spent a good 15 minutes on that thing shook as hell and had to be escorted to the other side by canoe.

Can't comment on the electroshock therapy because a lot of the strings had been pulled down by the time I got there so I was able to ninja my way through it.
i was thinking about signing up for the one in socal this summer with my brother in law...just been kinda lagging on signing up for it
Originally Posted by outkast9984

i was thinking about signing up for the one in socal this summer with my brother in law...just been kinda lagging on signing up for it
you should sign up soon because the prices are about to go up.
i did the central tx one last fall. obstacles weren't too bad. the cold water bath or whatever was by far worst one just because it was first obstacle and unexpected. Knocked the wind out of me and then had the immediate weight of wet clothes. Sprinted through the electroshock and didn't get shocked so I can't comment on that one really. The toughest part I think was just doing the running. i think if you can do the running and at least 10 pull ups in a row you will be perfectly fine.

Did warrior dash a month after and it didn't really compare at all. if anything, do warrior dash first to make sure you can do that. if you struggle with that, i dont think you have any business doing TM lol
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