Anyone Have Suicidal Thoughts?


hey man, look on the bright side.

you're infamous for your sexual escapades back on, you know...THAT website

Things get tough, but you have to remind yourself that you'll rise above it.

"paying your dues" if you wanna look at it like that
I don't know if living is worth the fight, so sometimes i dont.

but yea,
i think everyone has them at some point, where they just dont wanna go on.... but

most people dont have the balls to do it..

and theres always something to keep u looking for tomorrow
Surround myself with positive people or meet new women (if I'm single) to consume my time and keep me interested in something...

Or drink.
Or party.

But, I definitely look at other's situations. I'm fortunate to be able to do the little things like walk, run, talk, hear, see, eat. I'm nothomeless. Plus, I would hurt a lot of people if I killed myself.

Stay up man...
I broke my wrist columbus day weekend

I got a bad allergic reaction and my face was bloodshot red when I woke up today

I felt like ending it all today lol
Like others have said, surround yourself with positivity. Good people, chirren, pets.

Aye man just remember, the pendulum swings equally both ways. Your better days are gonna be sweeter than any of ourscould ever be...
Try talking to a therapist...really can save your life. Plus if your feeling that bad, there's a good chance you have clinical depression and can bedescribed anti-depressants. Stay up Goldenarmz, NT wouldn't have been the same without your GITC pics, life is worth it.
Taking your own life is the most selfish thing you could possibly do.

Think about your family and friends. Think how it will affect them.

Or you could get high...
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I get drunk.
Oh and listen to Hatebreed.
What does Hatebreed have to do with all this? They make uplifting music that condemns self-pity and defeatist attitudes.
I can see someone having them once in a while and maybe thinking what the world would be like without you. But to actually think of ways of doing it is whenyou are beginning to be psychotic. So see what stage you are in. Because once you start to think of ways of doing it. That's when you need to seek help,and quickly!!!!
I write! I usually write out how I'm feeling, it helps me get those types of feelings out! Then when I read them later I usually feel SILLY!
When I considered and unsucesfully attempted suicide I was an emo, ungrateful, whiny teenager

Remedy: I grew up....
i think of how broke my moms is and how expensive caskets/funerals are.. snaps me right out of it.
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