Anyone Have Suicidal Thoughts?

Everyone goes through it.

You need to find a person you can talk to about your problems.

I had a good 3 hour talk with my mother a few years ago when I felt my life wasn't worth anything. I figured, she brought me into this world and if Icommitted that 'that' then who would be the most hurt person from my stupid actions? She would've have been.

And dammit...She knocked me right back into the circle of life with that chat.
When I die, +%@% it I wanna go to Hell, 'cause life's a piece of #@!! it ain't hard to !**@*@+ tell
I was never on that "My life is terrible I wanna die." I was more so interested in the unknown of death, the what if.

At the end of the day finding out what happens after you die wasn't interesting enough for me to kill myself. I don't want to go out like that.

I tend to look down on ppl who commit suicide or attempt it. I tend to think of it as if you killed yourself because you couldn't handle life what makesyou think you'll be able to handle the afterlife(if there is one).
What up my dude. I been there man. I don't have the time to type it all out right now, but if you want some real talk, hit me on the PM's.
Originally Posted by sk23

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Just know that there are many other people in the world who have it worse than you do.
pretty much
This is pretty much my anti-depressant. I try not to dwell and complain about things that go wrong in my life that in the large scope of thingsreally does not matter.
drink tequila or cut
I finally just told someone because I thought everyone had them..i was off
Originally Posted by illmatic34

When I die, +%@% it I wanna go to Hell, 'cause life's a piece of #@!! it ain't hard to !**@*@+ tell

After Im dead Ill still wanna drank beer and smoke pot
Movin Os, Hell aint #%%* but a brand new dope spot
I've had recurring thoughts and have been forced through therapy since 3rd grade.

I just think about my little brothers.
Punch dancing.....I'm being dead serious.....I just listened to alot of metal and that channeled my thought of suicide into thoughts of anger.....noweverytime I hear a baby crying or a really annoying person won't shut up I just picture myself beating them......but then again that's just me
I just dont get it

Instead of killing myself I would rather pull the largest bank heist known to man...
Go steal a lambo...
Smash mad chicks raw...
Deck Bill'O Reilly in the jaw...
there are soooo many things I can think of fam.

But to just plain off kill myself?
I have suicidal and homicidal thoughts.

Not because I want to kill myself or others, but because "testing" my imagination like that pleases me.

For example, a bald guy will be sitting in front of me, and I'll wonder what it would look and feel to plunge the nail-pulling groove of a hammer into hishead.

I sound like a psycho, don't I?
I think how someone who is suicidal would think, but not for one second have I ever though of offing myself. I could think about how certain worries would goaway, how I would never have to think of the problems in my family and the world, but they are things that everyone thinks about. Not once have I ever thoughof seriously killing myself though, because it causes others a great deal of pain and then I think about all of the beauties of life. Life is a Beautifulthing, enjoy it.
Didn't read OP
Originally Posted by goldenarmz97

How do u get past them and know that things will be better than the blackness that consumes you?
You don't but you never know if they will if you aint alive to experience and see it happen.

That's the beauty of life. Not just living but not knowing what's gonna happen next. You can die at any time so you might as well go for things thatyou can't get at any time.
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