Anyone Have Suicidal Thoughts?

"Somebody right now
Wishes they were you and I
Instead of second-guessing
Fatal thoughts of quiet suicide."


Just pasting this from the e-mail I shot you, GA, just in case you didn't get it:

There is so much you haven't experienced, man. I can't guarantee to you that you will ever truly be in love, and I can't guarantee to you that youwill ever hold your newborn child in your arms and be consumed with responsibility and joy. I can't guarantee to you that you will ever have enough moneyto stop working for the rest of your life.

I can't guarantee that you will always have enough money to pay your bills. I can't guarantee you that you will always be healthy or that you willalways be liked.

But I can guarantee you this: if you are ever in love or if you ever do know the joy of being a father or if you do get rich or if you do live a healthy,popular life, it will be because you stuck around to let those things happen.

Once you're gone, you're gone. The possibility of you experiencing any of the joys you want to experience is over. Permanently. Of course you'retossing it around it your mind right now that you're o.k. with not experiencing any of those joys, but right now you're at a rough spot.

When we're angry or depressed or in pain, we're not thinking the same as when everything's good.

Hit me up on AIM or yahoo messenger if you want, dude (socal0223 on both of them).
i'm in a pretty rough spot too. all i can say is it sucks, and you jsut gotta keep it moving. not much else to do. you'll die one dya regardless, noneed to fastrack it...
I hate everything in my life except for 1 thing. Everytime im down and think how i dont want to deal with anything anymore i think of my daughter and the joyshe brings me. If anything she is the one that keeps me going. She is my one love in this life and i will live through all the struggles just so that i can beable to give her a better life.
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