Anyone Have Suicidal Thoughts?

Originally Posted by raptors29

Originally Posted by bonafide125

Anti Depressants. Just dont get addicted

Anti Depressants make my penis soft.

Well it does kill your sex drive. Either walk around with suicidal thought or a soft penis.
when i do...i pray and remember the life i would like to have and keep in mind that it is still achievable. Also i take into consideration the little people inmy life who are counting on me... (nephews and siblings)
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

when i do...i pray and remember the life i would like to have and keep in mind that it is still achievable. Also i take into consideration the little people in my life who are counting on me... (nephews and siblings)
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Punch dancing.....I'm being dead serious.....I just listened to alot of metal and that channeled my thought of suicide into thoughts of everytime I hear a baby crying or a really annoying person won't shut up I just picture myself beating them......but then again that's just me


If you asked me, I'd say you STILL have some issues you need to work out...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Punch dancing.....I'm being dead serious.....I just listened to alot of metal and that channeled my thought of suicide into thoughts of everytime I hear a baby crying or a really annoying person won't shut up I just picture myself beating them......but then again that's just me


If you asked me, I'd say you STILL have some issues you need to work out...

I hope ErickM NEVER has kids
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Punch dancing.....I'm being dead serious.....I just listened to alot of metal and that channeled my thought of suicide into thoughts of everytime I hear a baby crying or a really annoying person won't shut up I just picture myself beating them......but then again that's just me


If you asked me, I'd say you STILL have some issues you need to work out...

I hope ErickM NEVER has kids

You, edit that baby out yo AVY before he sees it. We don't want him to start punching his computer screen...


I have em daily... often. Every time I *$@@ something up I think about [/i] myself. If I think about how I failed to make my last relationship work, or how Ilost my mom, or even how I'm not studying for this midterm right now, it's always an image of me holding my chopper to my head. Like I said,daaaaaaaaily. The kicker is, it's been like this for at least 10 years. So it's safe to assume that even I know I won't do a damn thing
. I'm just bluffin, even if I'm only bluffing myself. It's like a cry for attention from Rilla toRilla. So I ignore the thoughts, laugh at them even. I mock my suicidal tendencies
. Then I pick up the pieces and keep it moving. Life goes on if you letit.... Let it. You'll be alreight. If the only person you're worried about hurting you IS you, at least you're keeping your enemies close. Be easyman. #*+! ain't never as bad as it seems. If you're still breathing, you're having a good day.
not going to lie broke up with a girl of 2+ years about a week ago...not gonna lie nothing is the same...i prolly thought about it once i think it was lastnight...then i realize itll be selfish of me of doin that and an easy cop out
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

not going to lie broke up with a girl of 2+ years about a week ago...not gonna lie nothing is the same...i prolly thought about it once i think it was last night...then i realize itll be selfish of me of doin that and an easy cop out
Over a girl though?

in the sea, sea, in the sea that is.
This song is wonderful. It's about those dark thoughts.

The original version (superior in my opinion) is by Bonnie 'Prince' Billy AKA Will Oldham.
seeing all the people in her that have contemplated suicide really brightens my day...just saying "at least im not as as %@%%## as this guy" feelspretty good
My dude. u need to talk, Holla At me.
D, we BS all the time and crack jokes and $+$#
I'd hate myself if I didnt extend a hand to u in a time a need
I'll DM you my phone number on twitter and email u
get off ya chest whatever u gotta get off. even if u just gotta crack jokes or wateva.
Originally Posted by soltheman

Originally Posted by ricerocket1

not going to lie broke up with a girl of 2+ years about a week ago...not gonna lie nothing is the same...i prolly thought about it once i think it was last night...then i realize itll be selfish of me of doin that and an easy cop out
Over a girl though?

in the sea, sea, in the sea that is.
I can relate. I fight daily to keep from resenting my ex's effect on my personality. Most of it is good though. I'm calmer, more patient,etc. A lot of it is irrelevant, like the little goofy facial expressions I learned from her that I impulsively make at times....... and then resent. But someof the stuff I learned from her is just the bitterness that comes from an ugly breakup. There are parts of me that don't want to be the better person I wasbecoming solely because I was becoming that better person for her. I hate her(no I don't). I just hate how much of an effect she's had on me, for better AND for worse. It's not me I imagine killing, it's the parts of methat contain traces of her influence. It's like I can feel her presence in my life even after we both chose to remove her from it. I hate that, not her.It's like I'm still losing what I've already lost.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]MOOD MUZIK I/II/III nad every other Budden track helps....Whatever It Takes[/color]
our lives are so short it's literally a blink of an eye in the grand scope of things.

we are here for such little time. take advantage, you have the rest of eternity to be dead.
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