Anyone here NOT stocking up on canned food, weapons? (seriously)

Jul 15, 2008
Every time i go to the grocery store i pick up 3 or 4 canned or long lasting food stuffs. I also purchased a pistol while I save up for a shotgun. At the ratewe're going, the economy will be in total collapse in a mere 12 days. Good luck! Let the best armed men win.
I got a .38...and enough roman noodles in my crib 2 last me a while...bring it awn...
Fact is the market has seen triple digit losses six days in a row and the losses are getting larger per day. Market collapse ..> Banks won't lend toeach other + Downpour of businesses and banks failing ---> banks won't lend to you or smaller businesses (your credit cards will stop working) -->More businesses and banks fail, FDIC cannot cover its insurance --> people will freak and withdraw their money from banks --> More banks fail, morebusinesses close --> 30-40 percent unemployed, gov near breaking point (i.e bankrupt) due to double or triple digit trillion debt.

You will regret not prepping when you go to the ATM and no cash comes out. Your paper money will be worthless, say hello to hyper inflation. Idiots.

Here's an example of hyper inflation + failed banking system + bankrupt government = Zimbabwe in 2007

THey had the western world (IMF World Bank et al) to bail them out. We will have no one. We are the 'western world.'
Paper money will be worthless, store shelves will be empty, food will be scarce and mobs will rule. Think about how having a stash of food stuffs and weaponsto protect it will help.
why everybody laughin at the OP?

i mean havin food on standby isnt a bad thing. an its better to have a gun and not need know the rest.
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