Anyone Know any fraternities initiation rituals and process?

One of our traditions was uitilizing the letter "e" correctly in the pluralization of nouns. 

If by processes you mean hazing, it's pretty much a variation on a theme - verbal, physical, and psychological abuse is used to create a bond between new recruits through a shared struggle.  This obviously occurs in the military, sports, gangs, and the business world as well.  As far as specific initiation rituals, they usually center around each organization's history and symbols.  My wife was a triple legacy in her sorority.  During her initiation, she was blindfolded and placed in a small room similar to a closet.  As she was turned to face each corner, her three family members were there to congratulate her.  They had flown in as a surprise, which was pretty cool.  Supposedly, in Chi Omega, after disrobing and lying in a closed coffin with a dead owl, pledges emerge and are "born again" to their sorority. 

The greek system is not that serious. 
One of our traditions was uitilizing the letter "e" correctly in the pluralization of nouns. 

If by processes you mean hazing, it's pretty much a variation on a theme - verbal, physical, and psychological abuse is used to create a bond between new recruits through a shared struggle.  This obviously occurs in the military, sports, gangs, and the business world as well.  As far as specific initiation rituals, they usually center around each organization's history and symbols.  My wife was a triple legacy in her sorority.  During her initiation, she was blindfolded and placed in a small room similar to a closet.  As she was turned to face each corner, her three family members were there to congratulate her.  They had flown in as a surprise, which was pretty cool.  Supposedly, in Chi Omega, after disrobing and lying in a closed coffin with a dead owl, pledges emerge and are "born again" to their sorority. 

The greek system is not that serious. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by socluis90

Originally Posted by Nash


bunch of lames
No need for all of that man. Be respectful.
I pretty much agree with me  tho
::yawn:: It must be that time of year again. For this board to have soooo much opposition to Frats/Sorors, there is always an alarming amount of interest and threads about us. We must be doing our jobs!
::yawn:: It must be that time of year again. For this board to have soooo much opposition to Frats/Sorors, there is always an alarming amount of interest and threads about us. We must be doing our jobs!
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

If y'all really want to know then join a *ucking fraternity, if you don't want to join then leave it at that. Funny how y'all talk so much +%%$ about fraternities, yet want to know what goes on. Like a fraternity dude is really gonna post rituals in here. 

MisterP0315 wrote:
These posts always start and finish the same.

People not in organizations will come in here with accounts of what they heard or saw. People in organizations will tell you otherwise or maybe even agree that this and that happens. Opinions damn near never change. People believe what they want to believe and will continue to judge and stereotype. The end.

Are you willing to share your private conversations with your family to us? Are you willing to expose the financial operations of your business on Facebook? There is a place for privacy and/or secrecy.

I swear...these conversations always remind me of racism and stereotyping. A few idiot members of a fraternity or sorority do some they all must do it...right? 

the lames are the ones on the outside looking in and worried about it....go watch School Daze or sumtin 
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

If y'all really want to know then join a *ucking fraternity, if you don't want to join then leave it at that. Funny how y'all talk so much +%%$ about fraternities, yet want to know what goes on. Like a fraternity dude is really gonna post rituals in here. 

MisterP0315 wrote:
These posts always start and finish the same.

People not in organizations will come in here with accounts of what they heard or saw. People in organizations will tell you otherwise or maybe even agree that this and that happens. Opinions damn near never change. People believe what they want to believe and will continue to judge and stereotype. The end.

Are you willing to share your private conversations with your family to us? Are you willing to expose the financial operations of your business on Facebook? There is a place for privacy and/or secrecy.

I swear...these conversations always remind me of racism and stereotyping. A few idiot members of a fraternity or sorority do some they all must do it...right? 

the lames are the ones on the outside looking in and worried about it....go watch School Daze or sumtin 
It varies from fraternity to fraternity. And from campus to campus


Speaking on black frats/sororities:

A lot of organizations are softer on people that pledge now because of the actions the earlier chapters did...

Assume what you want, but from what I've SEEN:

- I had a friend that pledged that used to come to class mad late from being fatigued. Dude had to sit on the very edge of his seat in class because his hind parts would be hurting (pause)...
[We were TOLD that he was being beat with those paddle things]

- Same dude used to eat our leftover lunch (like the edges of the bread from our sandwiches/ if we were finished with lunch, he would take the used napkins out of the trays and eat whatever was left on the plate/ or we would try and scrap together some $$ so that he could get a small meal for the day) [We ASSUMED that his superiors/prophytes (sp?)/etc. werent allowing the pledges to eat while pledging]

- Me and my 3 of my homeboys were close to pledging a certain frat, but we all dropped out right before the process began (after a couple of those late meetings). One of my homeboys stayed a couple of days longer than we did. They made him was their cars with the white tee that he had on. And they made him catch the bus home afterwards in his wifebeater

- I used to mess with 2 DST chicks. They mostly would tell me the types of stuff they had to memorize (rituals and info about their lines and sorors). I used to stay over at one of the chicks crib most of the nights she was pledging. She showed me her ritual binder and a couple of books she had to read and most of the stuff she had to memorize. As far as hazing, I believe the most they had to endure was elephant walking and those paddles, and they would get hazed if they werent able to respond correctly to certain questions asked. Most of this stuff was like team building exercises and s__t like that.

- I was told by someone in a frat that when they blindfold you and make you eat stuff, the food you eat really isnt what they tell you. When he got hazed they blindfolded him and told him that they would feed him dog food, and it was actually corned beef hash lol. He told me that most of the hazing process is a mental process more than anything else.

- The Ques (from what I ASSUME) pledge and haze harder than any other frat, at least at my alma mater. They lines always got suspended for hazing heavy.

Again, all these stories are from what I've seen and heard. I've made assumptions like everyone else on things that could possibly take place, and I have seen first hand what can take place during some of these events. Like the majority of the people viewing this thread, I'm on the outside looking in, but just shedding some light on the situation. Take it however you wanna take it tho...
It varies from fraternity to fraternity. And from campus to campus


Speaking on black frats/sororities:

A lot of organizations are softer on people that pledge now because of the actions the earlier chapters did...

Assume what you want, but from what I've SEEN:

- I had a friend that pledged that used to come to class mad late from being fatigued. Dude had to sit on the very edge of his seat in class because his hind parts would be hurting (pause)...
[We were TOLD that he was being beat with those paddle things]

- Same dude used to eat our leftover lunch (like the edges of the bread from our sandwiches/ if we were finished with lunch, he would take the used napkins out of the trays and eat whatever was left on the plate/ or we would try and scrap together some $$ so that he could get a small meal for the day) [We ASSUMED that his superiors/prophytes (sp?)/etc. werent allowing the pledges to eat while pledging]

- Me and my 3 of my homeboys were close to pledging a certain frat, but we all dropped out right before the process began (after a couple of those late meetings). One of my homeboys stayed a couple of days longer than we did. They made him was their cars with the white tee that he had on. And they made him catch the bus home afterwards in his wifebeater

- I used to mess with 2 DST chicks. They mostly would tell me the types of stuff they had to memorize (rituals and info about their lines and sorors). I used to stay over at one of the chicks crib most of the nights she was pledging. She showed me her ritual binder and a couple of books she had to read and most of the stuff she had to memorize. As far as hazing, I believe the most they had to endure was elephant walking and those paddles, and they would get hazed if they werent able to respond correctly to certain questions asked. Most of this stuff was like team building exercises and s__t like that.

- I was told by someone in a frat that when they blindfold you and make you eat stuff, the food you eat really isnt what they tell you. When he got hazed they blindfolded him and told him that they would feed him dog food, and it was actually corned beef hash lol. He told me that most of the hazing process is a mental process more than anything else.

- The Ques (from what I ASSUME) pledge and haze harder than any other frat, at least at my alma mater. They lines always got suspended for hazing heavy.

Again, all these stories are from what I've seen and heard. I've made assumptions like everyone else on things that could possibly take place, and I have seen first hand what can take place during some of these events. Like the majority of the people viewing this thread, I'm on the outside looking in, but just shedding some light on the situation. Take it however you wanna take it tho...

One of my older homies is a kappa. I'm meeting with dude sometime this week to discuss pledging.

I know for a fact that them dudes got the paddle. Idk what else. But it's mostly for the business aspect of things (I don't usually go to kappa parties because if you ain't with the brotherhood, them bitties ain't tryna hear it.) Times is rough. But I'm cool with the kappas at my campus, and they seem like alright dudes.

One of my older homies is a kappa. I'm meeting with dude sometime this week to discuss pledging.

I know for a fact that them dudes got the paddle. Idk what else. But it's mostly for the business aspect of things (I don't usually go to kappa parties because if you ain't with the brotherhood, them bitties ain't tryna hear it.) Times is rough. But I'm cool with the kappas at my campus, and they seem like alright dudes.
i and all pledge brothers had to get naked and take pictures in lake texoma in front of a sorority (20 degree water)

Cowboy Cocktail- every disgusting bodily function that produces a liquid drank from a boot
i and all pledge brothers had to get naked and take pictures in lake texoma in front of a sorority (20 degree water)

Cowboy Cocktail- every disgusting bodily function that produces a liquid drank from a boot
  This thread is full of mis-information and assumptions but that's always the case when it comes to these fraternity/sorority threads.  Classic case of the blind leading the blind.  If it's for you.....then it's for you, if it's not for you.......then it's not for you.  Just leave it at that.
  This thread is full of mis-information and assumptions but that's always the case when it comes to these fraternity/sorority threads.  Classic case of the blind leading the blind.  If it's for you.....then it's for you, if it's not for you.......then it's not for you.  Just leave it at that.
Ehh, if you really wanna know why not:

Matches- Recite fraternity knowledge holding a match, try to finish without getting burned. Not too bad, took 7 matches. Fingers burnt for about a month and a half.

Apples- Eat 2 raw onion covered with sriracha, wasabi, and anything hot they can get a hold of. Worst day of my life, but taught me a lot about myself- what I could/ couldn't do.

Paddling- Take a 100+ swats at one time. Most emotional event watching your pledge bros go through it. Definitely one of the highlights of your life when you're done.

There's more, but these are some of the more extreme.
Plus getting worked out for 5+ hours every Sunday and randomly throughout the week.

You have to realize that a fraternity with true TRADITION will have meaning behind these exercises. They are there to show you what you can and can't do, to humble you and build you at the same time. A fraternity that pledges correctly doesn't do random sadistic stuff for fun, but teaches pledges and builds them into men. "Gay" stuff isn't as prominent in the chapters on our campus, and non-existent in my chapter.

If you're pledging a fraternity that knows what they are doing you should never be in "real" danger. The point is to push you past what you thought were your limits and to make you a better man, not to kill you. I've met our chapter alumni who are lawyers, doctors and accountants who've done the same things I did 20 years ago. Respect the TRADITION and what the program has to teach you.

I have no problem sharing these as it's pretty common knowledge if you're in Greek Life already, its an open secret among girls and guys.
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