Anyone not comfy with condoms?

i only enjoy sex when its with a dime piece who smells good. and she gotta have long real hair that i can pull...
does anyone have a problem with condom getting no air in them (i think thats whats happening) and constricting your willy
plz respond
ill go up and see if theres a difference, they used to fit fine and i put them on the same way so must be the issue
always remembered freshman year in high school our bio teacher put a condom over her forearm and said theres no reason to buy larger sizes unless your **** is larger than my forearm
think you need to move up in size- I used to have that problem with them freebies they would give out in college- a couple breaks and difficulties later, I tried mags and found out I was trying to force myself into the wrong size

i always felt weird strugglin to roll that it down ( from ages 16-18) but i didnt know any better haha. until the realest chick i was ever with ( an ex i was with for over 5 years) plainly said, that condom is too small for you. switched to mags and been easy breezy since. though when i was with her , we stopped using condoms after year 1 of our relationship, she got on that uva ring. but the relationship was solid and didnt fear a pregnancy
Ya know they make condoms that dont even feel like your wearing a condom.

No reason to be a dumb *** out here
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if you're in a committed relationship with a girl who you know is clean and faithful and all that, fine.

but you dudes have to be INSANE to not use a jimmy hat on a jumpoff or a one night stand or something.

dukes are playing with fire here 
 i couldnt do it. my paranoia is too damn high
there is no condom that doesnt feel like its a condom i refuse to believe

you still have your **** in a bag at the end of the day

I HATE CONDOMS by the way but i'm getting married soon so i dont need em anymore

but if you're still out there puttin up numbers you gotta wrap it up just the way it is

Had a couple scares but I'm good, just gotta perfect your stroke timing.

Pull. Spray. Pray. :smokin
Only the first nut is somewhat enjoyable with condoms..

That's why I've cut back drastically on the sex.. Cant be caught out here |I
I hate them, I tried all different types back in the day bareback, sheepskin. Nothing gives that feeling. I only use them in the beginning of a new relationship until trust is established, and to impress on how long I can go. I swear I had blue balls a few times b/c it just got boring and I still aint buss. Pulled a Kramer and faked a few times.

One time I told a shorty to shut up b/c I was trying to concentrate to get that nut off. Shorty saying all this stuff and making noises distracted my ***. Hate those things with a passion.
Only if you wifed up:

1. Raw to begin

2. Eventually move into that position you know you bout to destroy

3. When you feel like you even a teensy bit close, package ya boy, and proceed to annihilate.
Only if you wifed up:

1. Raw to begin
2. Eventually move into that position you know you bout to destroy
3. When you feel like you even a teensy bit close, package ya boy, and proceed to annihilate.

LOL condom after raw? very interesting strategy to beat breaks off with, but if it works ima let you cook
My girl and I broke up for a min and I used them for awhile with other joints, then we got back together and I slipped into that ocean :smh: :smh: tears of joy
Of course nothing compares to raw but Trojan Bareskin feels pretty good compared to most other condoms IMO. 
Never was a fan of condoms so I practiced the pullout game to perfection. I get maximum strokes till the finish. 
I hate that you guys really glorify this stupidity.

But you know it's your std, it's your baby. you want to roll the dice then go ahead.

If something happens don't come with tears cause no chick wants to touch you cause you caught herpes, or you gotta live life with a kid, or you've been giving your HIV death sentence.

I did it once by accident. life isn't like the pornos so she took it off for a bj, and i literally forgot or had a lapse in judgement.

got tested after, she's not pregnant, and vowed never again.

Which is great because chick dropped outta college, is getting married, etc. So basically she was already ready to give up her life to do absolutely nothing.
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