Anyone see all this talk of riots if Obama loses?



Great conversation champ, you're a true intellect.
exactly.... the older generation is simply that older... and because they are set in their cookie cutter, wife/kids/dog/house/2.5 kids set life/job they not going to do anything to jeopordize that... and so they will do nothing... the younger generation lol.... like really you think the gang wars in chitown will cease and come together to riot their displeasement? the young teen mothers working on a 2nd/3rd baby daddy going to hope out of the welfare line to go protest riot... the black folks who after year of college and being typecast/ostrecized for being black in a predominant white college who finally graduated and landed a good job... is going to do anything to jeopordize their struggles and finally arriving making it? or the mid 30's black who finally gotten a percieved acceptance from their white counterparts at the workplace are going to risk it all. Or the pulpit pimp going to miss out on his blessings aka his sunday payday to hit the pavement? i mean it sounds real good but foreal who are we kidding.....


Too many ppl sucking on the pacifiers of what they deem as "prosperity"...smh

It's like marijuana situation in cali. Weed could have been legal had the growers not wanted to keep the playing field the way it was for their profits.

Folks are too comfortable with things the way they are.
i dunno ask this guy

thats just a few examples
That's the ignorant perspective though. Not even legit. "Duty as black folks" :rofl:

Only time ****** wanna unite is when it's time to riot :smh:
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That's the ignorant perspective though. Not even legit. "Duty as black folks" :rofl:
Only time ****** wanna unite is when it's time to riot :smh:
Where did you read that? You're reaching on a grand scale.

When stuff is in the realm of social media like this, it expires faster.

It will be lost among the plethora of other tweets about making sandwiches, " just getting off work", and what stevie j is up to.

People got the attention spans of ......

I could say they don't have attention spans lol.

It will be forgotten just like people forgot about the world ending in 2 months
"That was so 2008."
So before 2008 Black people didn't have the right to be proud?
Where did you read that? You're reaching on a grand scale.
..but why are people in here talking like riots are good for the community...the country...or the world? innocent people die. business establishments suffer. cities have a large bill to pay. protests...okay. but some of y'all seem to be bashing us for not participating in unnecessary ineffectual violence.
I think past riots by black ppl over certain situations and after specific events have set a bad precedent and sent the wrong message to black youth today. It really shouldn't be the go to move when you're upset to riot cuz things didn't go your way. Nobody wants to smarten up and really use the system to make it work for them. They'd rather say they tried and now it's time for violence.

When was the last time a riot was effective? **** up the city you live in, steal some **** you could never afford, kill and rape innocents and then what? Some of you get arrested, some don't. Things eventually go back to normal while you remain ignorant and mad about it.
I agree with this.
Also, WHY would people riot over Obama losing? Makes ZERO sense.

i dunno ask this guy


thats just a few examples

99.9 percent of ppl on twitter will not do jacksquat.

there will be no riot. people are too dumb and there are no leaders. only followers. followers can not start a movement they can only follow hence they are followers

if people didnt riot when the economy went to the toilet they wont do it now
Black folks rioting is what these radicals want. It's not like black people have the infrastructure, training to make a difference if something pops off.

This just gives legitimacy to the people that have been buying guns, training in the woods and stockpiling supplies.

They are getting ready for war, while blacks are busy trying to "make it" in this world.

How sad it is when someone is trying to kill you, yet you seek their approval...
I agree with this.
Also, WHY would people riot over Obama losing? Makes ZERO sense.
i dunno ask this guy

thats just a few examples
99.9 percent of ppl on twitter will not do jacksquat.

there will be no riot. people are too dumb and there are no leaders. only followers. followers can not start a movement they can only follow hence they are followers

if people didnt riot when the economy went to the toilet they wont do it now
Correction: "99.9 percent of AMERICANS on twitter will not do jacksquat."
I'm not Black, I'm an Obama supporter - I'm almost
95% sure there will be no rioting, but I still don't understand
So Black People are going to Riot because we're the first Majority-White country to ever elect a Black Man as President? Not just President, President of the Free-World. 40 years ago America was segregating in the South, in 2008 Obama was winning in a Landslide.
Now if Obama doesn't win, Black people are going to think it's race related? All of a sudden it's racism now? That would be the only reason to Riot, right? Black people weren't rioting when Al Gore had the election stolen from him. They weren't rioting when Bush won re-election.
If Obama loses, he loses because of the public perception of his 4 year track record and his lackadaisical debate performance (which he completely blew, and was leading the polls before)
When Obama won the election in 2008, I thought it was the most socially-progressive action to ever happen in the world. Black people had a right to be proud and in my eyes it was 100 steps forward. If rioting does happen its 1000 steps back.
you hit it right on the nail
ftr i wasnt like 100% dead *** with this post on nothing, did just that, discussion

i been prepping for many other reasons
People in general just want to riot. I bet most of them don't even care that much. They just want to act like fools.
:lol: rioting over a Washington Politician that doesn't give a flying 'expletive' about you? I mean I can understand rioting due to your local NBA team winning a title but over a Politician? :rofl: Come on now!
I don't even get people rioting when their team wins a championship. I know the majority are probably wasted but destroying your town / city doesn't seem like a good idea :lol:.
I don't even get people rioting when their team wins a championship. I know the majority are probably wasted but destroying your town / city doesn't seem like a good idea :lol:.
Oh no its worth it if they win the chip you never know when they'll win it again gotta make it memorable :smokin
I see something popping off with one of these militia groups...word to Waco or Ruby Ridge

Their memberships have sky rocketed since Obama got elected in 2008 and so have gun sales in attempts to resist claims that obama would crack down on guns (he hasn't). 

Dudes out here really see Obama as a threat to the entire nation. Sometimes when I log in on FB I see all these old people I knew from high school that didn't really do much who are out here fear mongering and spewing these Fox News talking points as if Obama is a secret terrorist.

People are REALLY scared out here. 

Wait, OP was talking about riots if Obama LOSES. Why is that?

I don't know about riots but I wouldn't be surprised if crazy white racists pulled some **** if he wins as you mentioned.

I hate Twitter so this might affect my opinion but I wouldn't be surprised if it adds to the idea of riots (not just in regards to this election) because of fuel being added to the fire, functioning as an easy way of finding out where people are gathering, sheep/mob mentality, etc. Did it have any impact of the PSU "riots"?
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