Anyone still playing cod 4 before mw2 comes out?

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

Originally Posted by r0yalty

I swear if they make another map like Chinatown
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]You suck at every map....sitcho *#@ down[/color]
Y'all need to chill wit that camping nonsense. Don't y'all communicate with eachother for situations like that?
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by r0yalty

I swear if they make another map like Chinatown
thank you someone who sees chinatown is garbage. its one big camp fest

I can't walk/run 10 steps in that map before some camper shoots me out of one of the windows on those houses, every time I try to cross the frigginstreet. And whenever I enter a house he's tucked in some corner waiting for someone to come, holding the LT button and aiming the whole time, the entirereplay. Or behind those damn metal bars where only his head sticks out.
Those are my most hated type of campers - the ones where their head sticks out.They wait for someone to pass by to shoot them, most commonly with the RPD (I friggin SWEAR, sometimes a bullet from that thing barely SCRATCHES me and I'mdead), or with the red dot M16 3-shot spurt.

I thought the goal was to help get rid of camping? Is this definitely not true in your opinion AT ALL? You definitely bring up an interesting point that nobody has thought of cause of sheer hype.

Hmm, I never heard that their "goal" was to get rid of camping. I've heard that they will try to make the game balanced, but balanced in thesense that less experienced players have a chance at killing the more experienced players in a 1-on-1 duel. Not in the sense that they will eliminate all thecamping. Because from all the info I've obtained about this game, I don't see how they will reduce camping, if someone else does, please give me somehope.

Yeah, there is so much hype around this game to a point where in the end it can almost only disappoint. It definitely deserves a lot of hype because, afterall, it is friggin Modern Warfare 2. No doubt that this game looks better on paper, more guns, much more customization, it's bigger, better sounds, bettergraphics. But I am pretty sure that when it's all said and done, not all COD4 fans will have more fun playing MW2 multiplayer than COD4 multiplayer, and Imight be one of them. Although I hope that I'm wrong.
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