Anytime A Girl Shows Interest In You Show Her Less

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Playing games is yourself. *%@$ these "rules" for dating. Do what YOU think is right.

I agree if you dont just want to, well you know...
Originally Posted by pacers31

alright i'm gravedigging like a *+!!* but i don't feel like making a new thread since its related to this topic. i met this girl at my boy's party about a month ago and got her number. she's good friends with my boy's gf so i was like yo put me down with your we ended up getting something to eat and chillin like a week after that and she's mad cool. we text each other about every other day and i'd say that we each initiated the conversation equally in the beginning but recently i feel like i've been the one doing it all the time and she's the one ending the convo. we haven't talked to each other in like 4 days so do you guys think i should just go ahead and text her or wait a little longer and see if she texts me? bc right now i honestly have no idea if she's feeling me or just being nice bc i'm cool with her friend. i feel like if she texts me that'd be a good indication but at the same time if i wait this out she might think i'm not interested...and if i text her i'm not trying to seem thirsty.
Just stop texting her, fam. If she's interested, she'll text back. Continuing to text her will only make you seem a little desperate. Play it cool, you know she's friends with your boy's girl, so you'll see her again at another party.
Text this to a girl.

"I had a dream of us holding hands miles from here, breaking free of this world, loving truly, the span of a moment, pure love unleashed. <3"

Originally Posted by MrWavez

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

Yup. An always assume that she's gettin plowed by multiple dudes anytime she's not in your line of vision.
quoted and bolded so you fambs take note..

always take longer to text back.

occassionally drop the convo...

a couple days is NOT icing a girl... you gotta be prepared to go a legitimate 1.5 weeks of not saying anything cuz girls are used to guys crawling back after a couple days.

never trust these young wimmiez.

keep that cold heart.

DO NOT try to make her like you...



yup, its sad but nice guys always finish last...
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

OK here it is in a nutshell. Most guys view girls that they like the same way that we'd view our older sister's best friend. Instead, view he like she's your little sister's annoying friend that has a crush on you. It's all psychological. Yourr demeanor around them will be more confident and attractive. Thank me later.

Hmmm, I like that alot.
Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by AME416

It's been that way since the beginning of man, there is no changing it. Unless she's ugly
Speak for yourself man. I take it you've never had an attractive girl thirst for the D? Must suck man
Not even tryna mean but what shift said is not only possible but it happens all the time. I'm sure most of the guys posting in here have at least one girl they smashed and put in little to no effort at all. And if a girl ever feels like she HAS to impress you, theres a very good chance shes DTF as well
This cornball

The majority of the male population since the beginning of time have been in the role of the
hunter, trying to impress the female. Certain instances, I'll use Kobe as an example, men definitely have the upper hand. Obviously regular dudes can obtain something that
females are attracted to but the as a majority we want them more than they want us.

Btw, what "attractive girls" is thirsting for you looking like this


Money, having something going for yourself, being decent looking> everything and anything discussed in this thread. Most of you are young in here so enjoy the time when "game" can get you in the door. After 22 its all down hill if you don't have or are getting your **%% together.
Originally Posted by staystrong

Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Speak for yourself man. I take it you've never had an attractive girl thirst for the D? Must suck man
Not even tryna mean but what shift said is not only possible but it happens all the time. I'm sure most of the guys posting in here have at least one girl they smashed and put in little to no effort at all. And if a girl ever feels like she HAS to impress you, theres a very good chance shes DTF as well
This cornball

The majority of the male population since the beginning of time have been in the role of the
hunter, trying to impress the female. Certain instances, I'll use Kobe as an example, men definitely have the upper hand. Obviously regular dudes can obtain something that
females are attracted to but the as a majority we want them more than they want us.

Btw, what "attractive girls" is thirsting for you looking like this


Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

OK here it is in a nutshell. Most guys view girls that they like the same way that we'd view our older sister's best friend. Instead, view he like she's your little sister's annoying friend that has a crush on you. It's all psychological. Yourr demeanor around them will be more confident and attractive. Thank me later.

Hmmm, I like that alot.
This man knows

.. " i aint a player, i just crush a lot "
Funny that this thread would pop back up, I just read an article on this topic literally a few minutes ago. It gives amazing insight on why women love guys that don't care about them. Long read but trust me, it's worth it. It goes against everything we've been taught growing up
This might be kind of off topic, but some of the things i've seen from experience and things that i've picked up:

1. If a girl shows interest in you, show interest back, enough to have a conversation, but that's it. Keep the conversation going, but keep the length of responses to a minimum. Show attention, but not too much. As someone said in this thread, take a nice amount of time to respond to a text, miss a phone call once in awhile because you were busy chilling with a friend (See point two,) act a bit cold to her sometimes, etc. Almost every girl believes that too much attention shown to them from a guy that they are interested in is a turn off. Let them breathe. Women also want a guy that is wanted by other women, in fact this is half of the entire criteria that women base their selection of men off of. Which brings me to point number 2..

2. Lie. If you aren't a guy that has a roster of women, make it that way. She ask what you are up to? Tell her you're chilling over one of your friends house or something. You are chilling with samantha, brittney, doesn't matter, but lie if you have to. Although the girl will seem like she's put off by it, secretly and subconsciously that will make her want you more. Women love Men with %%#*##. Makes them feel more special that someone who has a plethora of women to choose from, you picked her. Pow.

3. The friendzone can be a phenomenally great thing for you if you play it right. Real easy way of getting her if played correctly.
All you fambs need confidence and a nice sized Wang and your good
Now if you don't have nice sized Wang there are pills for that but women can since
Confidence in a man women can since power in a man too there like dogs... Why you think we call
Them b%&$#
Me not showing this girl attention everyday made her not wanna speak anymore
 Doing it wrong I guess
The Golden Ratio/The Two-Thirds Rule:Always show a girl 2/3 the attention she shows you. Start text convos 2/3 of the amount of times she does. Say 2/3 the amount of words she days when talking... etc. Just make sure theres a meaning behind everything you say/do. Your 40% contribution to everything is gonna have to be just as important as her 60%, if not more.

Originally Posted by staystrong

Originally Posted by AME416

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Speak for yourself man. I take it you've never had an attractive girl thirst for the D? Must suck man
Not even tryna mean but what shift said is not only possible but it happens all the time. I'm sure most of the guys posting in here have at least one girl they smashed and put in little to no effort at all. And if a girl ever feels like she HAS to impress you, theres a very good chance shes DTF as well
This cornball

The majority of the male population since the beginning of time have been in the role of the
hunter, trying to impress the female. Certain instances, I'll use Kobe as an example, men definitely have the upper hand. Obviously regular dudes can obtain something that
females are attracted to but the as a majority we want them more than they want us.

Btw, what "attractive girls" is thirsting for you looking like this



Dat ether strong.
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