Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Originally Posted by shogun

You guys seriously can't help yourselves can you?

This fanboy war will never end. There is no best phone, only the best phone for yourself.

Thank you. These dudes sound like kids in here arguing over a phone.

No matter how many times this gets said, it will never end. When was the last time any of you entered a thread where there was no arguing or on going debates?
You can start a thread on the color White and best believe someone will come in before PG.2 and say Blue is better. Thats what keeps these threads going, thats what a forum is all about.
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Why isn't there policing of this thread? Seriously. I don't go into the Android thread and talk about the iPhone. This is beyond annoying.
I expect debating and arguing in threads but they usually takeover these phone threads. This is supposed to be about the new phone releasing, not another thread where people argue that the phone os they use is the best and how everyone should agree.
that's what i was thinking...
people don't even know all the things the gs3 can do...
y'all know it has picture in picture? you can watch a video on the screen while texting or browsing the home screen or on NT...
share videos instantly and take pictures of one phone and they'll all come up, sort of like a file sharing system...

It will be different and new to me since I've never owned an Iphone before. What you're saying about the Iphone 3GS. 4 and 4s is exactly what Im saying about the Samsung Epic 4g, S2 and S3.

You cant compare the S3 with the Iphone 5 though. Not saying one is better than the other, just saying my epic 4g feels and looks exactly like the S3. I want something new.
Dudes will never understand Apple. 

Its the experience of a UX/UI that is tightly integrated that removes the guesswork that the average person loves. You're not "doing it" because you like customizing the speed of your processor or having the time to mod your phone. 
*crossing fingers for turn by turn navi* now that i see ios has had a gmail app 

tired of my gs2.. im ready to jump ship 
I expect debating and arguing in threads but they usually takeover these phone threads. This is supposed to be about the new phone releasing, not another thread where people argue that the phone os they use is the best and how everyone should agree.
It's funny how dudes are quick to take back seats when shots are fired, but when they fire shots first they expect a man to lay down.

You don't want Android heads in here, you don't want Android heads talking greatness of the Android OS, you don't want Android heads taking shot at the iPhone but you wanna talk about how weak Android is, how the battery life sucks, how they copy Apple, how slow they're, how the phone feels like a brick in our hand? Oh.

Whether or not who did it first, just DROP it, on both parts.
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man, i can't wait for the new iPhone to be announced tomorrow . . . because people are going to go nuts even more on this thread no matter how bad or how good the new iPhone is :tongue:
I was really hopping for a more drastic hardware design the Iphone 4 design has gotten really old to me, but it's looking more and more like just an update, thinner, bigger screen.

Hopefully they add active icons to ios as well, nothing enrages me more than the stupidity of the weather icon with a fake temperature on it. :smh:
Steve, is that you?
I can picture his ***** beating his chest with one hand and typing with the other. You sound hurt... and really stressed about this. You the same ***** that was giving me ******** in the iPhone thread when I left for Android.
A lot of real life in that post, son is PISSED at Android and it's army, :rofl:

Was I? Really? Because I don't remember such...

And how am I mad at the "android army"? Thats part of the problem I was talking about... You're charging into Apple threads as an "army" just proves my point.

You android dudes come into iPhone threads just like the atheist cats go into religion threads, just like the PC guys in Mac threads...
Its like you guys get paid off commission to boast about your OS...

Whats real life is, you guys take these phones so damn seriously that you refer to its customers as an "army".

So go ahead and keep making your iOS themes for android. :lol:
I know what you do pleighboi...

At the end of the day, NOBODY in an Apple thread cares about androids. Thats what you fools fail to understand :smh:
But you still come in, talking that BS
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Ok so i am going to try and side step the andriod vs ios fight......

Can some one help me recap some rumors? What I am expecting from the conference:

Hardware iphone 5:
- Bigger screen
- LTE World wide phone
- Faster processor (ipad 2 esque?)

- New headphones
- Headphone jack at the bottom
- New dock connector
- New unibody milled from a solid block, thinner, lighter, stronger
- Center positioned front facing cam
- Better speakers
- nano sim

Software Ios6:
- New Passport app (helps with trips has boarding passes and such idk)
- Finally new MAps app with turn by turn and street view in 3d?
- Facebook integration of some sort
- siri ported to ipads
- Hopefully Siri integration with 3rd party apps? and just better Siri in general

- twitter integration?

Please add or correct any

Thanks man great info repped
i havent bought any apple products since my mac book crashed and ipod nano froze up
the quality of the products not the user interface got me, then alo the compatibilty to other devices and software kept me away
but i think im gonna come bac with this ipohne 5, if the changes are that drastic as i think they will be
I just bought the Iphone 4S last year :smh: now Im wanting to buy the new Iphone 5 something tells that I may have to pay the full price this go round.
I just bought the Iphone 4S last year
now Im wanting to buy the new Iphone 5 something tells that I may have to pay the full price this go round.
You don't have to necessarily.  You can buy the phone at contract price and renew your contract for $286 ($250 early upgrade + $36 activation fee).  And just sell your 4S to offset the difference.   
Just dial *639# or *NEW#.

You'll get something similar to this:


I'm on the same boat, I bought the 4S last year and want to get the 5 this year.

First I'll see what the new things are, Then I might consider getting it...
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Originally Posted by shogun

You guys seriously can't help yourselves can you?

This fanboy war will never end. There is no best phone, only the best phone for yourself.

Thank you. These dudes sound like kids in here arguing over a phone.

No matter how many times this gets said, it will never end. When was the last time any of you entered a thread where there was no arguing or on going debates?
You can start a thread on the color White and best believe someone will come in before PG.2 and say Blue is better. Thats what keeps these threads going, thats what a forum is all about.

They were past the debating stage.
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