Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

it does if u do not no what u are doing.... i like/ok my iphone 5... but as far as features/performance speed etc... my iphone 4s was 2x  as effiecient faster (despite the upgrade in chip) thn the 5.

Most off the features the 5 has ios 6... jailbreaking has had since 3g and has done it in a more faster/effiecient way.

ill just name a few...

Face recognition... i someone takes ur phone etc... and u have it locked, the cnnot open it.. and if attempts to it will take picture of person and thru findmyiphone give u geological location of said person/phone

Nc settings notification.... u can tweet/fb/post on lockscreen also respring/clear/clean cache... have weather/weather report for whatever location u are currently at, instead of going to settings and having to change it. you also can edit/read/erase/save/respond to emails/fb/tweets/mms/sms/text/emails while the phone is locked thus not using as much battery.

ifile... u can mod/edit/erase files programs etc... right from the phone.... you also can save history of sms/mms/text/phone calls/voicemails onto ur pc...

activator... u can assign shortcuts for certain task ie... tap statusbar to open camera, tap volume buttons at same time to send files etc... via bluetooth..

airplay.... which is essentially the same as the galaxy s3 touch and sync/send option...

safari tweaks... goes beyond the limits of 9 pages... also allows multiple pages to be open at the same time, can upload/download files str8 from the web... plus full screen safari

siri tweaks... allows customized commands as well as responses... ie u can accept decline calls just by saying so... you can start/multitask etc... just by voice ie... switch to wifi/3g ala go to niketalk...., plus you can create your own sayings and responses, you can lock phone/respring/shut off phone by voice...even safari such as saying refresh page/open new page/tab/ cut/save/dl upload such and such all by voice...

infinite folders... disables the folder limits on category...

springtomizer... customize looks etc... plus can overclock phone... can get notifications on taskbar, also not be interrupted while playing a game etc... by text/calls and so forth...  by having a small box that u can accept declined.. plus weather/ text notification/mail etc is displayed on taskbar including a option to accept/decline calls/text by pressing so on taskbar...

iblacklist... basically can block calls etc... plus its a caller id that lets u know where the person is physically calling from... u can set parameters for certain numbers calls... ala when this number call pre recordered answer and responses... or answer and hangup.. go str8 to voicemail...

plus flash, plus not to mention free apps... and a liteny of other things.. such as being able to convert youtube to mp3 on the phone and save on or video of person who calls....playing emulator games/system on phone...changing fonts etc...navigation turn by turn on apple maps..with up to date live traffic via google earth..firewall for safari... mask/hide ip address on able to hide sms messages etc...convert websites in other language on the fly...sync iphone and still use... without itunes... timestamp text etc... with tethering...make apps think they on wifi but use 3g ala like facetime etc... but doesnt go against ur data... sending files music etc via thru siri.. such as send such and such song/video/etc to such and such... wakeup reminders etc by voice thru siri ala like on such and such day u have a doctors appt.. or gives u news/weather latest via thru siri...

How do you get flash on a jailbroken iPad? :nerd: :nerd:
Almost every carrier has a shorter wait time, apple store told me 3-4, so I went with AT&T which told me about half that.

ROFL At&t also told me 2 weeks. Seriously I don't know why I believed them. I'd give it about a month. Hell by the time we get it the 5s will be out already.
Sprint just told me up to 3 weeks
Walked into a Target and they had iPhone 5 for Sprint ready to sell. Ppl just need to make sure to look around
Yeah, it's better to check out your local stores first before ordering the phone online.
How's the dual-band wifi working out for ya'll? Is it making your connection pick up wifi from further away, is it making it faster, or both?
my new job is giving me an iPhone 5 on more phone bill FTWWWWW :D

I will just break contract with AT&T and sell my 5; prob still bank like $300-400
How's the dual-band wifi working out for ya'll? Is it making your connection pick up wifi from further away, is it making it faster, or both?

nope, wifi sucks for me imo, its has to do with the type of wifi router tho, something about the security on the type of router...will wait for the update to see if it makes any changes
I have a 5 with Verizon. And that battery last all of 6 hours with LTE on. Bout 7 with it turned off.. Is there a battery pack case yet out? I have a car and home charger but seems my phone always dies at the worst times
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