There is new news, that apple tried and has succeeded making unlocking and jailbreaking illegal in accordance to dcma... this will be in effect starting january 2013.... Because of this the jailbreak for iphone 5, while is finished... has been delayed (till ios 6.01 is released) and mant of the top jailbreakers have said this will be their last project.... Many sites who basically are devoted to the jailbreak community say that they will eventually shutdown...
I know this wont ultimately mean to to much for apple sales.... esp since apple could drop a phone with the equilevancy of the old nokia 2500... with green screen, light up antennae, and changeable front face and all and it will still sell like hotcakes....
I wonder will alot of ppl will be leaving the iphone/ipad etc... I for one unless they do something spectacular... I cant see me purchasing another iphone/ipad. To be honest outside of a user friendly/smooth ios... really the iphone/ipad really isnt that special... Esp the not having flash... I know ppl say well html sites are the future etc..(and eventually most sites will leave flash based) But apple has been saying that since like 04/05 and still hasnt come into fruition and doesnt look as if it will.
To be honest if jailbreaking comes to an end, and there isnt some sort of underground etc way of still having it done... I cannot seee myself buying another ipad/iphone again.