Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

Ok let me school you vzw cats who want to keep their unlimited.
I'm going to assume you are on a family plan where add a lines are 9.99, this won't work if you only have one line being that family min plans aren't available anymore if you didn't already have one.
What you need to do is go ahead and cop a dummy phone off eBay cheapest one you can find.
Next go to vzw in the store would be best but you can order it online or whatever, and say you want to add A line to your account. After a line is added tell the rep you want to swap ESNs/IMEIs, tell them you have a flip phone your gonna give to your grandmother and you want that on your new line, and tell them to put the iPhone on your line. Now you have the iPhone 5 and still have unlimited. Yea your bill goes up 10 dollars a month but you prob woulda spent 10 bucks at Micky ds anyways.
Next thing you want to do is make sure they put Total equipment coverage on your line if you didn't all ready have it because when you change ESNs you don't have a warranty anymore because the system can see where you got the phone when it's active on your line even though you got it straight from vzw. So add TEC or you can say forget it, but don't expect vzw to help you if your phone screws up even if it's 3 weeks old.
Your first bill will be a little higher cause of the activation fee but you would have paid an upgrade fee anyways so it don't matter, and the new line will be prorated, soothe closer you are to your bill cycle the lower the proration will be.
VZW reps do this all the time to help customers out and help themselves meet their activation quotas, but just tell the grandma story so they can cover their butts, cause a lot of store managers trip on it. As with that extra line you have you can either cancel it after 2 yrs or keep it as an "upgrade" line so now you can get an upgrade every yr since you will have one and the dummy line will have one. This is what I do.

If all the family lines are filled then there's no way of doing it?
AT&T pushed my upgrade to January cause I had 2 late payments this year, :smh: :smh:.

I'm in the same boat, **** happens. Just cancel your contract, it's $325- $10 for every month you've been on your current contract.

Assuming your contract started in July '10 like I did, its 325- (26 mo * 10)= $65. Or you can just wait.
If all the family lines are filled then there's no way of doing it?

Max lines on a family account is 5. So if you have five lines then you can do it with who ever has a basic phone, just have em go to the store with you or let them know their phone won't work for a few minutes or hours if they don't know how to do *228 after their esn is changed back or go into the store with both devices.

What you would do is use who ever has the upgrade on the account upgrade on what ever line is the basic phone. Now guys keep in mind you want to do this in a store because the iPhone has a sim card so your gonna need a new sim card which is why you can't just switch the lines online. Like I said you can order the phone online but you gotta go into the store to have the phones switched.
I'm in the same boat, **** happens. Just cancel your contract, it's $325- $10 for every month you've been on your current contract.
Assuming your contract started in July '10 like I did, its 325- (26 mo * 10)= $65. Or you can just wait.

Cancel and lose your number? Lol and you lose your unlimited and you can't just set up a new AT&T account because your still in their system for 30-90days so all they can do is reactivity your account until that window is up. These companies not worried about people canceling because half y'all be bluffing, unless you're going to another carrier canceling does nothing but make you pay more money because no such thing as a new customer anymore because everyone hops between carriers.
Yea the problem for me is everyone on the lines has a smart phone lol not a dumb phone

Go online and see who uses the least data and just explain to them they don't need unlimited. 80 percent of these folks crying about unlimited ain't even using 2 guns a month.
thank you shogun

it all worked out, i just got off the phone with Apple, added my work address successfully the rep stayed on the phone with me, had me visit to make sure the change showed online and it did.

he said his entire shift, all he was doing was changing peoples shipping addresses to their work addresses.

no one wants to miss this thing and i don't blame them.
My upgrade is on a line with an old LG Voyager. They still told me that my plan would change when moving to the iPhone 5.

I was under the impression that the last phone where you could keep your unlimited data, as far as VZW goes, was the SGIII. All phones after that will not allow you to add them to any plan unless they meet the proper criteria aka - Shared Data Plan.
Go online and see who uses the least data and just explain to them they don't need unlimited. 80 percent of these folks crying about unlimited ain't even using 2 guns a month.

^^This x10000....That was my debate for weeks when VZW announced that they were getting rid of the unlimited data. Wifi is all over the place and there is no way they are steaming that much video and movies. Streaming Pandora and updating pics/statuses is not tearing a hole in data. I am on my phone all day on weekends, but I can't have my phone where I sit at work during the week and then at home I am on Wifi. When I go to friend's families houses, I just grab their wifi password and keep it stored on my phone for the next visits (most of the time I probably set it up anyways so I already had it, haha). My average usage barely gets around 3GB at its highest and the fiance doesn't even use a full GB (like .77MB or something).

It is a trade-off. People are going to cry about losing their "unlimited 1.5GB" data they use a month, but if they were to leave it in place and allow everyone to destroy the networks with FaceTime, and streaming HBO Go, NetFlix, and others all day just because it was free, people would complain about the network becoming crippled. You guys remembered what happened to AT&T when that first iPhone dropped? Their networks were beat to hell that first couple days, haha...
These are still the best iPhone earbuds IMO, i even shoot hoops in them.

Bose MIE2i, money well spent. superior sound quality, comfortable, durable.

i stopped using the ones apple gives you a long time ago.

wrightone i think the unlimited data carries over if it is the iPhone unlimited data

the plans are pretty specific i think

i had messed up my 4, sold it, got a 4s off craigslist

i had to call in to make sure about the data, i noticed that when i had a 4, it said iPhone 4 unlimited data, and when i called in to let them about my 4s, it was then changed to iPhone 4S unlimited data

and so on... so i think its per device

and Joe... yup they are the best you can get, most comfortable and durable and the sound... well they are Bose, so you know what it is!

I won't even attempt to try their new re-designed ones, they will stay in the iPhone 5 box until I get ready to sell that and copp a new phone as I always do...

and the saga continues, iPhone, iPhone... 8)
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Anyone per order at Walmart? I went around 10 and mobile worker wasn't there yet. Might go back on break.
Cancel and lose your number? Lol and you lose your unlimited and you can't just set up a new AT&T account because your still in their system for 30-90days so all they can do is reactivity your account until that window is up. These companies not worried about people canceling because half y'all be bluffing, unless you're going to another carrier canceling does nothing but make you pay more money because no such thing as a new customer anymore because everyone hops between carriers.

I don't have unlimited data, wish I did. I've been meaning to get a new number anyway.

And if that's the case with the contract then I'm going over to Verizon
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These are still the best iPhone earbuds IMO, i even shoot hoops in them.

Bose MIE2i, money well spent. superior sound quality, comfortable, durable.

i stopped using the ones apple gives you a long time ago.


Damn they must be that good, I don't know that I could be convinced to pay $130 on Amazon for ear buds.
So I am thinking of using this opportunity to jump to verizon especially since I can get a discount through the firm. I will be losing unlimited but I don't think I'll miss it much as most of the time I am connected via wifi here in the office or at home. No longer have facebook and check twitter maybe once a day so I think I should be golden. Planning on having my wife and I on the plan.
Via TheVerge
So yes, the supply chain has gone self-aware and drilled holes into Apple's famed mystique. So what? Well, firstly, Apple loses the impact its keynote events usually deliver with entirely unknown products. Nobody was wowed by the thinner, aluminum-backed chassis because everyone had seen it (hell, I had even touched and played with it). There were no sharp intakes of breath when Apple pledged LTE, or when it revealed the new EarPods, or when it announced the Lightning connector. Everything was in place for September 12th to be a marquee day where Apple underlined its hardware innovation chops, but instead the novelty was defused by well-placed sources weeks in advance.
The bigger threat Apple will have to overcome is that its competitors are learning about its product roadmap earlier and earlier every year. This gives companies like Nokia the opportunity to try and steal Apple's thunder by introducing comparable features earlier, while clone makers have grown so agile in their copying of Apple hardware that one has already tried to preemptively patent the iPhone 5 design in China.
Samsung is still Apple's main contractor for producing the A-series processors inside iPhones, iPads, and iPods, and it's to the Korean company's credit that the A6 SoC upgrade for the iPhone 5 remained a secret until the official reveal. At least when it comes to discretion, we can say that Samsung is winning where Apple is failing.
Pretty good article, making some key valid points. Nobody can say they were blown away by the event, and for those in the audience (pretty much media and Apple F&F) only clapped or cheered because they felt obligated too, not because they were actually left spellbound.

What''s everybody 'wow' factor of the iPhone 5?
Damn they must be that good, I don't know that I could be convinced to pay $130 on Amazon for ear buds.

i hear you on that, it is a lot to drop on some earbuds.

for me, i use them every single day, i have a lot of music on my portable devices. it is important to me that i get the best comfort & sound.

i watch a lot of shows, movies, netflix on my phone as well so i wan't the best quality.
I seriously changed my mind five times with the Best Buy rep this morning. Dude wasn't phased though. He even said he liked the "murder black", but was going with the silver aluminum backing of the white. Needless to say he made my decision that much harder. But that all black is just untouchable IMO.
I'll save the white for the iPad.

Yea i got the white ipad 3, so figured I'll just get the white iphone 5 to match. Plus my black iphone got lost constantly because it blends in with all my furniture smh
Just came back from bestbuy,
The line was short but these suckas were working slow. You had to go to one cashier to PRE-ORDER. After that they send you to another person to get down the same info you gave the first cashier. Whole bunch of nonsense.

Someone please help, is 16gb gonna be good for me? I broke my ipod so Im gonna use the phone as an ipod too. I usually download mixes I make to study. Mixes are about 40 to 60 minutes long. And also download a whole bunch of new music to study as well. Someone told me just get Icloud and I'll be good. Is that true?
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