Apple's September 12 invite hints at iPhone 5. Upgrade to iOS 6 now.

I keep checking my email every few hours to see if I got an email. It's like when I'm checking for the final grade of a class to see if I didn't mess up too badly :lol:. I'm going to be mad if Verizon says my order was pushed back. I hate using this piece of crap droid x I have.
Same exact phone I currently have and have the same exact feeling towards it as I've ordered mines at 3:04am Friday Morning.. This Driod X really sucks bad now..smh
For the people that ordered from VZW I'd check your order status. Mines updated and they took money from my account. I don't have a tracking number but I'll have my phone by Friday.
Yea my status updated.

To everyone selling your old phones you guys waiting till you get your new joints or what?

The numbers don't lie. With lesser specs, the iphone 5 is the fastest phone on the market. That is pretty damn impressive. Shows how much more efficient iOS is than all the others. The battery life will take a bit of a hit if you use LTE all the time....but I hardly see a reason to always have it enabled. You don't need it to read emails, send texts, check twitter, facebook etc. Only when you need to download an attachment or browse the internet IMO.

Anyone else think about how damn easy it was to cop a first batch shipment of these compared to copping limited release nike's? lol :smokin
Not so fast pleighboi...

Those specs come from the slower, quad core Tegra 3 - International version. The US-spec Galaxy S III has a dual core S4 Snapdragron Krait processor which is faster than the A6 in the iPhone 5.


Here is a fact about quad cores vs. dual cores in Android,
To put the iPhone 5/A6 in context: The quad-core Galaxy S3 (Exynos 4 Quad, a Cortex-A9 design) has a Geekbench score of around 1800; the dual-core One X (Snapdragon S4, Krait) scores around 1600; and the quad-core Nexus 7 (Tegra 3, Cortex-A9) scores around 1600. We must also bear in mind that Geekbench makes full use of multiple cores, which gives the quad-core chips an unfair advantage — after all, there are few if any smartphone apps that make good use of four cores.

Also that Galaxy S III is running ICS 4.0.3 and not the speedier (project butter) Jellybean 4.1.1, lord knows how faster it may jump up if tested on it (possibly 2000+). Not trying to start a war, just stating some real facts before people start believing the iPhone 5 is the fastest phone on the market.
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Not so fast pleighboi...
Those specs come from the slower, quad core Tegra 3 - International version. The US-spec Galaxy S III has a dual core S4 Snapdragron Krait processor which is faster than the A6 in the iPhone 5.
Here is a fact about quad cores vs. dual cores in Android,
Also that Galaxy S III is running ICS 4.0.3 and not the speedier (project butter) Jellybean 4.1.1, lord knows how faster it may jump up if tested on it (possibly 2000+). Not trying to start a war, just stating some real facts before people start believing the iPhone 5 is the fastest phone on the market.

Not so fast pleighboi...
Those specs come from the slower, quad core Tegra 3 - International version. The US-spec Galaxy S III has a dual core S4 Snapdragron Krait processor which is faster than the A6 in the iPhone 5.
Here is a fact about quad cores vs. dual cores in Android,
Also that Galaxy S III is running ICS 4.0.3 and not the speedier (project butter) Jellybean 4.1.1, lord knows how faster it may jump up if tested on it (possibly 2000+). Not trying to start a war, just stating some real facts before people start believing the iPhone 5 is the fastest phone on the market.
If you believe what samsung is spewing...technically their internals are faster (individually), but overall the droid OS is extremely ineffieienct so much so that the benchmarks are actually slower than the iphone5 running with slower internals....its all in the OS fellas! It's not always apples vs apples.

I wonder if the Galaxy S3 that they tested was running ICS or JB. It would be wrong to compare a phone running iOS6 to an Android running an older OS.


You guys selling your phones already or waiting till you get your 5? I initially got the GS3 to hold me down/as a back up phone untill the 5 dropped but I just couldnt get jiggy with it. I think next go round I`m going to get the Note 2 and use that in between so I can get better value for my 5 when the 5s drops/
I sent AT&T an email to unlock my iPhone 4. Hopefully it comes by Friday so that I can sell/trade at a higher price.

can VZW do this?

Also, Lucky--- I'm not pressed :lol: It's funny ya'll treating this iphone like Js. If they sell out, THERE WILL BE RESTOCKS PEOPLE.

I'll probably cop a few months down the line, cop the 5 first then sell the 4s to recoup some of my losses. I'm already gonna have to most likely come outta pocket, I'm not eligible for my upgrade.
can VZW do this?
Also, Lucky--- I'm not pressed :lol: It's funny ya'll treating this iphone like Js. If they sell out, THERE WILL BE RESTOCKS PEOPLE.
I'll probably cop a few months down the line, cop the 5 first then sell the 4s to recoup some of my losses. I'm already gonna have to most likely come outta pocket, I'm not eligible for my upgrade.

call VZW global support tell em you are going to Paris and want your phone unlocked.
[qoute name="LuckyLuchiano" url="/t/506089/apples-september-12-invite-hints-at-iphone-5-pre-orders-start-at-12-00-am-pst-3-00-am-est/2010#post_16309808"]
But is Jellybean out for all carriers GS3? oh[/quote]

Its being rolled out by the next few months. Besides, any S3 can be rooted to run JB. Oh.

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The numbers don't lie. With lesser specs, the iphone 5 is the fastest phone on the market. That is pretty damn impressive. Shows how much more efficient iOS is than all the others. The battery life will take a bit of a hit if you use LTE all the time....but I hardly see a reason to always have it enabled. You don't need it to read emails, send texts, check twitter, facebook etc. Only when you need to download an attachment or browse the internet IMO.

Anyone else think about how damn easy it was to cop a first batch shipment of these compared to copping limited release nike's? lol
Not so fast pleighboi...

Those specs come from the slower, quad core Tegra 3 - International version. The US-spec Galaxy S III has a dual core S4 Snapdragron Krait processor which is faster than the A6 in the iPhone 5.


Here is a fact about quad cores vs. dual cores in Android,
To put the iPhone 5/A6 in context: The quad-core Galaxy S3 (Exynos 4 Quad, a Cortex-A9 design) has a Geekbench score of around 1800; the dual-core One X (Snapdragon S4, Krait) scores around 1600; and the quad-core Nexus 7 (Tegra 3, Cortex-A9) scores around 1600. We must also bear in mind that Geekbench makes full use of multiple cores, which gives the quad-core chips an unfair advantage — after all, there are few if any smartphone apps that make good use of four cores.
Also that Galaxy S III is running ICS 4.0.3 and not the speedier (project butter) Jellybean 4.1.1, lord knows how faster it may jump up if tested on it (possibly 2000+). Not trying to start a war, just stating some real facts before people start believing the iPhone 5 is the fastest phone on the market.
Nobody cares.

You're in an iPhone 5 thread debating with people that have already bought the iPhone 5.    

We get it, brah.  You had the iPhone, switched to Android and now loathe the iPhone and those who use it.  Enough already.   
[qoute name="LuckyLuchiano" url="/t/506089/apples-september-12-invite-hints-at-iphone-5-pre-orders-start-at-12-00-am-pst-3-00-am-est/2010#post_16309808"]
But is Jellybean out for all carriers GS3? oh
Its being rolled out by the next few months. Besides, any S3 can be rooted to run JB. Oh.

rooted yea everyone is going to root their phone. k
You guys selling your phones already or waiting till you get your 5? I initially got the GS3 to hold me down/as a back up phone untill the 5 dropped but I just couldnt get jiggy with it. I think next go round I`m going to get the Note 2 and use that in between so I can get better value for my 5 when the 5s drops/

what time did you order? i ordered at 11AM on Friday and im still waiting. im just concerned because i will be taking the day off and im hoping it arrives and i dont take the day off for nothing..
what time did you order? i ordered at 11AM on Friday and im still waiting. im just concerned because i will be taking the day off and im hoping it arrives and i dont take the day off for nothing..

I ordered at 3:01 AM eastern time brah lol

Like I said if you dont get shipping info by Thursdaynight/ Friday morning go to your local store have Customer Service on the phone and once you see your rep going to the back to get the phone tell them to cancel the order, as long as the order hasnt shipped you will be good. Your rep may be annoyed because it may take a few more min waiting on hold but screw him he getting paid for the upgrade.
[qname="LuckyLuchiano" url="/t/506089/apples-september-12-invite-hints-at-iphone-5-pre-orders-start-at-12-00-am-pst-3-00-am-est/2010#post_16309858"]
Its being rolled out by the next few months. Besides, any S3 can be rooted to run JB. Oh.
rooted yea everyone is going to root their phone. k[/quote]

You're the one that asked if JB was available on all S3s. I just gave you an answer. K.

[qname="LuckyLuchiano" url="/t/506089/apples-september-12-invite-hints-at-iphone-5-pre-orders-start-at-12-00-am-pst-3-00-am-est/2010#post_16309858"]
Its being rolled out by the next few months. Besides, any S3 can be rooted to run JB. Oh.
rooted yea everyone is going to root their phone. k[/quote]
You're the one that asked if JB was available on all S3s. I just gave you an answer. K.

boy you sound dumb. Hackers putting it out and Samsung releasing it to all phones not the same thing. You are dismissed.
You guys selling your phones already or waiting till you get your 5? I initially got the GS3 to hold me down/as a back up phone untill the 5 dropped but I just couldnt get jiggy with it. I think next go round I`m going to get the Note 2 and use that in between so I can get better value for my 5 when the 5s drops/

sold my note last week, phone im using is like 5 years old samsung i hate it, and im not getting mines till the 5th
rooted yea everyone is going to root their phone. k
You're the one that asked if JB was available on all S3s. I just gave you an answer. K.
boy you sound dumb. Hackers putting it out and Samsung releasing it to all phones not the same thing. You are dismissed.[/quote]

You're the one spreading false info and you're calling me dumb? Seems like the cold hard facts on your little spec sheet are a bit too hard to swallow.

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