April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican I come in Heavenly peace! I got a wedding to go to in September. I can't decide on what to wear. What mask says "I want to be formal, but I'm also here to party."
From my time living and experiencing American Wrestling (I will miss SOMEONE)

Flair: A
Rock: A
Hogan: A
Austin: A

Undertaker: B+
Bret: B+
Sting: B+
Cena: B+
Road Warriors: B+
Goldberg: B+

Jericho: B
Ultimate Warrior: B
Rey Mysterio: B
AJ Styles: B
CM Punk: B
Daniel Bryan: B

Just off the top of my head

I'd switch out Goldberg for Punk..But I ain't mad at that list..
Benoit: B
Guerrero: B

Brock Lesner: B+ (Approaching A)

But only internet wrestling fans can't understand why Brock is what he is.
Cornette gets it though, but yall don't get Cornette.
Benoit: B
Guerrero: B

Brock Lesner: B+ (Approaching A)

But only internet wrestling fans can't understand why Brock is what he is.
Cornette gets it though, but yall don't get Cornette.
I like corny but i guess that dont matter either right? Also greenberg was at least a A- in wcw IMO
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