April Wrestling Thread/NTWT Weekend Edition/WM April 10th 2021

I'd be scared of Meth too. IT ruins lives!
Faces of Meth.jpg
Quote a single person that suggested attendance drawn is the ONLY factor.

Typical Pelvin style trolling

What's the number one thing you ALWAYS try to use to diminish Jules' opinion about Jericho? The idea that he was never "THEE guy"

Interesting that you suddenly want to act like other factors matter now...after a decade of ignoring them

What's the number one thing you ALWAYS try to use to diminish Jules' opinion about Jericho? The idea that he was never "THEE guy"

Interesting that you suddenly want to act like other factors matter now...after a decade of ignoring them


I have ALWAYS said other things should be factored.

But again, play dumb as if anyone said anything else.

Do better
What's the number one thing you ALWAYS try to use to diminish Jules' opinion about Jericho? The idea that he was never "THEE guy"

Interesting that you suddenly want to act like other factors matter now...after a decade of ignoring them

Im glad im not the only one who noticed that. Dude flip flop more than Prince Puma. Hes like the black donald trump.
Im glad im not the only one who noticed that. Dude flip flop more than Prince Puma. Hes like the black donald trump.

He loves his revisionist history and circumstantial qualifiers

If it's Jericho, carrying the company is the most heavily weighted factor

Talk about someone HE favors and those little arbitrary rules aren't so hard and fast
He obviously said the number one thing so obviously there are other things but i guess you playing dumb again.
He said that AFTER the fact. That isn't even what I objected to

Also, what he said wouldn't disqualify Flair from being IN the conversation, since he WAS the man. Unlike Jericho.
IF you are going to discussion the BEST of ALL TIME, you better have been the Top Dude in your company for an extended time. Not giving that label to someone that barely competed on a Main Event Level. And NO, that doesn't mean you are the most TALENTED because you are Top of the Card. This conversation isn't just about TALENT, it is about being the BEST. Combination of Talent, Opportunity, Production. Jericho isn't in the running. Just stop.

Continue the narrative of, "You only think Being the man matters."
Top guy in wrestling means nothing its scripted if daddy vince dont like you your never gonna get the chance to be "the man". Wrestling is the only place where hard work doesnt pay off.
Top guy in wrestling means nothing its scripted if daddy vince dont like you your never gonna get the chance to be "the man". Wrestling is the only place where hard work doesnt pay off.
Honest question ,

When creating a best of all time list give me what YOU feel should be factored.

In order of importance
Honest question ,

When creating a best of all time list give me what YOU feel should be factored.

In order of importance
In ring ability
Dont care about talking, selling t shirts, silly gimmicks if you cant go and tell a story in the ring then you cant be the goat imo. Thats why hogan rock and scsc (wwe) not my goats. They couldnt wrestle.
In ring ability
Dont care about talking, selling t shirts, silly gimmicks if you cant go and tell a story in the ring then you cant be the goat imo. Thats why hogan rock and scsc (wwe) not my goats. They couldnt wrestle.

So you only mentioned in-ring.

Is that correct?
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