Are you the 99% ? - Wallstreet Come Get It...

When only 1 or 2 people are mentioning the Federal Reserve you can tell that 95% of the 99% is completely delirious and touting talking points shouted out by Corporate Media on a daily basis.

Don't you people understand that the Federal Reserve has a GOVERNMENT ISSUED MONOPOLY OVER THE CURRENCY AND CREDIT?

Guess what?

The private shareholders of the Federal Reserve OWN 60% of the countries GDP.

Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, BoA, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo lobby the president (through campaign contributions) to appoint their henchman to the Board of Governors. They dictate interest rates destroying the dollar for us and increasing credit to themselves to buy more assets, then buying insurance to cover the losses and/or telling the clueless government that if they don't get a bailout the world will come to an end.
Originally Posted by rashi

Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, BoA, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo lobby the president (through campaign contributions) to appoint their henchman to the Board of Governors. They dictate interest rates destroying the dollar for us and increasing credit to themselves to buy more assets, then buying insurance to cover the losses and/or telling the clueless government that if they don't get a bailout the world will come to an end.
nah son, this is about spoiled rich kids who majored in poetry and their entitlement complex.


(on anothe rnote, why aint you down there rashi?)

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

^^^ bERT, so I'm a loser huh? HAHA!!! I dont think you understand it...there is a system that places ppl in debt in hopes of greater days. They come out and get nothing.

you are not a loser, just made bad choices...i feel the USA has sheltered and spoiled its people rotten, do you know people in other countries cant even get passed middle school because they cant afford tuition, did you know that there are doctors back in my homeland who drive cabs as their second job, simply because they don't make enough??....Americans have had it so easy that at the slightest sight of struggle they look to blame everyone but themselves for their decisions....I guess me having been born in a different country where things are not handed to you and being exposed to how much worst life could be, i didn't take of the opportunity i had here for granted.....i look at the majority of these people holding up signs as week individuals, with some exceptions.
there are also countries where college is free or in some cases students are paid to go to college.  a country where doctors aren't compensated probably has a lacking medical reimbursement system or its citizens are not wealthy enough to afford healthcare service. I don't know where your homeland is, so I can't say whether or not it is a fair comparison to the US (ie standard of living) 
I agree with you though that americans are spoiled. 
Wait a minute Curb...why I don't see anyone boycotting against Diddy??...or Alex Rodriguez??...they probably make more than these people you speak off, definately make more than heart surgeons...yet we glorify day to day what they do...go to their games, watch their concerts, dip money into the things they sponsor...cmon fam...

Lmao @ you comparing me to a spoiled rich kid, I think you missed the point Alchemis was getting at, you see our families came from nothing, but thanks to the opportunities this country offered our parents and the ability of them being able to work the system and bust their $%! to get ahead gave us a better life, much better than what we would have had back home, I don't think anyone having first had exposure to how bad things are outside of here have the balls to complaint about the system we have, is it corrupt??...yes it is, but what government isn't?...everyone is out for themselves, that's the way of life, as sad as it is, don't pity yourself because you got left behind, find a way to get ahead.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


Do I live in a different country or something...why is it that my co-workers work 2-3 jobs if they want the best college education for their kids without going into coworker works 4 jobs!!!...not once have I heard her complaint about it, she gladly pays out of pocket 40k a year for her daughter's education and this way no money will be owed at the end.....if given the opportunity to work day and night to these people who are affected, would they do it???...if the only way to get ahead was by scrubbing floors and wanshing dishes would they do it????...why are some of you so stubborn and close minded as to see that no matter how hard things seem in America, the doors of opportunity are still there, doors that have never been open to people in other just have to be wise about the decisions you make, money is there to be made bros.

so youre saying its right that your coworker works 4 jobs to pay for an education for her daughter which promises to give her daughter an average yearly salary lower than a year of the actual tuition to the school?

thats how its supposed to be?

nevermind that college tuition is hyperinflated....

nevermind your coworker has to work 4 jobs to put her kids through college...

no, lets point fingers and talk down to those who DONT work 4 jobs to send their kids to school....cause they're lazy....


we live in the same country, but we're obviously from two different worlds...

you asking if people would do whatever, even wash dishes and scrub floors, i ask YOU, ksteezy, who isnt poor by any means, WOULD YOU SCRUB FLOORS TO MAKE IT?

part of me wants to go out on a limb and say youve never scrubbed anything but expensive sneakers....but what do i know?

the doors of opportunity are still there? lmao, yes, a job making 7 bucks an hour at walmart with no benefits is a huge door of opportunity afforded to the average american, a luxury that people in 3rd world countries arent afforded. you got it, guy.

(of course there is more opportunity here than in, say, liberia, HOWEVER, that doesnt mean we havent seen a major decline in opportunity and can't voice our displeasure over it, ESPECIALLY when the mega rich are actually becoming richer than theyve EVER been in the HISTORY of society....not to mention, at the same time, the poor are becoming even poorer. no reason to be upset or mad about any of that at all, you got it. )

maybe yall arent mad or upset because you live a pretty comfortable life that you imagine is the average american experience....

just maybe.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

spoiled kids?


yall sound like the spoiled kids tho

talmbout the struggles your parents made (which dont even sound like real struggle. your mom worked and went to school and still supported 4 kids on her own? no. im 100 percent sure you recieved government know, the dreaded horrible entitlements?)

never really mentioning any struggle YOU personally overcame

sounds like the entitled spoiled rich kids are you guys, to me, anyway

what this is about is dudes who get paid literally 100 million dollars to trade things....

while teachers make 32k while required to have a masters degree in education....


this isnt about so and so not working as hard as your mommy did in a different decade...

this isnt about 3rd world countries which are obviously @@#@$! places being worse off than america

this is about people pocketing literally 100 million dollars in cash while people are SUFFERING.

maybe not the white kid who majored in poetry playing his guitar on wall street today, but people are definitely STARVING in the USA, while others are POCKETING 100 MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH IN A SINGLE YEAR.

but i mean, its the fault of the 25 year old whos worked at wal mart since 18 cause he couldnt afford college (and made the decision to not live outside his means)

not the ridiculous gluttony going on in the financial sector right now...

for example

why do any of these peices of !$$* make over 300k a year?

you cant live off 300k?


youre a +#@+%@$ banker

you're not a +#@+%@$ rocket scientist, you're not a +#@+%@$ idol, you're not even nice to be around




why do you think this system is okay?

maybe you were born into it higher than i was because of the struggles your mom made that mine was too lazy or not a good enough person to make...

at least, im sure that's what you've assumed in your head already, right?


Actually my mom received no government assistance and didn't even get financial aid.  But nice try.  And what do you mean I was born into it higher?  When my parents divorced, my dad kicked us out so we lived with my mom's friend and her multiple kids including a paraplegic... she made us go to bed at 6 pm because she didn't want to watch us and my mom was barely home.  Not quite sure how that is higher but ok.

Did I say once the system is okay?  I actually said there def is corrupt things going on, of course.   But many of the people supporting this movement are a joke.  I'm not spoiled at all.  I've been living on my own since I was 18... 6 years later I'm going back to college and I've been busting my $*! to make a living.  There is a difference between attacking the real issues and just wining. 

It's funny how people don't dare to bring up how many people in our class bracket rob the system every day.  Everything is screwed.  
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wait a minute Curb...why I don't see anyone boycotting against Diddy??...or Alex Rodriguez??...they probably make more than these people you speak off, definately make more than heart surgeons...yet we glorify day to day what they do...go to their games, watch their concerts, dip money into the things they sponsor...cmon fam...
i happen to think entertainers posses a specific quality that actually makes them "worth" more than the average human being

with that said, there is only ONE way to see a "diddy performance" that's to pay diddy to perform...

if he will only perform for 1 million dollars....and a promoter will pay that....because people will reimburse him and he'll turn a profit...then so be it. whether or not i think its worth that much or even like the product is irrelevant.

there is a market for entertainment which commands large sums of money....

as far as guy a being picked out of 5 candidates to pocket 100 million in cash to sign papers? nah, b.

Seeing lebron james dunk a basketball is such an entertaining activity, its WORTH the price of a ticket to a game, which, in turn, is worth his 100 million dollar salary, which, in turn, makes him literally more valuable than random guy # 4.....hes more entertaining to watch.

is chairman #7 in big ole bank, who helped collapse a 132 year old institution, really more valuable than random intern who has the exact same education as him? really? nobody else can sign papers like him? OBVIOUSLY these guys are no experts at banking or finance, seeing how they collapsed 132 year old banks that survived the great depression...

so why is random chairman worth 10 million dollar bonus?

meanwhile children starve...

i can explicitly tell you why kanye west is worth 10 million...

but random guy on wall street who sits in an office and has 5 assistants? why?
Curb I think we're all on the same page... but looking at it differently. I simply stated that a lot of the people supporting this movement are spoiled kids. Did I say the main cause is nothing? Did I say nothing wrong is going on? No. The way our financial system is set up is screwed. This isn't going to change overnight. I feel for the people who know whats going on, who have been affected in their hard working lives, who have spent every day down there. However, I don't see that crowding the streets will have much effect on the machine. But if it does, great.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by rashi

Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, BoA, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo lobby the president (through campaign contributions) to appoint their henchman to the Board of Governors. They dictate interest rates destroying the dollar for us and increasing credit to themselves to buy more assets, then buying insurance to cover the losses and/or telling the clueless government that if they don't get a bailout the world will come to an end.
nah son, this is about spoiled rich kids who majored in poetry and their entitlement complex.


(on anothe rnote, why aint you down there rashi?)


Took my wife, and with a couple of friends drove up to the Federal Reserve of Atlanta over the weekend.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


Do I live in a different country or something...why is it that my co-workers work 2-3 jobs if they want the best college education for their kids without going into coworker works 4 jobs!!!...not once have I heard her complaint about it, she gladly pays out of pocket 40k a year for her daughter's education and this way no money will be owed at the end.....if given the opportunity to work day and night to these people who are affected, would they do it???...if the only way to get ahead was by scrubbing floors and wanshing dishes would they do it????...why are some of you so stubborn and close minded as to see that no matter how hard things seem in America, the doors of opportunity are still there, doors that have never been open to people in other just have to be wise about the decisions you make, money is there to be made bros.

so youre saying its right that your coworker works 4 jobs to pay for an education for her daughter which promises to give her daughter an average yearly salary lower than a year of the actual tuition to the school?

thats how its supposed to be?

nevermind that college tuition is hyperinflated....

nevermind your coworker has to work 4 jobs to put her kids through college...

no, lets point fingers and talk down to those who DONT work 4 jobs to send their kids to school....cause they're lazy....


we live in the same country, but we're obviously from two different worlds...

you asking if people would do whatever, even wash dishes and scrub floors, i ask YOU, ksteezy, who isnt poor by any means, WOULD YOU SCRUB FLOORS TO MAKE IT?

part of me wants to go out on a limb and say youve never scrubbed anything but expensive sneakers....but what do i know?

the doors of opportunity are still there? lmao, yes, a job making 7 bucks an hour at walmart with no benefits is a huge door of opportunity afforded to the average american, a luxury that people in 3rd world countries arent afforded. you got it, guy.

(of course there is more opportunity here than in, say, liberia, HOWEVER, that doesnt mean we havent seen a major decline in opportunity and can't voice our displeasure over it, ESPECIALLY when the mega rich are actually becoming richer than theyve EVER been in the HISTORY of society....not to mention, at the same time, the poor are becoming even poorer. no reason to be upset or mad about any of that at all, you got it. )

maybe yall arent mad or upset because you live a pretty comfortable life that you imagine is the average american experience....

just maybe.

Is it ok for her to work 4 jobs...idk, she's happy with her choice, she's offering her kids the best she can, question is IS HER DAUGHTER going to be one of those kids protesting in the future????...probable, so who's to blame then??...her mother???..the government that gave her the opportunity to work those jobs and make the money she makes???...or her daughter for being a #%!%$%@ and wasting her education away??...yeah I'll wait for an answer..To answer your question, I've been working since the age of 14 bro...I've scrubbed floors, have cleaned up human $+$$ from restrooms, have gotten up at 4 am as a 19 year old kid to go receive shipment at burgerking for a 6.50$ an hour, washed dishes, worked all night and then school all day, slept 2 hours and then repeated the routine....I feel no pity for anyone down there and wouldn't expect anyone to feel sorry for me.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

spoiled kids?


yall sound like the spoiled kids tho

Actually my mom received no government assistance and didn't even get financial aid.  But nice try.  And what do you mean I was born into it higher?  When my parents divorced, my dad kicked us out so we lived with my mom's friend and her multiple kids including a paraplegic... she made us go to bed at 6 pm because she didn't want to watch us and my mom was barely home.  Not quite sure how that is higher but ok.

Did I say once the system is okay?  I actually said there def is corrupt things going on, of course.   But many of the people supporting this movement are a joke.  I'm not spoiled at all.  I've been living on my own since I was 18... 6 years later I'm going back to college and I've been busting my $*! to make a living.  There is a difference between attacking the real issues and just wining. 

It's funny how people don't dare to bring up how many people in our class bracket rob the system every day.  Everything is screwed.  
thats ducktales.

no way to raise 4 kids as a single parent in the USA without government assistance. sorry. ( my mom was a single mother with a full time job AND child support in OHIO and WE needed government assistance at times) its impossible. dont be ashamed. you just cant sit here like you're on a high horse talking down to people on government assistance.

in fact, ill show you just how wrong you are;

you lived with your moms friend who was a parapalegic? so that parapalegic's rent was paid for by the salary they earned at their full time job? oh. what job did the aforementioned parapalegic hold?
 why did your mom have the parapalegic watch you guys? prolly cause she couldnt afford childcare...why was the parapalegic able to watch you guys instead of having to hold a full time job? OH. so, the only reason your mother could find childcare that was affordable was because the parapalegic didnt have to hold a full time job to pay the rent of the place you ALL stayed in? oh.

the system is corrupt? i can get you to agree with that? cool. why isnt that enough for people to occupy wall street? why do they need anything more than that? oh.

many people supporting this movement are a joke?

well, obviously more than a couple not supporting this movement are jokes, as well...

cheers, tho.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


(on anothe rnote, why aint you down there rashi?)


Took my wife, and with a couple of friends drove up to the Federal Reserve of Atlanta over the weekend.


me and you often argue at great length with much emotion and name calling....i wouldnt even say i like you...

but thats definitely whats up, and, ive always had a level of respect for you....

i think youre a lil far down the rabbit hole, and we dont agree much, but

we definitely agree here.

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

PS Kanye stopped by Occupy Wall St wearing Givenchy. Lulz.

at least he went.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Curb I think we're all on the same page... but looking at it differently. I simply stated that a lot of the people supporting this movement are spoiled kids. Did I say the main cause is nothing? Did I say nothing wrong is going on? No. The way our financial system is set up is screwed. This isn't going to change overnight. I feel for the people who know whats going on, who have been affected in their hard working lives, who have spent every day down there. However, I don't see that crowding the streets will have much effect on the machine. But if it does, great.
thats fine. im not thinking this will do much, either.

but im proud of my fellow americans for actually DOING SOMETHING

however misguided and futile it may be....they're doing SOMETHING

and i find it kinda upsetting that people, even on NT, are cricizing and discouraging people in the movement.....

mostly with very weak, and downright ignorant rationalizations, i.e. "most of them are spoiled kids"

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

spoiled kids?


yall sound like the spoiled kids tho

Actually my mom received no government assistance and didn't even get financial aid.  But nice try.  And what do you mean I was born into it higher?  When my parents divorced, my dad kicked us out so we lived with my mom's friend and her multiple kids including a paraplegic... she made us go to bed at 6 pm because she didn't want to watch us and my mom was barely home.  Not quite sure how that is higher but ok.

Did I say once the system is okay?  I actually said there def is corrupt things going on, of course.   But many of the people supporting this movement are a joke.  I'm not spoiled at all.  I've been living on my own since I was 18... 6 years later I'm going back to college and I've been busting my $*! to make a living.  There is a difference between attacking the real issues and just wining. 

It's funny how people don't dare to bring up how many people in our class bracket rob the system every day.  Everything is screwed.  
thats ducktales.

no way to raise 4 kids as a single parent in the USA without government assistance. sorry. ( my mom was a single mother with a full time job AND child support in OHIO and WE needed government assistance at times) its impossible. dont be ashamed. you just cant sit here like you're on a high horse talking down to people on government assistance.

in fact, ill show you just how wrong you are;

you lived with your moms friend who was a parapalegic? so that parapalegic's rent was paid for by the salary they earned at their full time job? oh. what job did the aforementioned parapalegic hold?
 why did your mom have the parapalegic watch you guys? prolly cause she couldnt afford childcare...why was the parapalegic able to watch you guys instead of having to hold a full time job? OH. so, the only reason your mother could find childcare that was affordable was because the parapalegic didnt have to hold a full time job to pay the rent of the place you ALL stayed in? oh.

the system is corrupt? i can get you to agree with that? cool. why isnt that enough for people to occupy wall street? why do they need anything more than that? oh.

many people supporting this movement are a joke?

well, obviously more than a couple not supporting this movement are jokes, as well...

cheers, tho.
I'm sorry, did you live with us?  I'm pretty sure you didn't.  Why would I lie on Niketalk about my life being worse than it was for sake of argument with a complete stranger?  You got problems dude.

And second I never said her friend was paraplegic, her kid was... but ok...
Wowzers at this dude downplaying the struggles this dudes moms went through...if to you that idea is that far fetched you are living proof of how sheltered americans are...

And yes, Diddy is entertaining, watching Lebron Dunk is fun...but I ask you this, are these things more valuable than having Dr. Leibowitz do a heart transplant??...yet I'm sure he's not seeing no where near Diddy money, Hell, I think Wale making more than your average doctor
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


(on anothe rnote, why aint you down there rashi?)


Took my wife, and with a couple of friends drove up to the Federal Reserve of Atlanta over the weekend.


me and you often argue at great length with much emotion and name calling....i wouldnt even say i like you...

but thats definitely whats up, and, ive always had a level of respect for you....

i think youre a lil far down the rabbit hole, and we dont agree much, but

we definitely agree here.

Kanye showed up to a demonstration... completely composed of people who are fighting against major corporations and the power struggle... in designer-wear, didn't talk to anyone, and left. Yeah, glad he went. lol.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Is it ok for her to work 4 jobs...idk, she's happy with her choice, she's offering her kids the best she can, question is IS HER DAUGHTER going to be one of those kids protesting in the future????...probable, so who's to blame then??...her mother???..the government that gave her the opportunity to work those jobs and make the money she makes???...or her daughter for being a #%!%$%@ and wasting her education away??...yeah I'll wait for an answer.. To answer your question, I've been working since the age of 14 bro...I've scrubbed floors, have cleaned up human $+$$ from restrooms, have gotten up at 4 am as a 19 year old kid to go receive shipment at burgerking for a 6.50$ an hour, washed dishes, worked all night and then school all day, slept 2 hours and then repeated the routine....I feel no pity for anyone down there and wouldn't expect anyone to feel sorry for me.

so instead of realizing that the 6.50 you were getting paid is #%#@%@!*, especially since some guy got paid 16.50 to sit in the office and watch you clean human turds up, and his boss got paid 160k a year to watch him watch you clean turds, you say "thats how its supposed to be"?


you said "idk if its okay" she has to work 4 jobs to pay for an education thats more than the "average salary" the education is being attained for

you only said that because we are in some sort of quasi-argument, at least, in your eyes....

you know damn well thats whats wrong with our country.

why is school even 40k a year to begin with?

if we werent able to take out loans and lines of credit would college be 40k a year?

if you couldnt finance a 35k car, would the cars be sold for 35k?

same with houses. if you couldnt get financing for a 140k house....would the house be set at 140k?

think about those three questions a second before you respond.

now you're telling me, since thats the way me and you grew up, that system, which is broken and wrong, should stay in place?

we shouldnt try to fix that for future generations of our society? we shouldnt speak out or demonstrate to exhibit our unrest?

we shouldnt address the ridiculousness of paying 90k for a degree which pays you 30k a year?

no, we should just discourage and talk down to those "too lazy" to work 4 jobs to send their kids to college, because, hey, people are out here doing it, obviously, right?

Oh wait so in an ideal world, everyone would have free education and have a 6 figure job waiting for them the second the cap goes flying in the air, in an ideal world you and your boss will be in the same pay bracket??...righhhhhhhhhttttt

Naive NTer is Naive
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

I'm sorry, did you live with us?  I'm pretty sure you didn't.  Why would I lie on Niketalk about my life being worse than it was for sake of argument with a complete stranger?  You got problems dude.

And second I never said her friend was paraplegic, her kid was... but ok...

again, she recieved social security payments for her parapalegic lived in her recieved government assistance.

she watched you, instead of working, therefore, someone other than her and your mother paid the rent for the place you lived right?

im going to assume it was from payments for her parapalegic child...

regardless of the details of the story i didnt pay much attention to, the fact remains......

its impossible for a single woman to raise 4 kids without any form of government assistance...period. and i showed you exactly how you indirectly benefited from social security payments on the parapalegic individual.

you can play the proud role all you want.

what if you mom aint have a friend to go live with? not everyone's mom has "a friend" they could go live with....not everyone's mom has "a friend" that will watch their kids while they work....

so however bad you had it, theres worse....

and for everyone one person who can beat the odds and struggle out of that position and attain something better, there at 10 who cant...

and it isnt because theyre lazy, entitled or spoiled, either...

theres a broken system and there are victims of the system. These people are protesting the broken system.


thats all im saying.

(im not even trynna go back and forth with you)
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm


Do I live in a different country or something...why is it that my co-workers work 2-3 jobs if they want the best college education for their kids without going into coworker works 4 jobs!!!...not once have I heard her complaint about it, she gladly pays out of pocket 40k a year for her daughter's education and this way no money will be owed at the end.....if given the opportunity to work day and night to these people who are affected, would they do it???...if the only way to get ahead was by scrubbing floors and wanshing dishes would they do it????...why are some of you so stubborn and close minded as to see that no matter how hard things seem in America, the doors of opportunity are still there, doors that have never been open to people in other just have to be wise about the decisions you make, money is there to be made bros.

so youre saying its right that your coworker works 4 jobs to pay for an education for her daughter which promises to give her daughter an average yearly salary lower than a year of the actual tuition to the school?

thats how its supposed to be?

nevermind that college tuition is hyperinflated....

nevermind your coworker has to work 4 jobs to put her kids through college...

no, lets point fingers and talk down to those who DONT work 4 jobs to send their kids to school....cause they're lazy....


we live in the same country, but we're obviously from two different worlds...

you asking if people would do whatever, even wash dishes and scrub floors, i ask YOU, ksteezy, who isnt poor by any means, WOULD YOU SCRUB FLOORS TO MAKE IT?

part of me wants to go out on a limb and say youve never scrubbed anything but expensive sneakers....but what do i know?

the doors of opportunity are still there? lmao, yes, a job making 7 bucks an hour at walmart with no benefits is a huge door of opportunity afforded to the average american, a luxury that people in 3rd world countries arent afforded. you got it, guy.

(of course there is more opportunity here than in, say, liberia, HOWEVER, that doesnt mean we havent seen a major decline in opportunity and can't voice our displeasure over it, ESPECIALLY when the mega rich are actually becoming richer than theyve EVER been in the HISTORY of society....not to mention, at the same time, the poor are becoming even poorer. no reason to be upset or mad about any of that at all, you got it. )

maybe yall arent mad or upset because you live a pretty comfortable life that you imagine is the average american experience....

just maybe.
colleges actually operate an an operating loss and usually make up the difference in gov't grants (which has dried up significantly since the cold war ended) and alumni contributions. 
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Wowzers at this dude downplaying the struggles this dudes moms went through...if to you that idea is that far fetched you are living proof of how sheltered americans are...

And yes, Diddy is entertaining, watching Lebron Dunk is fun...but I ask you this, are these things more valuable than having Dr. Leibowitz do a heart transplant??...yet I'm sure he's not seeing no where near Diddy money, Hell, I think Wale making more than your average doctor
   "are those things more valuable" i mean, thats an objective question...i could be a **** and say "YES, THEY ARE"

your average doctor is one of thousands of average doctors who preform average surgeries...

now, the top brain surgeon in the world, you think he makes as much as your average doctor or more closer to "wale money"?


a jay z verse is expensive. why? theres only one way to get a verse from jay z....thats pay him to make it. theres one man on the planet that could give you a jay z verse...thats him. if you want it, if the demand is high enough, youll pay whatever he asks. there are a million doctors on the why would any of them make as much as jay z does when he has a monopoly on the "jay z verse" department?

the demand for a jay z verse dictates the value of a jay z verse...whereas the value of these bakers has nothing to do with the individual....ANY CEO IN THOSE POSITIONS WOULD MAKE THE SAME DECISIONS AND BE COMPENSATED THE SAME 100 MILLION DOLLAR CHECK


its not a case of "i want to see an entertaining dunk from one specific human"

im not downplaying any struggles, its called reality. people come on here and make ridiculous #$@ statements, i know its not my job to check people but i cant help it.

no way i believe a single mother with 4 kids didnt recieve government assistance...i mean, based on the information from her "whining" (since, you know, its nothing but whining babies occupying wall street) we learned that she lived with someone who collected social security for a paralyzed child...the same person who watched them while her mother worked....

if thats downplaying her mothers struggles, whatever....

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Oh wait so in an ideal world, everyone would have free education and have a 6 figure job waiting for them the second the cap goes flying in the air, in an ideal world you and your boss will be in the same pay bracket??...righhhhhhhhhttttt

Naive NTer is Naive
you read what i typed and understood it completely.

you are a very very intuitive person.

my thoughts and outlook on the situation are completely naive and stupid and come from a lazy and spoiled mindset that is shared with a majority of the average americans.


sarcastic nter is sarcastic.

Originally Posted by kidplay

colleges actually operate an an operating loss and usually make up the difference in gov't grants (which has dried up significantly since the cold war ended) and alumni contributions. 
yeah ohio state violates the state constitution and has raised tuition every quarter more than the law mandates,  since 01, because they're operating at a loss....they make absolutely no money. you got it. they're a virtual nonprofit.

nevermind the 5- and 6-figure salaries for many of the top management positions of these universities...nevermind that.

like i said, if there were no loans for college, would college be 40k a year?

if it was 40k a year without the opportunity for financing the debt, who would go?

how many more kids wouldnt be able to afford college?

how drastically will the college population be reduced if you couldnt finance 40k to go to college each year?

my guess is that all the colleges would either drop tuition to something affordable and reasonable....

or they would go bankrupt....

same with car companies....same with real estate firms...

listen, everything in this country was had been hyperinflating since the 80s....when that inflation bubble burst...people realized "damn, !%@$ was inflated"


370k houses......foreclosed.....resold.....for...80k....

the land its on is worth, 25k , realistically, and the house isnt even worth 35k....lmao but it was 370k before...why? BECAUSE YOU COULD JUST SIGN SOME PAPERS AND PAY IT OFF OVER 60 YEARS



the house wouldnt have ever been 350k cause nobody is dropping 10% of that in cash the day they sign...why? its quite impossible.

thats why the uber easy and convienient home loan was brought about, where you could get a fixed intrest rate, and pay what you pay to rent, to own a beautiful 450k house...

but the bankers who profitted to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars EACH CEO? nah, that has NOTHING to do with them...absolutely NOTHING to do with them...

its all the spoiled and lazy americans......and their entitlement complex...


why try to get a 450k house for the same mortgage payments you rent a 2 br apartment for now?

why would you stupid, entitled americans ever want to do that?


perspective, get some.

its lunch time, see you guys later.
The big banks are corrupt and did serious damage to this country, no one is arguing that. But this is all government sanctioned, thr govt empowered these banks and fostered an environment for this shady business to continue. This has been going on for decades, the govt could had stopped this from the beginning but chose not to. As for Hank moody saying wheres the proof that its the governments fault? Its called the federal reserve act look it up. Attacking corps is foolish when the legal system in place are the ones that support them.
All I'm going to say with regard to College tuition, which actually applies to everything.

The more you subsidize something, the more expensive it gets. In anything.
you think its the subsidizing as in the government aiding or promoting universities with public money, or subsidizing as in the bank will give you 120k over 4 years?

i think its the latter.
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